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John Ryle, clinicien anglais, développe dans les années 1940 une conception originale de la « pathologie sociale » dans laquelle l'épidémiologie sociale contemporaine a des racines. Cette pathologie sociale s'inscrit dans ce moment de... more
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      Social epidemiologyHistory of EpidemiologySocial MedicineHistory and philosophy of epidemiology
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      History of IdeasHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of Plague
-----ÖZET: Yirminci yüzyıl başından bu yana dünyada respiratuvar virüslerden kaynaklanan beş pandemi gerçekleşmiştir. Bunlardan ilk dördü grip (İnfluenza A) virüslerinden kaynaklanmışken halihazırda sürmekte olan COVID-19 pandemisi bir... more
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      Respiratory MedicineEpidemiologyHistory of MedicineInfectious Diseases
Pestilenze e carestie hanno accompagnato la Storia d’Italia del XVI e XVII secolo con episodi frequenti di morte e sofferenza. Gli storici genovesi: Agostino Giustiniani e Filippo Maria Casoni descrivono nei loro “Annali” anche questi... more
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      HistoryEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Medicine
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007) This work examines the reasons for the spread of rinderpest in Southern Bechuanaland and Hereroland between 1896 and 1897. A febrile and highly contagious disease affecting... more
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      Southern AfricaHistory Of DiseaseHistory of EpidemiologyGerman Colonialism
Knjiga predstavlja studiju o razvoju sustava javnoga zdravstva u hrvatskim zemljama pod habsburškom vlašću tijekom druge polovice 18. stoljeća, odnosno tijekom vladavine Marije Terezije (1740.-1780.), Josipa II. (1780.-1790.) i Leopolda... more
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      European HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of Public HealthHabsburg Studies
The present study argues against a traditional view that describes Aquinas’ epistemology as direct realism. This view arises from the fact that Aquinas denies any type of representation or indirect realism and a knower is able to grasp... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyCognitionThomas AquinasHistory of Epidemiology
Dans la première moitié du 20e siècle, l’épidémiologie se définissait en se distinguant de la médecine clinique. Discipline rattachée à la santé publique, son objet et son niveau d’analyse étaient la population et non l’individu ; les... more
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    • History of Epidemiology
La presente tesis doctoral analiza el proceso de construcción de un sistema de sanidad pública en España en el siglo XIX, proponiendo el contexto gaditano de las Cortes inauguradas en 1810 como un periodo fundacional en la organización... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Public HealthPublic Health Policy
In both of the cases, smallpox and Covid-19 disease, regulations with pre-ventive and also protective character were applied by the state. The reason why these two diseases and pandemics have been chosen for comparison beside the fact... more
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      HistoryHealth SciencesEpidemiologyHistory of Medicine
UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, Aquinas as representationalist: The ontology of the species intelligibilis. by D'Onofrio,... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryCognition
In the 1830s, plague, which had been all but forgotten by most Europeans, was on everyone’s lips again. Shortly after the Ottoman and Egyptian governments instituted their first permanent quarantines, the disease broke out in the Levant... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesHistory of Medicine
Abstract. The 1950 Malaria Conference in Equatorial Africa, held in Kampala, Uganda, has been remembered primarily for its decision to control malaria ' modern methods as soon as feasible, whatever the original degree of endemicity,... more
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      Global HealthHistory of Public HealthMalariaHistory of Epidemiology
This article will investigate, based on the idea of "atmosphere", the possibilities raised by the study of the containment of fear in the case of an epidemic in nineteenth-century Marseille. Following Derek P. McCormack, atmospheres will... more
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      History of MedicineAffect TheoryAffect/EmotionAffect Studies
This article analyses the emergence of European regimes of prevention by focussing on the history of knowledge-related practices as a distinctly modern form of social and political rationality in Western Europe. While the targets, means,... more
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      ThalassemiaPreventive medicineCyprusHistory of Epidemiology
The COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the many ways in which infectious disease control is a spatialized enterprise. Stay-at-home orders, travel bans and travel corridors, restrictions on visiting patients in hospitals, and many more... more
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      HistoryHistory of Public HealthHistory Of LondonPublic Health
Distribution électronique pour Armand Colin / Dunod. © Armand Colin / Dunod. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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    • History of Epidemiology
In this article the author considers the activities of the Verkhneudinsk County Committee of Public Health aimed at fighting epidemic diseases in the Zabaikalskaya oblast.
