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Early modern Amsterdam was an ultra-modern city, laid out conforming to the triple demand of functionality, beauty and profit; a city that takes a unique place in European urban history because of its location, design, and impressive... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
The nineteenth-century street layout of Brisbane, designed for a small provincial town, had become a significant problem by the beginning of the twentieth century. The laying of tram lines in Adelaide Street between 1915 and 1917... more
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of PlanningAustralian architectureHistory of Urban Planning
Tegen het einde van de zestiende eeuw begon Amsterdam met het planten van bomen langs grachten en op pleinen. Amsterdam was niet de eerste Hollandse stad die dat deed. Bomen werden tijdens de zeventiende-eeuwse stadsuitbreidingen een... more
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      HistoryHistorical GeographyUrban GeographyArt History
Dispersion is a long-term structure in southern highlands of Ecuador and not simply the result of stereotypical suburbanization as it is frequently problematized by local urban studies. The concept of long-term structure is key to... more
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      Historical GeographyUrban GeographySettlement PatternsLandscape Urbanism
Pubblicato nel Dossier "Pioniere", qui: Vittoria Calzolari, nata nel 1924 e scomparsa a giugno di quest'anno, è stata una paesaggista, architetta... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesHistory of PlanningUrban Design
De 17e-eeuwse stadsuitbreidingen van Amsterdam zijn vaak beschouwd als het beste wat er aan stedenbouw in de Republiek is gerealiseerd. Deze waardering geldt, vanzelfsprekend, het resultaat: het aangelegde stadsplan met bebouwing, zoals... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Published in “Territorio”, XVII, 64 (2013), pp. 75-81
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      Urban PlanningArchitectural HistoryHousingSociology of the Middle Classes
"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical GeographyUrban Geography
Book review published in 'Journal of Historical Geography'
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      Architectural HistoryModernismHistory of Planning
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      HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
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      History of PlanningUrban planning historyCanberraHistory of Urban Planning
Dutch Architects in the South African Republic Jaap Evert Abrahamse South Africa is one of the eight countries taking part in the Mutual Cultural Heritage programme, which was set up by the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
La salvaguardia della città storica, la sua conservazione e modificazione, sono state le ipotesi di un lungo ed eterogeneo progetto collettivo di matrice europea che ha veicolato nel mondo un’idea di città. Il progetto della città... more
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      ArchitectureHeritage ConservationUrbanismHistory of Planning
Since ancient times, most cities have been established in locations that possess natural attributes that are essential for the survival and wellbeing of their citizens. Such attributes have included harbours, permanent freshwater sources,... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental HistoryCultural LandscapesUrban Studies
This paper examines how the garden city idea was introduced to China in the early 20th century and subsequently promoted by Chinese intellectuals and urban administrators as a means to promote urban improvement, economic development and... more
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      Historical GeographyUrban GeographyAsian StudiesCultural Heritage
In de jaren zestig van de twintigste eeuw was Nederland in de ban van een ongekende welvaartstoename. De wederopbouw was voltooid; de bakens werden verzet naar het magische jaar 2000. Het land zou onherkenbaar van gezicht veranderen. Dit... more
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      Real EstateHistoryUrban PoliticsUrban History
Programmazione economica e riforma urbanistica sono due dei temi caldi con cui la coalizione di centrosinistra si presenta al Paese. I discorsi del riformismo passano -anche e soprattutto -attraverso la mise en forme di una politica di... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningHistory of Planning
This article examines the introduction and spreading of the CIAM models and theories in the schools of architecture in Colombian universities from the first experimentation in Bogotá —that can be read parallel to some urban projects by... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismModern ArchitectureHistory of Planning
In 1791 Pierre L’Enfant was commissioned to begin work on the federal city meant to be the capital of the new United States. It had been two years since the Constitution of the United States had come into effect; the strong federal... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningHistory of PlanningHistory of Architecture and Town PlanningWashington DC
Between 1585 and 1663, during Amsterdam’s Golden Age, the city’s built-up area increased by more than fivefold. This growth over the centuries captured the attention of historians and city planners who analysed Amsterdam’s development... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
"The increase in the population of Amsterdam and its economy led in the seventeenth century to expansion on an unprecedented scale. In the years 1585-1680 the population grew by a factor of eight and the builtup area by a factor of five.... more
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      HistoryGeographyUrban GeographyUrban History
A review of Peter L. Laurence's just-published BECOMING JANE JACOBS (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016).
