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Causes of Death of Parishioners ofthe Koromľa Parish During the Tenure of Presbyter Jozef Unghváry (1844 - 1845) At a tíme of a shortage of doctors and limited medical knowledge, there was a high mortality rate. Right after the cholera... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEpidemiologyEarly Modern History
In this paper I offer a reading of Aristotle's assertion that the soul is "the place of forms." I explore his account of knowledge as the reception of form in relation to his account of soul as itself a substantial form. It is interesting... more
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      AristotleAncient Greek PhilosophySoul
In this summary, I present the key concepts of classical realism, which will facilitate the passage from the modal interpretation of the De Broglie-Bohm model to the analogous interpretation of the ontological entity. Once the concepts of... more
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    • Philosophy of Physics
The article analyzes the Hungarian anti-epidemic measures as a response to the cholera epidemics in 1872/73. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and county authorities responded to the initial threat by issuing recommendations on how to deal... more
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      History of Hungary19th Century (History)History of EpidemiologyHistory of Epidemics
V posledných desaťročiach sa epidémie infekčných chorôb stali významnou globálnou zdravotnou výzvou pre ľudstvo. Pokroky v očkovaní a postupujúca medikalizácia spoločnosti vzbudzovali po väčšiu časť 20. storočia nádej v priaznivú... more
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      19th Century (History)History of EpidemiologyHistory of Epidemics1918 Influenza Pandemic
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Minden jog fenntartva. Bármilyen másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való tárolás az MTA II. világháború története albizottság Elnökének, vagy Titkárának előzetes írásbeli hozzájárulásához van kötve.
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      Social SciencesSecond World WarSocial HistoryHistory of Epidemiology
Psychiatric epidemiology has significantly influenced public health policies all around the world. This article discusses how Finnish epidemiologists reacted to local needs, which were born in specific circumstances and were controlled by... more
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      HistoryEpidemiologyHistory of MedicineMental Health
In the course of his career as medical professor in Rostock and Copenhagen, Georg Detharding (1671-1647) published many dissertations and academic programmes at the intersection of medicine and ethics. This article focuses in particular... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of PlagueMedical EthicsHistory of Universities
Polio was one of the most mysterious and problematic diseases that have plagued humanity for decades. This was due to the fact that the disease takes on a variety of forms, while the paralitic form, most commonly preserved in collective... more
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      Social epidemiologyHistory of MedicineVaccinesHistory of Public Health
Cilj je rada predstaviti i analizirati nazive bolesti u monografiji Otok Josipa Lovretića. Monografija je objavljena od 1897. do 1899. u Zborniku za narodni život i običaje južnih Slavena JAZU i predstavlja dragocjen izvor podataka o... more
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      SlavonijaetnografijabolestIstočna Slavonija
This article will investigate, based on the idea of “atmosphere”, the possibilities raised by the study of the containment of fear in the case of an epidemic in nineteenth-century Marseille. Following Derek P. McCormack, atmospheres will... more
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      AestheticsHistory of MedicineAffect TheoryAffect/Emotion
bedank ik M.J. van Lieburg voor zijn opmerkingen bij een eerdere versie van dit artikel. 1 George Sarton, 'The history of science versus the history of medicine' , Isis 23 (1935) 315-320. 2 Henry E. Sigerist, 'The history of medicine and... more
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Reasoning with diagrams is considered to be a peculiar form of reasoning. Diagrams are often associated with imagistic representations conveyed by spatial arrangements of lines, points, figures, or letters that can be manipulated to... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of Science17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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    • Croatian
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This article evaluates a variety of recent attempts to conceptualize a history of innovations from the perspective of social history. Special emphasis is given to approaches arguing for a paradigm shift from innovation systems to... more
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      SociologyHistory of TechnologyPolitical ScienceGerman
Epidemiology of mental disorders emerged in the post-1945 era at the intersections of different areas of knowledge. Given its ambitions, the Stirling County Study provides an instructive case study. It is also a good example of how the... more
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      HistoryCanadian StudiesMedical AnthropologyEpidemiology
con diecisiete Comunidades Autónomas como órganos gestores se nutre de los impuestos de todos los españoles 8 Desarrollo en capítulos posteriores (4
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      HistoryHumanitiesArtPrensa escrita
Epidemic diseases are defined by excess. They are dramatic and they attract attention. Endemic diseases, on the other hand, are regarded as "normal" and tend to be neglected. Yet it is clear that this contrast can entail inaccurate... more
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      HistoryHistory of EpidemiologyHistorical StudiesCentaurus A
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical ScienceDynamis
The Classic Text is an outline of the Stirling County Study as conceptualized by Alexander H Leighton. It was first presented at a conference held in 1949 organized by the Milbank Memorial Fund, an American philanthropic foundation. The... more
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Ovaj rad dio je šireg, desetogodišnjeg istraživanja narodne medicine na području Hrvatske. Tijekom istraživanja skupljani su podaci o različitim praksama, vjerovanjima i stavovima prema bolesti i zdravlju te ulozi koju su praktičari... more
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    • Medicine
Regards croisés en sciences humaines et sociales
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      SemioticsMassimo Leone
Descartes holds that ideas have or contain objective reality of their objects, so that the idea of the sun is the sun itself existing in the intellect. In this paper, I examine this obscure thesis which grounds the disagreement about... more
