History of International Legal Thought
Recent papers in History of International Legal Thought
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On 11 June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the ‘Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights’ as a new set of guiding principles for global business designed to provide a global standard for preventing and... more
This book presents a legal genealogy of biodiversity – of its strategic use before and after the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1993. This history of ‘genetic gold’ details how, with the aid of international law, the... more
The theme running through this analysis is the medium, rather than the content, is the most important aspect of communication and command. The paper thinks of law through the lens of communication theory and cybernetics. Law is... more
European Journal of International Law, vol. 13 (2002), no. 2, pp. 479-512. -- This essay presents some reflections on what today is widely regarded as the standard book on the history of international law, and on its author, Wilhelm G.... more
This article presents a summary of the author’s current project on contemporary and nineteenth century approaches to international legal history writing. It asks questions on writing history today and presents a sketch of a few jurists... more
Peripheral international legal histories are considered a new subfield of the discipline's historiography, though there is no defined canon, chronology, or accepted set of theoretical questions or conflicts. Despite the absence of an... more
It is clear that the Lutheran Reformation greatly contributed to changes in theological and legal ideas – but what was the extent of its impact on the field of contract law? Historians have extensively studied the contract doctrines... more
2008) © Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore -Milano PAOLO CARTA PENSIERO GIURIDICO E RIFLESSIONE POLITICA IN ANTONIO PIGLIARU: DALLA LEZIONE DI CAPOGRASSI ALL'EREDITA v DI GRAMSCI L'intensa esperienza di Antonio Pigliaru (Orune, 17 agosto 1922... more
Common accounts of the development of territorial jurisdiction follow a "rise and fall" narrative. Territorial jurisdiction began in the mid-17th century, and declined due to technological revolutions in communications and transportation... more
An ambitious State with multi-continental holdings, the legal authority of the Ottoman Empire was subject to different interpretations at different times. This chapter is con cerned primarily with the Ottoman capitulations. It argues that... more
Ethnicity and International Law presents an historical account of the impact of ethnicity on the making of international law. The development of international law since the nineteenth century is characterised by the inherent tension... more
Висвітлюється розвиток правового змісту моделей української державності, обумовлених у договорах Війська Запорозького із східноєвропейськими державами у другій половині XVII — на початку XVIII століття. Визначено теоретичне підґрунтя та... more
This paper presents an empirical case for inclusions of evidence from Indian Knowledge Systems into those history narratives of constitutional law that aspire to be inclusively global in their academic concern for, amongst other legal... more
The debates on how Europe can be organized as a unity took place in the National Socialist Germany too. The aim at that time was to unite Europe under German hegemony – as a “large space” around a German empire.... more
This Chapter seeks to problematize the blunt characterization of African international legal scholarship as either weak (‘contributionist’) or strong (‘critical’) by reading it through African literature. Returning to founding moments of... more
In the past 10–15 years, an increasing number of revisionist scholars have rejected the most significant elements of the argument about the centrality of the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the evolution and structure of international... more
Статья посвящена исследованию методологических оснований юридического позитивизма. Автор указывает на четыре основных значения "позитивизма в юриспруденции", раскрывает существенные различия между этатистским и социологическим позитивизмом.
A recently discovered political and legal treatise, Antineutralidad (1640), has been attracting attention in scholarship. This paper extensively scrutinizes the dating and authorship of the text. Sources found in several European archives... more
This study examines the history of Indian-settler legal relations in Indiana, from the state’s pre-territorial period to the late-nineteenth century. Through a variety of interdisciplinary sources and methods, the author constructs a... more
2003/ JOURNAL ARTICLE/ Revista istorică
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
The status of ‘international law’ is examined critically. In the first section, the basis of (national) legislation is described. This consists of an inquiry into a credible meaning of ‘natural law’. It is focused on the question whether... more
Beginning in the early 1990s, Third World Approaches to International Law scholarship (TWAIL) destabilized the mainstream narrative within international law that its doctrines were constituted by the historic search for order between... more
The inauguration of the International Criminal Court and the proliferation of criminal tribunals over the last twenty years are often presented as historic and progressive moments in the trajectory of interna
This article examines the history of suzerainty in international law and the use of that term in the 1914 Simla Agreement between Britain, China and Tibet. The Agreement has the distinction of being simultaneously obscure and a... more
In a tribute to James Leslie Brierly (1881-1955) published in the British Yearbook of International Law shortly after his death, Hersch Lauterpacht (1897-1960) described the late jurist’s greatest contribution to international law in... more
Before international relations in the West, there were Christian-infidel relations. Infidels and Empires in a New World Order decenters the dominant story of international relations beginning with Westphalia in 1648 by looking a century... more
Tor Krever on Jennifer Pitts, Boundaries of the International. Formation of international legal theory in Europe’s encounters with its eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Others.
in The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, 150 Books that made the Law in the Age of Printing, edd. S. Dauchy, G. Martyn, A. Musson, H. Pihlajamäki, A. Wijffels (Studies in the History of Law and Justice, 7; Springer ed.... more
The WWI artefact examined in this article is the Anti-Neutral Suit, designed in 1914 -- just as the fascist movement was being born -- by the Futurist artist Giacomo Balla. Juxtaposing the Suit's materiality against that of some... more
The authors analyze the contributions of William E. Butler to international and comparative law, setting his works within the larger framework of legal history, legal theory, legal philosophy, comparative jurisprudence, and international... more