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      Behavioral GeographyUrban GeographyArchitectureEnvironmental Psychology
Das Ruhrgebiet war bekanntlich eine der größten Industrieregionen Europas. Mit dem Niedergang der Montanindustrie Bergbaus setzte Ende der 1950er Jahre der Strukturwandel ein. Ein wichtiger Schritt vom Produktions- zum Forschungsstandort... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of EducationArchitectural HistoryHistory of Universities
The Netherlands is the most densely urbanized country in Europe. Its crowded landscape of larger and smaller, older and younger towns was formed in the course of a millennium. What were the roots of this urban landscape, and how did it... more
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      HistoryGeographyHistorical GeographyUrban Geography
Historians of town planning routinely emphasize the importance of the ‘Athens Charter’, a document said to have emerged from C.I.A.M. IV, the Fourth Congress of the Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne (C.I.A.M.) held in 1933.... more
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      HistoryHistory of IdeasArchitectureArchitectural History
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      Landscape ArchitectureHistory of PlanningHistory of Architecture and Town Planning
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      Urban PlanningArchitectural HistoryArchitectural TheoryModern Architecture
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      Cultural StudiesInterdisciplinarityArchitectural HistoryContemporary Vernacular Architecture
One of the leading urban planners of his time, Henri Prost was invited to İstanbul in 1936 to draw up the city's master plan. Prost's plans span from 1936 to 1951. The exhibition was curated by Pierre Pinon, known for his work on... more
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      History of PlanningHistory of IstanbulUrban planning historyUrban and Planning History
Tussen 1585 en 1685 groeide Amsterdam uit van regionale havenstad tot centrum van de wereldhandel. De snel stijgende vraag naar ruimte voor havens en industrie ging gepaard met een explosieve bevolkingsgroei. Dit alles leidde tot een... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistoryGeography
Manhattan The Bronx Queens Brooklyn Staten Island New Jersey Works Proposed and Realized by Robert Moses Il primo e più sentito ringraziamento va ai miei tutors. Giovanna Bianchi mi ha guidato per mano nel mondo della ricerca. Con i suoi... more
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      Urban PlanningHistory of PlanningNew YorkRobert Moses
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      HistoryUrban GeographyEarly Modern HistoryUrban History
Herbert Simon é hoje um dos autores mais importantes no campo do design, e seu livro The Sciences of the Artificial (1969) é considerado um marco no desenvolvimento da teoria do design. Simon defende a existência de uma nova ciência que... more
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      DesignDesign HistoryDesign MethodsDesign Theory
This article presses the case for planning theory to recognize the historicity of historical time, i.e. the argument that ideas about how the past, present, and future relate to each other are specific to particular life-worlds and cannot... more
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      Urban PlanningPostcolonial TheoryHistory of Planning
From Interface: Race and Spatial Imaginary: Planning Otherwise/Introduction: What Shakes Loose When We Imagine Otherwise/She Made the Vision True: A Journey Toward Recognition and Belonging/Isha Black or Isha White? Racial Identity and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoric PreservationUrban PlanningAfrican American Studies
The metaphorical analogies between urban spaces and memory have often been stated. I do understand metaphors not as mere rhetorical ornaments, but as hints on (more or less) hidden structures. Thomas S. Kuhn (1979) and Gorge Lakoff (1980)... more
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      Cultural HeritageInterdisciplinarityUrban HistorySigmund Freud
In 1967 the state planning office Miastoprojekt Krakow from socialist Poland delivered the master plan of Baghdad which, together with its amendment that followed in 1973, provided the legal framework for the development of the Iraqi... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMiddle East StudiesIraqi HistoryUrban Planning
This book is an exploration of a period in the history of Colombia’s capital in the mid-twentieth century through the eyes of one of its most prominent planners and politicians. Jorge Gaitán Cortés, an architect and an urban planner, was... more
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      Urban PoliticsColombiaUrban HistoryUrban Planning
Cet ouvrage invite le lecteur à jeter un nouveau regard sur le patrimoine néoclassique qui, bien que omniprésent en région bruxelloise, reste relativement méconnu. A la croisée du siècle des Lumières et de celui de l’industrialisation, en... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHeritage StudiesUrban HistoryArchitectural History
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical GeographyUrban GeographyColonialism (History)
Punto culminante e al tempo stesso simbolo della crisi della programmazione economica nazionale degli anni sessanta, il “Progetto ’80” rappresenta il tentativo più ambizioso, nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra, di immaginare uno scenario... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningHistory of PlanningItalyNational Economic Planning
Otto Koenigsberger (1908-1999) is best known for his pioneering work in the fields of tropical architecture and development planning, which he conducted from his base at the Architectural Association and later at the Development Planning... more
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      ArchitectureSouth Asian StudiesUrban PlanningColonialism
A review on Planning models developed in contemporary Iran.
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      Urban PlanningIranian StudiesHistory of Planning
1 Il 9 maggio 1936, a quattro giorni dalla conquista di Addis Abeba da parte dell'esercito italiano, Mussolini aveva annunciato la "fondazione dell'Impero".
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      Urban And Regional PlanningHistory of PlanningTown planningCity and Regional Planning
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      History of PlanningHistory of architecture
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      Historical GeographyUrban GeographyCultural HeritageUrban History
El trabajo analiza la influencia de Henri Lefebvre en el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid, 1985. Se contraponen algunos de los principales elementos de su pensamiento urbano, como 'derecho a la ciudad', 'apropiación', 'vida... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyRadical Geography
The industrialization of New York and its rise to economic dominance brought about a major restructuring of street life and unleashed an array of contradictory everyday urban cultures. In a still under-regulated environment, the commoning... more
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      Historical GeographyCommonsLandscape ArchitectureUrban History
La preocupación central fue detectar dos cuestiones en el marco de los procesos de modernización que vivieron las ciudades argentinas a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: a) la importancia que la atención de la problemática... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory of PlanningHistoria UrbanaUrban planning history