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International relations as we know them emerged through the peace of Westphalia, and the discipline of International Relations emerged in 1919 and developed through a First Great Debate between idealists and realists. These are the... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsHistorical SociologyInternational Relations Theory
The Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the World and International Relations was established as a research unit of the Institute of History in 1981. Its purpose was to meet the strong demand of the day for expanding research... more
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    • History of International Relations
This chapter provides a historical background to the present book and contributes to the international literature about the RoC by exploring the important drivers behind the country’s foreign policy, from 1960 to 2004. These drivers... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsInternational StudiesInternational organizations
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
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      Business EthicsReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
1914–1991 arası dönemi analiz eden “Diplomasi Tarihi II” kitabını yazmaya bizi yönlendiren en temel faktör kısa bir süre içinde üç baskı yapan “Diplomasi Tarihi I” kitabımıza meslektaşlarımızdan ve öğrencilerimizden gelen olumlu... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsDiplomatic StudiesWorld History
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
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      MarketingReligionHistoryCultural History
The ancient Hellenic world was composed of more sovereign states than the contemporary one. Aristotle alone studied the constitutions of over150 city-states or poleis. As such it was a microcosm of a sociocultural system which existed... more
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      International RelationsClassicsHistory of International RelationsAncient Greek Philosophy
In her new book, Turkish-American Relations (1800-1952): Between the Stars, Stripes and the Crescent, Associate Prof. Şuhnaz Yılmaz of the Department of International Relations at Koç University, aims to take the reader on a fascinating... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East Studies
The Middle Ages occupy a central yet problematic role as both the point of origins in historical narratives of IR and as the ever-present Other in the conceptual apparatus of the discipline. In this chapter, I focus on three ways of... more
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      History of International RelationsTheory and history of international relationsHistorical International Relations
Основное внимание уделяется рассмотрению места и роли азиатских стран в системе внешнеэкономических связей России в конце ХІХ - начале ХХ века
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      Economic HistoryAsian StudiesRussian StudiesWorld History
Chapter: The Tungsten War: Spain, USA and England during the WWII
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      Second World WarHistory of International RelationsContemporary History of SpainFrancoism
Class participation (10%): You should complete the assigned readings and actively participate in discussion sections. This portion of your grade is based on both quantity (how often you discuss the readings, ask questions, etc.) and... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational SecurityHistory of International Relations
After a long period, in which Africa was not considered as an important commercial partner for many States, today we assist to a raise of commercial relations among many States and the former one. Africa becomes a centre of interest... more
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      International RelationsHistory of International RelationsHumanitarian DiplomacyChina Investment in Africa
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      Intellectual HistoryInternational RelationsHistory of IdeasInternational Relations Theory
In: Fabio Cozman, Guilherme Plonski, Hugo NerI (Org.). Inteligência artificial: avanços e tendências. São Paulo: Instituto de Estudos Avançados, 2021, p. 225-260. Em um tempo em que mais da metade da população mundial acessa a internet... more
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      HistoryArtificial IntelligenceHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital Humanities
Come nasce il termine rifugiato? Come si è giunti all'attuale definizione di tale categoria migratoria? Il presente articolo ripercorre la storia della sua evoluzione, analizzando processi e avvenimenti che hanno reso questa figura ciò... more
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      European HistoryTransnational and World HistoryMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilities Depuis la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, la Suisse est une cheville ouvrière de la construction du multilatéralisme, ainsi qu’en témoigne la création des premières organisations internationales à Berne et, par... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHistory of International RelationsMultilateralismDiplomacy and international relations
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      World HistoryHistory of International RelationsHistory and International RelationsInsurance and history of insurance in Iraq
Article publié dans : Gunes Isıksel et Emmanuel Szurek (dir.), "Turcs et Français. Une histoire culturelle (1860-1960)", Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, p. 285-305.
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEuropean Studies
Cette étude trouve son origine dans un double étonnement. En effet, les années 1680-1740 sont marquées par la publication aux Provinces-Unies de nombreux ouvrages en français qualifiés d’« historiques » et consacrés à l’actualité... more
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      Book HistoryPolitical CulturePolitical JournalismHistory of International Relations
Banking regulation
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessOrganizational Behavior
Once within borders: territories of power, wealth, and belonging since 1500. By Charles S. Maier. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press. 2016. 387pp. £23.95. ISBN 978 0 674 05978 8. Available as e-book.
