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      French RevolutionHistoriography of the French RevolutionHistory of Political ThoughtHistory of Cinema
Tijelo kao film | Body as Film | Body and Sexuality in Short Feature Film; Retrospective at Croatian Film Days 2015 curated by Željko Luketić. Featuring works from Ante Babaja, Miroslav Mikuljan, Mišo Budisavljević, Neven Korda, Tomislav... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesSexualityMasculine Sexuality
Soutenu par le Labex ICCA, ce séminaire entend contribuer à fédérer, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, un ensemble de travaux se proposant d’étudier les films ou les cinémas dits « de genre », tout en réfléchissant aux différents... more
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      Film StudiesGenre studiesGenreHorror Film
Edizione italiana del libro intervista "Herzog on Herzog" (a cura di Paul Cronin, 2002). Uscita nel 2009 in Italia, è stata poi ristampata nel 2014 e nel 2018.
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      Film Theory and PracticeDocumentary FilmChris MarkerWerner Herzog
O artigo procura problematizar, na sua origem, os fundamentos da predominância dos pressupostos técnicos e tecnológicos do cinema, questões que estão, frequentemente, na base da distinção do género, nomeadamente a tendência para uma... more
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryOrson WellesFiction
Inabata Katsutarô, qui a étudié à Lyon avec les frères Lumière, importe au Japon, en 1897, le Cinéma-tographe, un appareil qui permet à la fois l'enregis-trement et la projection. Il est accompagné de Constant Girel, bientôt rejoint par... more
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      Japanese CinemaMeiji JapanHistory of Cinema
Si spengono le luci e le immagini prendono vita sullo schermo. Era il 17 febbraio 1908 quando, a Torino, davanti a una comunità di scienziati veniva proiettata la Nevropatologia, una raccolta di ventiquattro quadri neuropsichiatrici, per... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of PsychiatryFirst World War
Der Aufsatz untersucht am Beispiel Hamburgs, wie vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg das Kino zu einem Ort von Kinderöffentlichkeit wurde. Zwischen pädgogischen Strategien, den Filmgenuss Heranwachsender zu regulieren, und Strategien symbolischer... more
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      Anthropology of Children and ChildhoodHistory of Childhood and YouthEarly CinemaCensorship (History)
Este libro no tenía nada que ver con lo que yo había imaginado. ¡Era verdaderamente un libro de cine! Analizaba las películas desde dentro, con categorías cinematográficas, y el tema de la fe y el catolicismo eran abordados desde un nivel... more
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      CinemaAlfred HitchcockHistory of Cinema
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      Film ProductionCinemaCinema StudiesHistory of Cinema
Resumo: O presente artigo busca entender como o cinema se desenvolveu no litoral catarinense nas duas primeiras duas décadas do século XX, em especial, na cidade de São José. Para isso, analisaremos fontes de jornais, atas de reuniões e... more
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      Film StudiesHistory of CapitalismFilm HistoryFilm and History
The fi lm «Bread» (1929) by M. Shpikovskyi is analyzed in this article. We are took some facts of biography M. Shpikovskyi, learnt his other fi lms and their stylistic characteristics, tried to research the own art method by this director... more
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      History of CinemaCinema TheoryUkrainian CinemaUkrainian Avant-garde
These drawings from 1928 are a practical plan for a radical new kind of camera, one especially rich in history and mystery and tied to the creation of the Neo-realist movement in Cinema. This design for what was perhaps the very first... more
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      History of TechnologyItalian CinemaCinema StudiesNeorealism
In the early cinema era, there were a lot of authors who inquired into the nature of this new medium, taking into account both its artistic value and its specificity. Among the various approaches, the theories of Bela Balázs stands out,... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryEsperanto
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      HistoriographyFilm FestivalsHistory of Cinema
