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According to the historian and sinologist Joseph Needham, Piyo Rattansi is "one of the most profound students of the English world of the scientific revolution". In this interview, Rattansi addresses several topics including... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of PhysicsKenyaHistoria da Ciência
In the mid seventeenth century there was a revolution in Western high cuisine, particularly French high cuisine. Why?  I argue that it resulted from a change in the theory of nutrition and digestion.
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceFood HistoryCulinary History
Il Gruppo Energia per l'Italia: gli scienziati per la transizione Vittorio Marletto 7 Che aria respiriamo? Fabio Olmi METODOLOGIE DIDATTICHE PER L'UNIVERSITÀ 13 "Prospettive per il miglioramento della didattica universitaria dopo... more
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      History and Philosophy of ChemistryHistory of SciencePhilosophy of ChemistryHistory and philosophy of science (History)
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      HistoryGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureHistory and Philosophy of Chemistry
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      SculptureHistory of Military TechnologyMetal CastingHistory of Chemistry
Before the emergence of microbiology in the 1860s, the relationship between health and water was understood to hinge mostly on its manifold mineral qualities; medical treatments often involved bathing in particular waters to take... more
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      GroundwaterWater HistoryBaths and bathing cultureHistory of Chemistry
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      OpticsHistory of ScienceSpectroscopyHistory of Physics
Das Buch „400 Jahre Chemie in Hamburg - Handwerk, Wissenschaft und Industrie“ thematisiert die Entwicklung der Chemie in Hamburg vom 17. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Die Einleitung diskutiert Aspekte der Alchemie im Mittelalter (Tycho Brahe,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Chemistry
In this essay, we aim to provide an overview of the periodic table’s origins and history, and of the elements which conspired to make it chemistry’s most recognisable icon. We pay attention to Mendeleev’s role in the development of a... more
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      History and Philosophy of ChemistryHistory of SciencePhilosophy of ChemistryHistory of Chemistry
O romantismo, como movimento cultural, é considerado de um modo geral como contrário à ideia de ciência, ou a sua visão idealista parece ser oposta à chamada objetividade científica. Não terá sido sempre assim, pois podemos falar de uma... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Chemistry
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      Material CultureIsaac NewtonHistory of ChemistryHistory of alchemy
Suay-Matallana, Ignacio, (2015), Customs Laboratories, chemistry and excise: an historical introduction, World Customs Organization News, 77, 34-37.
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      History of ScienceHistory of Chemistry
Een halve eeuw Scheikunde in Groningen, 1945-1995 (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2008). Al meer dan een halve eeuw vormen Amerikaanse topuniversiteiten een model waarnaar vanuit Nederland met zekere afgunst wordt gekeken. In de jaren... more
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    • History of Chemistry
La Première Guerre mondiale démontre combien les pays européens sont devenus, en l'espace de quelques années, tributaires de leurs approvisionnements en carburants et combustibles liquides. C'est pourquoi, en fonction de ses ressources... more
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      Industrial HistoryMining HistoryTechnical HistoryHistory of Chemistry
My chapter on Leary builds on the foundational chapters established by my dissertation, which traces the initial development of artificially-induced states of epiphanic consciousness from Humphry Davy’s nitrous oxide laboratory in 1799 to... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceAltered States of ConsciousnessPsychedelics
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      Business HistoryHistory of TechnologyImmigrant EntrepreneurshipHistory of Chemistry
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      Chemical EducationChemical Education and Science Teacher Education ResearchHistory of Chemistry
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      ChemistryPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of ChemistryThomas S. Kuhn
978 94 6298 254 3 amsterdam studies in the dutch golden age amsterdam studies in the dutch golden age
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      History of ScienceHistory of the SensesCalvinismEarly Modern Literature
What is blood? Despite William Harvey's discovery of the circulation of blood, many questions about blood itself remained unanswered. This article asks how and why Dutch medical men in the early eighteenth century initiated studies to... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceDutch History
This is the background to the enigmatic name, Prague Salt. The historical context in Germany, Prague and in the USA are considered between the middle of the 1800 to the 1920's, related to sodium nitrite.