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      HistoryHistory of IdeasSocial SciencesEthnography
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      History of EpidemiologyVaccination
The integration of innovative interdisciplinary approaches to the Κ-12 Curriculum aims to deepen students' knowledge and help them develop transversal skills. Applying an interdisciplinary lens, with a focus on pandemics, can help shape... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationScience EducationMathematics Education
Background. – Begun in 1947 and still ongoing, the epidemiological study of heart disease known as the Framingham study was one of the first prospective studies based on a large cohort and has rapidly been considered as the prototype and... more
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    • History of Epidemiology
Most of the contemporary texts dealing with the war year 1866 contain mentions of the course and consequences of the cholera epidemic brought to Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia by the Prussian army of occupation. In the sources we examined,... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCzech HistoryHistory of Medicine
At the beginning of the 20th century, and more particularly in the decades following the Second World War, the methodological formalization and the increasingly frequent use of case-control and prospective cohort study designs played a... more
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    • History of Epidemiology
This paper will present debates undertaken by the Medico-Psychological Association (MPA) of the British Isles to explore the links between the development of asylum statistics and efforts to devise a standardised classification of the... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of PsychiatryHistory and Philosophy of the Human SciencesHistory and philosophy of science (History)
The previous chapter concluded with two clear themes: (1) historical actors as well as historians, demographers, and anthropologists have wrestled with retrospective diagnosis of epidemic diseases, revealing in the process that disease... more
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      Chinese MedicineHistory Of DiseaseChinese medicine (History)History of Epidemiology
In history, epidemics tend to affect not only individual groups but societies as a whole. When highly contagious diseases, such as the plague, outbursted in early modern societies they naturally became a core theme of discussion also in... more
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      History of PlagueEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyAristotelianismHistory of Epidemiology
Originally derived from the Medieval Latin word, fīliātiō (from fīlius, son), filiation literally means paternity, descent-fromfather, or line of descent. Concerning medicine, however, it refers to the connection of things resulting from... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyHistory of MedicineTerminology
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      History of MedicineHistory of Epidemiology
UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, Aquinas as representationalist: The ontology of the species intelligibilis. by... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryCognition
See link to open access online book review. Une version française de ce compte rendu est disponible également en ligne (voir 2e lien).
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      History of MedicineEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century British History and CultureHistory Of Disease
The third cholera pandemic (1852-1860), the most severe one, left its imprint in Europe. In this chapter we present the cholera outbreaks in London and in Athens during 1854. The cultural heritage that was left behind the cholera... more
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      GeographyCultural HeritageInterdisciplinarityHistory of Science
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      History of Public HealthHistory of Medicine in ChinaHistory of EpidemiologyHistory of Chinese Medicine
Profondément inscrite dans la longue durée, la question des épidémies a dès longtemps attiré l’attention des historiens (Delaurenti et Le Roux, 2020), qui ont tracé le cadre de son élaboration chronologique et archéozoologique depuis... more
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      EpidemiologyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineEarly Modern Europe
July 2019 – Presentation at the triennial Ghana Studies Association Conference, in Accra. Paper title: ‘Colonial tsetse control and post-independence onchocerciasis in Ghana’. Please contact me for paper/slides.
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      EpidemiologyHistory of MedicineAfrican HistoryHistory of Public Health
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesParliamentary StudiesParliamentary History
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      PsychiatryEpidemiologyHistory of MedicineHistory of Psychiatry