Realizzazione editoriale: Fregi e Majuscole, Torino Finito di stampare nell'ottobre 2015 da Eurolit, Roma isbn 978-88-430-7829-5 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 171 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633) Senza regolare... more
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      CinemaHistory of Cinema
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's... more
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      Film StudiesGerman ExpressionismFilm and HistoryHorror Cinema
Money, Copy, Quotation, Motive, Genre. The treatise is a reflection on the phenomenon of the remake, which plays a very exposed role in cinema, puts it in relation to the other arts and tries to find a system behind the decisions of film... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaFilm and HistoryCognitive Film Theory
El presente artículo analiza de manera documentada los primeros años de la exhibición cinematográfica en Zacatecas. Los datos ofrecidos suponen una actualización de la bibliografía existente ya que se han consultado las fuentes... more
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      Cinema historyHistory of CinemaHistória Do CinemaPrecinema History
HUFFINGTON POST BEST FILM BOOK OF 2016, FINALIST FOR RICHARD WALL MEMORIAL AWARD, LONGLISTED FOR KRASZNA-KRAUSA BEST MOVING IMAGE BOOK OF 2016. Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, and Katharine Hepburn all made lasting impressions with the... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm Studies
This essay shows Mexican independent cinema’s innovative approach towards the representation of children’s universe in the 1960s. The films En el balcón vacío, En el parque hondo and Tarde de agosto explore the child protagonists’... more
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      Cultural HistoryAvant-Garde CinemaMexico History20th Century Mexico
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      Film StudiesMongolian StudiesWhiteness StudiesFilm History
Personaje clave en el desarrollo del cine mexicano como industria e instrumento narrativo, el director michoacano Miguel Contreras Torres recibió un homenaje por parte de la Filmoteca de la UNAM. El reconocimiento a su trayectoria se dio... more
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryMexican CinemaCinema history
The Phoenix is one of only a handful of British cinemas to have remained active for the past 100 years. This is the story of Oxford’s oldest continuously operating cinema, as told by its staff and customers. Featuring first-hand... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesReception StudiesFilm Studies
Recent academic debates within the field of New Cinema History have highlighted a tendency to overlook the role played by the film in historical studies of cinema and its audiences (Aveyard 2011; Biltereyst 2018). Our paper aims to... more
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      Film StudiesItalian StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesMemory Studies
The History of Cinema in Egypt, in Portuguese.
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      Middle Eastern CinemaEgyptHistory of CinemaYoussef Chahine
Throughout the history of the cinema a great variety of visual effects have been used (VFX) with the aim of astonishing, creating or diminishing the costs of representation of some artistic scenes. This work aims to investigate the... more
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      History of CinemaHistoria del CineEfectos Visuales
In an article with the challenging title ‘Against Realism’, Alan O'Leary and Catherine O'Rawe (2011) argued that Italian cinema studies needed to move forward. In their view, the abuse of ‘realism’ as a prescriptive as well as descriptive... more
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      Italian StudiesHistoriographyItalian Cultural StudiesItalian Cinema
The article is about the theory by L. Skrypnyk in his book «Essays about theory of cinema art» (1928). In this theory he studies the rhythm as component of cadre composition. He determines some types of the rhythm and analyzes situation... more
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      History of CinemaCinema TheoryUkrainian CinemaVisual Rhythm
Análisis del mapa semántico-ideológico del filme Modern Times (1936) de Charles Chaplin y del subtexto que involucra esta película.
