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      French LiteratureRenaissance StudiesChristian KabbalahKabbalah, Christian Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism
"Questa raccolta di saggi offre al lettore le più recenti considerazioni sui rapporti tra alchimia e medicina nel medioevo, presentate dai maggiori specialisti sull’argomento in campo internazionale. Questi rapporti – multiformi e vari –... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of MedicineMedieval Studies
Abstract Some pages from the « Apology for Raymond Sebond » and the last chapter of the Essays suggest that Montaigne conceive the experience of scepticism (i.e. both the experience we have of scepticism and the experience that... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyMichel de MontaignePhenomenology of the body
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      MedecinePhytotherapyHistoire de la médecineHistory of Medecine
Abstract— nowadays, it is essential for medical professionals to organize and keep track of their patients’ medical records. Keeping this kind of information is absolutely not an easy task, especially with a numerous amount of records and... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth CommunicationHealth Promotion
En Union soviétique, l'usage de la psychiatrie contre les protestataires à partir des années 1960 suscite la mobilisation de Soviétiques qui dénoncent des violations des droits de l'homme. Leur stratégie consiste à construire une cause... more
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      International RelationsSoviet Union (History)History of MedecinePolitical Repressions In the USSR
Resumo: O objetivo desse artigo é comparar alguns aspectos das epidemias de peste bubônica no Porto, em 1899, e no Brasil, mais especificamente no Rio de Janeiro, de 1900 a 1906. Em primeiro lugar, compararemos como se realizou o... more
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      History of MedecineHistory of Portugal and BrazilBubonic Plague In Europe
JTS / TUBA 55, December 2021, pp. 179-196.
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      History of ScienceOsmanlı TarihiHistory of MedecineBilim Tarihi
Frédéric Sanssens et Michel Weber, Philosopher, guérir et sanctifier. Dialogues sur la voie druidique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2020. (ISBN978-2-930517-66-7, pdf 978-2-930517-67-4)... more
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionPhilosophical TheologyWilliam James
Louis Pasteur: ¿Héroe o Villano? En la fastuosa tumba de Pasteur, en el centro del Instituto Pasteur de Paris, hay grabada una lista con sus supuestas hazañas científicas, a saber: 1857 - Fermentaciones. 1862 - La llamada generación... more
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      History of MedecineMédecineNatural MedecineMédecine Générale
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      IntersexualityHistory of Medecine
В статье проанализирован опыт размещения травмирующих материалов в медицинских экспозициях и применения возрастных ограничений в музейной экспозиции. Сотрудники музеев сталкиваются со сложной задачей размещения в экспозиции материалов,... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignMuseum EthicsMuseums
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      Ancient PhilosophyAncient Greek LanguageHistory of Medecine
Décrit comme une « accusation facile à porter, difficile à prouver et plus difficile encore à repousser », le viol est, au début du ‚XIXe siècle, un crime principalement basé sur des preuves circonstancielles et morales. Une sortie... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeGender HistoryQuébec History
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      Khmer StudiesCambodiaKhmer LanguageMedecine
Parmi les traductions italiennes du "Régime du corps" d’Aldebrandin de Sienne, se distingue la "Philosomia degli huomini", une mise en vers par Battista Caracino, tirée du chapitre physiognomonique du traité et datant de la fin du XVe... more
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      PhysiognomyHistory of MedecineAldobrandino of Siena
Louis Pasteur: ¿Héroe o Villano? En la fastuosa tumba de Pasteur, en el centro del Instituto Pasteur de Paris, hay grabada una lista con sus supuestas hazañas científicas, a saber: 1857 - Fermentaciones. 1862 - La llamada generación... more
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      History of MedecineMédecineNatural MedecineMédecine Générale
Atacar la reputación de un hombre famoso es un asunto serio, especialmente uno que ha posado, y ha sido aceptado, como uno de los mejores científicos del mundo. Durante muchos años, Pasteur ha sido considerado como un fundador y un líder... more
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      History of MedecineMédecineNatural MedecineMédecine Interne
Atacar la reputación de un hombre famoso es un asunto serio, especialmente uno que ha posado, y ha sido aceptado, como uno de los mejores científicos del mundo. Durante muchos años, Pasteur ha sido considerado como un fundador y un líder... more
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      MedecineHistory of MedecineMédecine Générale
The first volume of Viaggiatori “Curatele” series seeks to recreate some scientific dialogues, namely meetings, exchanges and acquisition of theoretical and practical scientific knowledge, thus linking the cultural, historical and... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyModern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      History of ScienceAlchemySymbologyWestern Esotericism (History)
تتطرق هذه الدراسة إلى الوضع الصحي بالجزائر أواخر الحكم العثماني بالبلاد سنة 1792 تاريخ تحرير وهران و المرسى الكبير من الاحتلال الإسباني إلى غاية نهاية مقاومة الأمير عبد القادر عام 1847 . من خلال ما طرأ على السكان من أمراض وأوبئة متمثلة... more
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      EpidemiologyContemporary AlgeriaHistory of Medecine
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    • History of Medecine