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      Identity (Philosophy)DescartesIndirect RealismDirect Realism
The purpose of this article is to explore the religious responses within the Orange Free State republic to the environmental crises in the period c. 1896 to c. 1898. During this time the state was subjected to severe drought, flooding,... more
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ÖZET Avian influenza tip A virüs infeksiyonları Uluslararası Salgın Hastalıklar Ofisi (OIE) tarafından en tehlikeli insan ve hayvan hastalıkları grubunda sınıflandırılmaktadır. Son yüzyılda birçok infeksiyöz hastalık eradike veya kontrol... more
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Este libro se ubica en el área de historia y filosofía de las prácticas de medición científica, y se centra en el tema del progreso científico cognitivo. Se intentan responder dos preguntas: ¿Qué papel tuvieron las prácticas de medición... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of EpidemiologyClassical American Pragmatism
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      Siglo XIXHistoria de las epidemias
Introduction Trachoma is a sight-threatening disease caused by ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, strains of which also cause infections involving other parts of the human body, including urethritis, epididymitis cervicitis,... more
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      HistoryEpidemiologyHistory of Public HealthTropical Medicine
Desde sus inicios a principios del siglo XIX, la epidemiología se estableció como una disciplina científica fundamentada en métodos de intervención basados en el cálculo numérico de riesgos. A mediados del siglo pasado, sin embargo, la... more
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      History of ScienceDisaster risk managementSecuritizationHistory of Epidemiology
The outbreak of cholera in Istanbul in the autumn of 1871 has long been considered something of a historical non-event. Although responsible for several thousand deaths, in the historiography of the city it remains almost entirely... more
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      Ottoman HistoryColonialismUrban StudiesCivil Society and the Public Sphere
La incidencia de la fiebre amarilla en Cádiz durante 1800. 3.-Las primeras medidas de contención. 4.-La gestión del desastre y extinción de la enfermedad. 5.-Conclusiones. RESUMEN: Este artículo tiene por objetivo estudiar la gestión... more
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      History of Public Health18th CenturyCádizFiebre
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The nineteenth century is often remembered as the age in which steamships and steam locomotives connected the globe with a speed and efficiency previously unseen. Although contemporaries frequently equated the use of these... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of TechnologyInfrastructure
The missionaries established the Christian church in South Africa without access to any proper building structures. They discovered that the local people relied on the environment for their survival and sustainability, so the missionaries... more
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    • Medicine
U radu se prikazuju pravni akti Ugarskog namjesničkog vijeća dok je ono djelovalo u svojstvu Zemaljske vlade te gradskih vlasti kojima se uređivalo ljekarništvo tijekom prve polovine 19. stoljeća na području slavonskog Provincijala. U tom... more
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Poštovani gospodine uredniče, ovo pismo sastavljeno je s ciljem prezentacije načina rada u jednodnevnoj kirurgiji onima koji se nisu imali prilike susresti s izazovom rada u takvoj jedinici. Jednodnevna kirurgija najmlađa je... more
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hoy: un esquema abierto ciencia española y que continúa desarrollándose, tanto en temas médicos, como científicos no médicos o referida a la propia Documentación 4,
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      HumanitiesArtCuadernos De Literatura
U radu se prikazuje pregled povijesti zdravstvene skrbi i razvoja zdravstvenih ustanova na hrvatskom prostoru od prapovijesti do suvremenoga doba. Na temelju relevantne literature i periodika prikazuje se razvoj skrbi za bolesne i nemoćne... more
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U radu se prikazuje pregled povijesti zdravstvene skrbi i razvoja zdravstvenih ustanova na hrvatskom prostoru od prapovijesti do suvremenoga doba. Na temelju relevantne literature i periodika prikazuje se razvoj skrbi za bolesne i nemoćne... more
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      PhysicsPolitical Science
Édité avec Denis Pernot, à la suite de journées d'études tenues aux Archives Départementales de Seine-Saint-Denis* en janvier 2022, c'est le premier ouvrage consacré à Raymond Lefebvre (1891-1920), figure oubliée de la vie politique et... more
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      Art HistoryFrench HistorySoviet HistoryFrench Studies
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından, 2020 yılının şubat ayında, SARS-CoV-2 olarak adlandırılan ve COVID-19 hastalığına neden olan virüs pandemi nedeni olarak ilan edilmiştir. Ani gelişen solunum sıkıntısıyla ortaya çıkan alt solunum sistemi... more
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El presente trabajo analiza las epidemias de fiebre amarilla que azotaron el sur de España durante el siglo xviii y las primeras décadas del siglo xix. Destaca la vinculación de la fiebre amarilla con el desarrollo del sistema comercial... more
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      HumanitiesYellow feverOutbreak
Izlaganje na konferenciji MICC 2013 - Zdravstvena pismenost na tematiku informiranosti pacijenata o vlastitom zdravstvenom stanj
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• Método: se describe la isla de Joló (Filipinas), sus habitantes, sus creencias, sus productos naturales, como perlas, ámbar, etc., sus pájaros, especialmente uno muy pequeño, que realiza su nido con la espuma y la babaza del mar, sobre... more
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Bu çalışmada, yurdumuzda COVID-19 pandemi sürecinin hayvanlar, hayvan yakınları ve Veteriner Fakültesi'nde klinik eğitimi alan öğrenciler, klinik akademisyenler ve serbest veteriner hekimler üzerine olan etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Konu... more
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      MedicineGynecologyCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Los partes de enfermos del Hospital Noble de Málaga constituyen un pequeño grupo do-cumental que actualmente se encuentra en la sección beneficencia y sanidad del Archivo Municipal de la ciudad. El objeto de estudio principal de este... more
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