América Latina en la Internacional Comunista, -1943. Diccionario Biográfico 7 AGRADECIMIENTOS Un trabajo como el que ahora exponemos, en modo alguno obedece a la participación de pocas personas. Para completar (y a veces corregir) las... more
The following is an extract of a book review by Peter Brandt, Berlin, translated by Norman LaPorte (the full review see: Twentieth Century Communism 3 (2011), p. 226-230). One of the darkest chapters in the history of Soviet-style... more
Since its creation in 1998, the “German-Russian Historical Commission” has conducted research on the Communist International. Thanks to the archival revolution, the Commission has succeeded in closing important gaps in earlier research on... more
The Russian Far East was a remarkably fluid region in the period leading up to, during, and after the Russian Revolution. The different contenders in play in the region, imagining and working toward alternative futures, comprised... more
This paper explores the life of Joseph Grigulevich (1913–1988), a famous early Soviet illegal intelligence operative, who conducted various " special tasks " on behalf of Sta-lin's foreign espionage network. These included the murder of... more
Michael David-Fox und .deI: deut~ehen faschistisc~en ~echten. Dazu traf ~r sic?, wie .ein Doku~~e~t belegt, personIIch mIt dem Alplall-MItglIed Grabowsky zu ell1er funf-bIS sechsstundIgen Sit_ zung. Grabowsky informierte die Analytiker... more
Engl.: Bernhard H. Bayerlein: No antifascism without antistalinism. Willi Münzenberg, "Die Zukunft" and the Antistalinist Turn in the German speaking Emigration 1933-1940. In: Global Spaces for Radical Transnational Solidarity,... more
"ABSTRACT Fredrik Petersson Title: “We Are Neither Visionaries Nor Utopian Dreamers”. Willi Münzenberg, the League against Imperialism, and the Comintern, 1925-1933 On 10 February 1927, the “First International Congress against... more
Das eBook zu diesem Werk ist frei zugänglich unter Dieses Werk unterliegt der Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Die nicht-kommerzielle Verbreitung ist mit Hinweis auf die Originalquelle gestattet.... more
Resumen: Abierto al público desde 1991, el Archivo de la Comintern contiene abundante material referido al desarrollo del movimiento comunista en las diversas regiones del mundo. En el presente artículo los autores ofrecen una detallada... more
Around the world, historians, journalists and the public interested in the history of communism and the Left have complained about the scarcity of informal or private sources and testimonies about leading groups of the Comintern, the... more
In his contribution, Bernhard H. Bayerlein deconstructs the myth of the anti-fascist Soviet Union, using the example of a secret meeting with the official of the Soviet Embassy in Berlin, Boris Vinogradov, in February 1933. Bernhard H.... more
C entenares de libros y miles de artículos han sido escritos sobre la historia de la III Internacional (la Comintern); no obstante en ella existen lagunas y varios enigmas. Una de las causas primordiales de este hecho es la confrontación... more
This paper questions the historiography of the sympathizing organization the League against Imperialism (LAI 1927-37) by focusing the discussion on relevant facts and factors essential for a general understanding of the history of the LAI... more
Details the geopolitical relationship between the construction of Macau's crucial Outer Harbor Project of 1922-1927 and the objectives of the Comintern (Third International) in China.
El trabajo está enfocado en la presentación de los “archivos trofeo” que los soviéticos confi scaron a las autoridades alemanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a través de algunos documentos – seleccionados por su interés para la... more
Willi Münzenberg functioned as one of the most outstanding organisers, propagandists and media-activists of the Left in the Weimar Republic. Until his demise in confused circumstances in Southern France in 1940, Münzenberg functioned as a... more
El artículo analiza las relaciones entre el movimiento campesino mexicano, el Partido Comunista y la Internacional Comunista durante los años veinte. Se muestra cómo la política de “frente único” posibilitó la alianza entre agraristas y... more
Documentos de la Internacional Comunista relacionados a Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, editado en el idioma original.
A chronological survey and presentation on the history of the sympathising organisation the League Against Imperialism and for National Independence (1927-1937), published in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism,... more
The article introduce the theoretical assumption that the League against Imperialism was the most valuable organizational entity for the Comintern (Communist International) to spread Bolshevik propaganda and gather intelligence for a... more
This article will examine the course of the factional struggle between Yugoslav communists that developed behind the frontlines of Spain in 1938 and investigate the involvement of foreign communists in their dispute. I will attempt to... more
The Abortive "German October" 1923. New Light on the Revolutionary Plans of the Russian Communist Party, the Comintern and the German Communist Party. In: Kevin McDermott, John Morison (eds.): Politics and Society Under the Bolsheviks.... more
Komintern Tarihi ve o bağlamda TKP tarihi üzerine 2014 yılında yapılmış bir sohbet
The article discusses the participation of the Communist International (Comintern, 1919-1943) in the Caribbean region throughout most of the 1930’s, and argues in favor of an international dimension for local and regional developments... more
O marxismo brasileiro ainda não é centenário. Apesar dos poucos brasileiros que citam e discutem superficialmente "o Mouro" no final do século XIX e nos primeiros anos do século XX, é apenas a partir dos anos 1920 que no Brasil,... more
Víctor Jeifets y Lazar Jeifets El artículo analiza las complejas relaciones entre la III Internacional, su sección nacional en México y el movimiento antiimperialista... more
The PCF and the internment in France of the International Volunteers : The Impossible Final Settlement of The Komintern Project Called International Brigades En août 1938, Joseph Staline acquiesça à la demande du gouvernement... more
This article examines the global travels and anti-colonial thought of the Indian revolutionary Manabendra Nath Roy. It focuses particularly on his little explored stay in revolutionary Mexico, where he became a founder of the Mexican... more
Documentos de la Internacional Comunista relacionados con América Latina
Se analizan las particularidades de la formación del PC en Ecuador. La creación del primer grupo comunista causó varias contradicciones entre los comunistas ecuatorianos y el Secretariado Sudamericano de la IC que actuaba sobre la base... more
Germany): Von der Roten Literaturinternationale zu Stalins Hofschreibern? Arbeitsmaterialien zu den Schriftstellerinternationalen, 1919-1943.
It was the source of numerous revolts and wars for seven hundred years, with neither Cromwellian conquest nor Union managing to fully subdue the islanders.
The Communist International (Comintern) has been a prominent topic of research in the wake of the »archival revolution«. Only very few questions are left considering this unique international organisation, and even the most clandestine... more
Dalla sua fondazione nel gennaio 1921 il partito comunista italiano attraversò una crisi che indebolì la sua capacità di lotta contro il fascismo insorgente. Quella crisi che si manifestò anche in un crescente dissidio con... more
La ponencia esta dedicada a la influencia de la Revolución de Octubre 1917 al desarollo del movimiento izquierda uruguayo especialmente en el contexto de la historia del Comintern. Tambien se analiza la participación de los comunistas... more
En 1935, en el marco del giro frente populista del movimiento comunista internacional, el Partido Comunista de Chile y la Federación Obrera de Chile abandonaron el " sindicalismo libre " y aceptaron, tácitamente, participar del "... more