History of Lesbos island
Most downloaded papers in History of Lesbos island
The word /lazpa/ ({la-az-pa-} is marked as a place in two cuneiform documents from around 1300 BCE (KUB 5.6: ii, 57, 60; CTH 191). In one, the Hittite King consults an oracle about the Deity of Lazpa; in the other, the ruler of “Seha”... more
KUB 5.6: ii. 57, 60 names a “Divinity of Lazpa” consulted by Mursili II (1321-1295). KUB 19.5 + KBo 19.79 (Houwink ten Cate 1983-84: 38-40), from the reign of Muwatalli II (1295-1271), describes an attack on Lazpa in which workers... more
Sappho mentions apples in two different passages. In fragment 2, 1 she summons Aphrodite to a shrine located in an ἄλσος μαλίαν, a grove of apple-trees.
Both the date and source of the Aeolian migration to Asia Minor are far from clear; in CAH3 2.2, Hammond (706) dated it with some precision to around 1100 BCE, but Cook (778) placed it anywhere between 2300 BC and 1000BC. There is little... more
Aristotle spent two years in Mytilene, on the Greek island of Lesbos. It is believed that he carried out his biological research on Lesbos, ‘prowling’ around the lagoon of modern Kalloni, identified with the euripus of Pyrrha, a... more
The generic term marmor Lesbium occurs quite often in the archaeological literature, though the cases where it is commented with more than one or two text lines are no more than four or five, as many as the ancient written testimonia on... more
The state of preservation of the Roman aqueduct at Moria makes it unlikely that it was built before the earthquake that virtually destroyed Mytilene under the proconsul Antonius Albus (Aristides 49.38), probably in 148 CE. On Lesvos... more
In Odes 1.7, Horace compares a list of Greek cities unfavourably with Tibur. The list begins with Rhodes and Mytilene, although neither was reputed to be the most beautiful or most famous city in Greece. However, each was famous as a city... more
This article attempts to find a context in 2nd-century Lesbos for the dedication by Longus' narrator, self-identified as a hunter, to the Nymphs, Pan and Eros.
When the narrator’s father praises Vasilis for his first brave act, he calls him an antreiomenos Ellinas, a brave Hellene (Myrivilis 1990, 27). In pre-liberation Lesvos, the use of Ellinas rather than Romios for a Greek-speaking Christian... more
The Lines of Passage (in medias res) book accompanied the exhibition which demonstrated a variety of connections among narratives of memory and expressions of differing intensities and approaches through artworks selected from the... more
Lupus in Fabula, seriously? Traps and Fables in Daphnis and Chloe 1. 11-12 This paper is about a lupus (strictly speaking a lupa) in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe, a text which might very well have been termed a fabula in Latin. The kind of... more
A paper given to ICAN V (International Conference on the Ancient Novel. I attempt to show that the family of Macrinus "Neos Theophanes' (cos 117) and benefactor of Mytilene would be ideal readers of Longus' Daphnis and Chloe
This study traces the works of the great folk painter Theophilos Hadjimichael of Lesvos, guided by the lights of history, literature, tradition, art and culture, especially in those paintings which place their source of inspiration in... more
Sull'isola di Lesbo, in Grecia, c'è il più grande hotspot d'Europa: il Moria Camp. Istituito nel 2015 per far fronte agli sbarchi di migranti che attraversano l'Egeo per raggiungere l'Europa dalle coste turche, è attrezzato per ospitare... more