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      Cultural HistoryMeat ScienceHistory of ScienceFood History
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      Physical ChemistryWaterTheoryNitric oxide
in: Ambix, Vol. 61 No. 2, May, 2014,
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      History of ScienceHistory Of Food ConsumptionHistory of Chemistry
This article provides an overview of the origins and development of green chemistry. Aiming to contribute to the understanding of green chemistry, basically from a historical point of view, this overview argues that contextual influences... more
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      Green ChemistryPhilosophy of ChemistrySociology of ScienceHistory of Chemistry
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      Chemical EducationChemical Education and Science Teacher Education ResearchHistory of Chemistry
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      Women's HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of ArtHistory of Chemistry
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      History of ScienceHistory of ChemistryCHEMICAL SCIENCESBiographies
Ton van Helvoort en Ernst Homburg Een eeuw chemische technologie in Nederland Delft: Stichting Hoogewerff-Fonds, 2021 Uitgever: [email protected] In de afgelopen honderd jaar is de chemische technologie van groot belang... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory Of Technology (Technology)History of Chemistry
This workshop takes place on 4 July 2016 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. Speakers include Bruce Moran, Didier Kahn, Rafal Prinke, Hiro Hirai, Peter Forshaw, Jennifer Rampling, Natalie Kaoukji, Georgiana Hedesan, Joel Klein and... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceAlchemyHistory of Chemistry
The quest to look for origins of things seems to be encoded in human nature. This endeavour might range from attempts trying to answer broad questions, such as where does life come from, to efforts aimed at resolving more narrow inquiries... more
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      History of ScienceLavoisierHistory of Chemistry
I miracoli arrivano all'improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno. La liquefazione del sangue di san Gennaro si ripete invece da secoli in occorrenze precise. «Nessuna legge naturale è in grado di spiegare un fenomeno che si verifichi... more
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      AnthropologyMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science
Steinkohle beschrieb Thölde im 17. Jahrhundert als Brennstoff im Salinenwesen. Aus ihr gewann Lampadius Gas und zündete 1811 die erste Gaslaterne auf dem eur. Festland an. Runge stellte aus dem Teer erstmals die Teerfarbstoffe... more
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      ChemistryHistory of TechnologyHistory of ScienceColour
This paper was written to investigate the order of discoveries made in chemistry leading up to the discovery of the periodic table. New experimental techniques, such as the pneumatic trough, voltaic pile, spectroscopy, and potassium... more
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      Phlogiston theoryLavoisierHistory of ChemistryPeriodic Table
Review of "The Experimental Fire" by Jennifer Rampling.
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      History of ScienceAlchemyManuscript StudiesHistory of Chemistry
Georg Ernst Stahl nd Friedrich Hoffmann in context.
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceIatrochemistry
In early 1946, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) initiated a programme to build six penicillin factories, in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Belarus and Italy. The... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEastern European StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of Technology
O desenvolvimento de inovações tecnológicas e científicas, no século XIX, fomentou o surgimento de áreas especificamente voltadas para a agricultura. Como, por exemplo, as disciplinas de fisiologia vegetal e parasitologia entomológica,... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of BrazilHistory of Chemistry
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Три английских трактата об алхимии: Прайс Дж. Эксперименты с меркурием и серебром. Бойль Р. Отчет о деградации золота. Уолл М. О происхождении и давности символов... more
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      ChemistryHistory and Philosophy of ChemistryAlchemyWestern Esotericism (History)
This is a postprint version of chapter 3 in E. Tobin and C. Ambrosio (eds.), Theory Choice in the History of Chemical Practices, SpringerBriefs in History of Chemistry, 2016. Robert Boyle's famous Sceptical Chymist (1661) is a dialogue on... more
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      History of ScienceJan Baptist van HelmontRobert BoyleHistory of Chemistry
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory Of ComputingHistory of MathematicsHistory of Technology
of Col,owrs is rightly considered a la¡rdmark in the history of analytical chemistry. In that work, Boyle described a number of simple but elegant experiments which ultimately gave chemists a powerful tool for determining the composition... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern Science
institución medular en la historia de la ciencia, celebra en estos años su centenario -se creó en 1907-y el de los distintos centros que fundó a partir de 1910 para desarrollar su programa de fomento de la ciencia y educación en España.... more
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      ChemistrySocial SciencesHistory of ScienceArquitectura
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      LavoisierHistory of Chemistry
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    • History of Chemistry
In 1896, Henri Becquerel detected a penetrating radiation emitted by some uranium salts and met a phenomenon that nowadays we call "radioactivity". Becquerel's study of uranium radiation was not casual or blind. It was guided by his... more
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      History of PhysicsHistory and philosophy of science (History)RadioactivityHistory of Chemistry
While symbolic colour use has always played a salient role in science research and education, the use of colour in historic diagrams remains a lacuna within the history of science. Investigating the colour use in diagrams often means... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryArt HistoryMedia and Cultural Studies
XIII Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Storia e Fondamenti della Chimica (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"), 23-26/09/2009
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      Electrical EngineeringHistory of Science and TechnologyGerman HistoryElectrochemistry
A pesar deI inten3s que ha despertado Alonso Barba y su obra (vease, por ejemplo, Bargal16 (1969) y Barnadas, (1986)), se conocen pocos datos de la biograffa de este gran metalurgista hispano. "Natural de la Villa de Lepe, en la... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Mining and IndustryHistory of Chemistry
Im Jahre 1869 notiert der Journalist Julius Eckardt: " Man kann das russische Reich vom Peipus-See bis zum Ochozkischen Meerbusen, vom Tiflis bis an die eisigen Gefilde Achangels durchstreifen, in jeder Stadt von einiger Bedeutung wird... more
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      Intellectual HistoryGerman HistoryHistory of ScienceDorpat
Regular Courses: Lectures and Seminars (4 semester courses): 1. History of Science and Technology (Ancient Civilizations and Classical Antiquity) 2. History of Science and Technology II (Middle Ages and Early Modern Times) 3.... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyHistory of AstronomyHistory of Physics