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      Cinema StudiesHistory of CinemaHistoria del CineAnálisis Cinematográfico
Il volume si fonda sulla consapevolezza che non esiste una storia del cinema bensì una pluralità di storie, del cinema o di ciò in cui il cinema si è trasformato dopo le rivoluzioni (tecnologiche, culturali, politiche, economiche)... more
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      History of CinemaStoria Del Cinema
Despite being strangers to the photographic field, DuPont entered the motion picture film stock market in the 1920s through a need to create peacetime markets for its wartime facilities. As DuPont transformed into a chemical company,... more
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      Business HistoryHistory of TechnologyTechnology (Film Studies)Science, Technology and Society
Pojava i popularizacija kinematografa krajem 19. te početkom 20. stoljeća svojevrsni je indikator industrijsko-modernizacijske preobrazbe građanskog društva izloženog novim sredstvima zabave, informiranja i političkog oblikovanja.... more
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    • History of Cinema
Le débat dépasse la question de la simple pratique, puisque dans les faits, les cinéastes du Mashup et les cinéastes du Found Footage ont la même démarche et le même but. Cependant, la question de la matérialité est une donnée non... more
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      History of ArtCinemaCinema StudiesFound Footage
When I wrote this book eight years ago, I had to pay $75, plus shipping, for a videotape of an Ethiopian lm called Harvest 3000 Years to be sent to me from America. It took two weeks to arrive, and my anticipation built. When I nally... more
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      Cinema StudiesHistory of Cinema
Film costume is essential as it fully takes part in cinematographic aesthetic, yet it remains quite unstudied in French academic research. After the Second World War, French cinema entered a new golden age with films shot in the studio by... more
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      Film StudiesHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity in FIlmFilm Aesthetics
Статья посвящена проблеме влияния кино на развитие литературы в эволюционной теории русского формализма. На основе ключевых работ формалистов прослежены изменения литературной поэтики, обусловленные выразительными возможностями кино. The... more
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      Russian LiteratureRussian FormalismHistory of Cinema
Cantando bajo la lluvia, al tiempo que rinde homenaje al cine musical anterior, consigue sentar las bases de un nuevo estilo de musical, mucho más cinematográfico y menos teatral, más espectacular, si cabe, y más cercano al espectador.... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisFilm musicalsHistory of Cinema
La nueva versión de WSS hace un excelente trabajo situando la historia en una más justa perspectiva. No se limita a la mera rivalidad entre pandillas sin causas, sino que elabora sus contornos económicos, culturales, raciales y de género.... more
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      ScreenwritingPopular CultureCollaborationStereotypes and Prejudice
History of Chinese Cinema, in Portuguese.
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      Chinese StudiesChinaHistory of Republican Period ChinaChinese Cinema
Sobre Gillone, Daniela (org.). Limite, o filme de Mário Peixoto. São Paulo: Três Artes, 2015, 98 pp., ISBN 978-85-5670-002-5. "Pois o que é um livro em si mesmo? Um livro é um objeto físico em um mundo de objetos físicos. É um conjunto de... more
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      Brazilian CinemaLatin American CinemaHistory of CinemaMário Peixoto
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      Cultural HeritageDigitisation Of Cultural HeritageAudio visual archivingHistory of Cinema
Abstract: The Cinema has undergone a transformation in recent years, and the societal thirst for horror begs an important question: why do so many of us enjoy being horrified, disturbed, or afraid? The virtual world of cinema's concept... more
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      Film StudiesGerman ExpressionismFilm and HistoryHorror Cinema
Praca zbiorowa poświęcona aktorom szczecińskim z okresu międzywojennego
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      History of Cinemahistoria Szczecina
Mexican film was aligned with the state since its origins, but this union only generated continuous cinematographic production beginning in the 1930s, when the government of President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (1934-40) signed a contract... more
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      Visual propagandaCinemaMexican CinemaHistory of Cinema
Quali origini ha avuto la media education? Che cos'era prima dell’avvento del digitale? Chi faceva educazione ai linguaggi audiovisivi, in che modo, e ispirandosi a quali orientamenti o teorie? Senza la pretesa di costruire una storia... more
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      Film StudiesHistory of EducationVisual LiteracyMedia Education
Türkiye Film Araştırmaları Dergisi Ocak 2021 yılında yayın hayatına başlamıştır. Sadece sinema çalışmaların yayınlanacağı dergimiz yılda iki kez Mayıs ve Kasım aylarında yayınlanacaktır. Türkçe ve İngilizce dillerinde yayın... more
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      Film StudiesTurkish CinemaFilm HistoryCinema Studies
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceCulture in the Soviet Union