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      Historical SociologyHistory of International RelationsTerritoriality
The 'Oil Shock' of 1973―the shift from the era of low-priced oil to the era of high-priced oil―was a turning point in the history of the 20th century. This book provides an analysis of the crisis and its global political and economic... more
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      Environmental HistoryEnergy historyHistory of International RelationsOil and gas
The relations between Spain and the EEC have been studied by a number of specialists from various disciplines and different countries. Most of them have focused on the political meaning of Spain's European integration, interpreting it as... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesTransnational HistoryEuropean Union
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      International Relations TheoryHistory of International Relations
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      History of International RelationsHistory of Middle ClassesTwentieth Century GermanyWeimar Republic
Contemporary security practices rarely represent new inventions – albeit change is important to it, the security politics of today often has a very long lineage. It adapts, reworks and sometimes just rehashes old ideas and practices of... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryTransnationalismGovernmentality
¿Ha tenido España una política exterior? Esta es la pregunta que en ocasiones se han planteado los investigadores y la opinión pública interesada cuando se trataba de comprender algunas decisiones, acciones o los resultados de las mismas,... more
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      History of International RelationsContemporary History of SpainSpanish Foreign Policy
This study is among the first works in English to comprehensively address the Scandinavian First World War experience in the larger international context of the war. It surveys the complex relationship between the belligerent great powers... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryNordic StudiesNordic HistoryInternational History
La storia dei rapporti tra Italia e Germania dopo la seconda guerra mondiale è una delle chiavi per capire le contraddizioni dell'Europa contemporanea. L'Italia fu tra i principali sostenitori della rinascita di uno Stato tedesco... more
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      International RelationsGerman HistoryItalian (European History)Contemporary History
Sovereign states have been mythologized as the natural unit of political order. History shows how new they are-and how we can think beyond them.
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      SovereigntyNationalism And State BuildingEmpiresHistory of International Relations
Resumo: Este artigo analisa a capacidade da União Europeia de acolher os pedidos de asilo que recebeu nos últimos anos, bem como suas políticas e ações desenvolvidas, especialmente entre 2015 e 2016. Será explorado como a UE lida com o... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
« Je n'étois envoyé qu'auprès du prince de transylvanie » la mission de Jacques de Boissimène à la cour du sultan ahmet iii (1717)(1718) Cet article traite de la mission secrète confiée à Jacques de Boissimène, envoyé officiel du roi... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeHistory of International RelationsEarly modern Ottoman History
ХIХ асрнинг иккинчи ярми – ХХ аср бошида Россия ташқи иқтисодий алоқаларининг ҳолати ушбу мақолада тадқиқ қилинган. Россия иқтисодиётининг ривожланишида ташқи заёмлар масаласининг тутган ўрни ва роли атрофлича кўриб чиқилган. Ўрганилган... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryWorld HistoryRussian Foreign Policy
The 1965 disappearance of Mehdi Ben Barka in Paris, the catalyst of one of the greatest political scandals in the history of post-war France, is still shrouded in mystery several decades later. Newly declassified documents from Czech... more
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      French HistoryIntelligence StudiesHUMINT-Human IntelligenceHistory of International Relations
What is the relationship between decolonization and international law? Most historians agree that empires framed their colonial wars as emergencies in order to escape international scrutiny. After 1945, however, those same imperial powers... more
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      International LawInternational Humanitarian LawHistory of International RelationsGlobal History
In the article are analyzed some aspects of strategic communication of Russia in Latin America. Special attention is given to key messages of the leadership of Russia to the countries of the region, the practice of public diplomacy,... more
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      Military HistoryLatin American StudiesRussian StudiesStrategy (Military Science)
O presente artigo apresenta uma análise histórica da Política Externa de Boa Vizinhança para América Latina, particularmente no Brasil, e de sua principal instituição o Office of the coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (OCIAA),... more
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      History of International RelationsCultural DiplomacyUnited States Foreign Policy
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      Critical TheoryGovernmentalityPoststructuralismCritical Security Studies
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      International RelationsHistory of International RelationsFeminist International RelationsInterwar Period History
Несмотря на заметный экономический, политический и моральный упадок США, эта страна продолжает играть роль ведущей силы в мировой экономике и международных отношениях и стремится не допустить дальнейшего ослабления своей мощи. Важное... more
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      Military HistoryAmerican StudiesStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
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      Canadian HistoryInternational HistoryTransnational HistoryHistory of Canadian Foreign Relations
The Bogotá Declaration of 1976, in which a series of equatorial states attempted to resist the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 by claiming sovereignty over geostationary orbit above their territories, presents a unique case that contradicts... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyIslamic LawPolitical EconomyTransnationalism
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of International RelationsGlobal HistoryHistoria De América Latina
ietro Quaroni nacque a Roma nel 1898 1 . La famiglia, di lontane origini nobiliari piemontesi, si era stabilita ad Anzino, località nei pressi di Domodossola a metà del Seicento 2 . Nell'Ottocento i Quaroni erano una famiglia borghese,... more
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      History of International RelationsItalian foreign policy
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryContemporary HistoryInternational History
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      International RelationsSovereigntyHistory of International RelationsState