The treatise Des monstres et prodiges (1579, 1585) by Ambroise Paré includes a vignette depicting a monstruous embryo in the form of a human head surrounded with snakes. This picture belongs to the iconographic tradition relating to the... more
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    • History of Medecine
Epidemics and pandemics through the ages
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      Black DeathHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeHistory of MedecineHistory of City Gdansk
La vicenda della famiglia Magiotti di Montevarchi, il ruolo dei suoi esponenti principali in un dinamico paese di provincia, la carriera e i rapporti stretti nella capitale, offrono lo spunto per approfondire talune vicende del periodo a... more
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      History of PlagueFamily historyLocal and regional historyHistory of Medecine
A Abbas, Haly (Ali ibn al-Abbas al Majusi) 547,
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      PhilologyHistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
in Current Research in Egyptology 2019. Proceedings of  the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of  Alcalá,  17–21 June 2019, Archéopress, 2021, p. 142-156.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyHistory of Medecine
The first section of this paper discusses the Greek notions of parthenos (virgin), and parthenia (virginity). More precisely, I will revisit the arguments made in Le Corps virginal (1986: Paris: Vrin), a book translated into English, as... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
La malattia è una convinzione e io nacqui con quella convinzione Italo Svevo -La coscienza di Zeno
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      Italian LiteratureSigmund FreudHypochondriaTobacco Addiction
RESUMO - Passam-se em revista as notícias da imprensa europeia sobre a loucura da rainha D. Maria I de Portugal no ano em que se declarou a sua doença, 1792. Comparam-se em especial as notícias da Gazeta de Lisboa, único jornal português,... more
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      History Of Madness And Psychiatry18th CenturyThe queen D. Maria I of Portugal (1734-1816)History of Medecine
Hospital Archives Conference Program
see: La vita appesa a un filo for conference paper
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      Archival StudiesHistory of ArchivesMedicineArchivística
La definizione di morte nella letteratura medica francese del XIX secolo
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    • History of Medecine
Georges Canguilhem af­firmait que la notion de milieu s’était constituée « comme catégorie de la pensée contemporaine ». En effet, depuis que la biologie de Lamarck a établi le postulat de l’influence des milieux de vie dans l’évolution... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of BiologyPhilosophy of Technology
Dans cette conférence, je montre que les cinq sens ont une histoire et une géographie, qu'ils s'éduquent. Toujours et partout, cette éducation finit par produire une conception du corps et de ce qui l'anime qui "fait sens" pour une... more
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      History of MentalitiesBody, Mind and Spirit ConnectionHistory of MedecineFive Senses
Contribution scientifique en tant qu'historienne aux articles:
-"Comment tout a commencé", Marielle Mayo
-"De funestes compagnons de route", Marielle Mayo
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyPrecolumbian archaelogyHistory of Medecine
Cet article présente une chronique du projet ANR jeunes chercheur Philomed que j'ai co-dirigé entre 2009-2013 et qui a réuni une équipe de 14 chercheurs travaillant sur la question de l'articulation entre mèdecine, anthropologie et... more
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      Medical Anthropology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of ScienceHistory of Anthropology
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyGeorges CanguilhemEmile DurkheimHistory of Medecine
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      History of Human SciencesHistory of MedecineImpact of Social Sciences and Humanities
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      Islamic LawLogicArabic LiteratureMedieval History
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      History of ScienceHistory of AtomismGalenAncient Philosophy
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      HistoryModern HistoryEconomic HistorySocial History
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      Italian StudiesRisorgimentoItalian HistoryHistory of Medecine
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeGender HistoryQuébec History
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceVisual CultureCultural Theory
The main goal of the conference was to assess the research on useful films made during the first half of the 20th century by neurologists and psychiatrists in Europe for clinical, educational and archival purposes. Long marginalized by... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyNeurologyFilm StudiesHistory of Psychiatry
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    • History of Medecine
This article analyzes some publications of Ernestina Pérez Barahona (1865- 1951), the second Chilean and Latin American female physician. It exposes her concern for the public health and, more precisely, for the problem of the Chilean... more
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      History of Women's StudiesHistory of Race and EthnicityHistory of Medecine
Distribution électronique pour Les Belles lettres.
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      HistoryJewish StudiesFrench HistoryHistory of Medicine
Si les miracles de Lourdes sont célèbres, que savons-nous de la manière dont ils sont proclamés ? Portant un regard neuf sur un phénomène habituellement appréhendé uniquement dans sa dimension religieuse, cet ouvrage propose de se pencher... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionAnthropology