History of Ancient Greek Mathematics

151 papers
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The History of Ancient Greek Mathematics is the study of mathematical developments, concepts, and practices in ancient Greece, spanning from the 6th century BCE to the 4th century CE. It encompasses the contributions of notable mathematicians, the evolution of mathematical thought, and the influence of Greek mathematics on subsequent cultures and disciplines.
The ‘mistakes’ in the arithmetical problem of SB XXIV 16038 A turn out to be most likely explained not as calculation mistakes but as errors occurred in a copying process, both considered in themselves and in the light of the transmission... more
Contrary to popular belief, Pythagoras' investment in mathematics remained very small or non-existent. In the same way, the Pythagoreans are far from having a uniform discourse in this area, and even paid no attention to it for the vast... more
Johannes Clauberg (1622-1665) was a prominent figure in the field of philosophy both during his lifetime and after his death, on a continuum that extends at least as far back as Christian Wolff. Even before his death, a not inconsiderable... more
We may take tables for granted. However, due to a variety of factors, tables were a rarity in the history of ancient Greek culture, used only limitedly in very special contexts and generally in a non-systematic way, except in astronomy.... more
Grothendieck se trouvant chez Platon, Rimbaud s'invite chez Grothendieck. Et ce qui s'ensuit.
Έντυπη συντομευμένη εκδοχή (περιοδικό "Η Αιγιναία", τ. 33, 2024, σ. 123-131) ενός κειμένου που περιέχεται στην ενότητα "Talks".
The little-known Venetian mathematician Matteo Macigni (c. 1510-1582), who graduated in Padua, pursued the academic career teaching in Salerno, Paris and possibly Rome, before coming back to the Venetian Republic. In his lifetime, Macigni... more
Except for the fraction 2/3, Egyptian scribes used only unit fractions, i.e. fractions with numerators equal to unity. They expressed all other fractions as a sum of these unit fractions. They used tables such as the Rhind table,... more
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Edition of a wax tablet inscribed with divisions (CBL 142.2).
The article introduces a new concept of structure, defined, echoing Wheeler's concept of "law without law," as a "structure without law", and a new philosophical viewpoint, that of structural nonrealism, both of which, the article argues,... more
Books M and N of the Metaphysics, which form a unity, criticize Plato and the Academy and present Aristotle's views regarding the mathematical objects. In the major part of M 1 the structure of books M and N is presented. Then, starting... more
Aristotle counts as the founder of formal logic. The logic he develops dominated until Frege and others introduced a new logic. This new logic is taken to be more powerful and better capable of capturing inference patterns. The new logic... more
This article reconsiders E. Schrödinger’s cat paradox experiment from a new perspective, grounded in the interpretation of quantum mechanics that belongs to the class of interpretations designated as “reality without realism” (RWR)... more
Κείμενο διάλεξης που έγινε στην Αίγινα, στις 30/9/2023, στο πλαίσιο μιας εκδήλωσης που διοργάνωσε το πολιτιστικό περιοδικό "Αιγιναία" για τον βυζαντινό ιατρό Παύλο τον Αιγινήτη. Το θέμα της εκδήλωσης ήταν "Από το Βυζάντιο και τον... more
It is often said that Aristotle takes geometrical objects to be absolutely unmovable and unchangeable. However, Greek geometrical practice does appeal to motion and change, and geometers seem to consider their objects apt to be... more
On ne peut qu'admirer, ici comme ailleurs, l'impeccable rigueur philosophique d'André Stanguennec. Si le style du professeur de l'université de Nantes, traitant dans ses cours de la question du rationnel et de l'irrationnel, diffère... more
Ba~rTz and Thábit b. Qurra translated ioto Arabic {he Arirhmetical lntroduction of Nicomachus, the chapters 00 figurate numbers, based 00 the propenies ilIustrated in rhe table below, were further developed and were introduced in the... more
The study examines the origins and characteristics of a unique Byzantine “epic” in the Chronicle of Morea: a description of the Battle of Pelagonia and the exploits of Sir Geoffroy de Briel. Although the professional literature concurs... more
Una presentazione dell'opera di Archimede e dell'impatto che ebbe la sua riscoperta sull'origine della matematica moderna. ... A presentation of Archimedes' work and the impact that its rediscovery had on the origins of modern... more
The common association between the teaching of numbers and basic arithmetical operations, on the one hand, and the earliest levels of linguistic-literary education, on the other, is a datum on which interpreters of Greek papyrological... more
In his Metrica, Hero provides four procedures for finding the area of a circular segment (with b the base of the segment and h its height): an Ancient method for when the segment is smaller than a semicircle, $$(b + h)/2 \, \cdot \, h$$ (... more
Geschichte der Arithmetik 1 1.1 Über die Anfänge des Rechnens Für die meisten Menschen sind Zahlen die erste Assoziation zum Thema Mathematik. Tatsächlich kann man sagen, dass die ersten mathematischen "Tätigkeiten" in der Geschichte der... more
Medieval Europe was a meeting place for the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic civilizations, and the fertile intellectual exchange of these cultures can be seen in the mathematical developments of the time. This sourcebook presents original... more
On January 3, 2001, Isabella Grigoryevna Bashmakova, a renowned authority on history of mathematics, celebrated her eightieth birthday. Bashmakova was born in Rostov-on-Don, to Grigory Georgevich Bashmakov and Anna Ivanovna (maiden name... more
In this book Diana Quarantotto carries out an analysis of Aristotle's conception of place. The title of the text, L'universo senza spazio. Aristotele e la teoria del luogo (The universe without space: Aristotle and the theory of place)... more
In his Commentary on Book I of Euclid's Elements, Proclus Lycius, a famous Neoplatonic philosopher of the fifth century CE, proposed a scheme for analyzing complete mathematical propositions into six parts: proposition, enunciation,... more
Séminaire d'histoire et philosophie des mathématiques de l'Antiquité à l'Âge classique, 13 octobre 2023
Pour fonder et introduire la theorie exposee dans son traite d'algebre, al-Khayyam evoque longuement au debut de son texte les notions de dimension et de grandeur mesurable. II ecrit notamment: Ce qui fait partie des grandeurs, c'est... more
L'utilisation de plus en plus fréquente des transformations-homothéties, affinités orthogonales ou similitudes-constitue sans aucun doute l'un des faits les plus marquants de l'histoire de la géométrie entre les IX e et XI e siècles.... more
La forme et l'objet du De Possest placent cet opuscule dans la ligne d'un platonisme christianisé ou christianisant-illustrant, à sa façon, le mot de Pascal, « Platon pour disposer au christianisme » (Pascal, liasse XXXIV, Sellier 505).... more
I argue that intelligible matter, for Aristotle, is what makes mathematical objects quantities and divisible in their characteristic way. On this view, the intelligible matter of a magnitude is a sensible object just insofar as it has... more
Le théorème de Thalès pour les cercles et sa réciproque (plus connue sous le nom de théorème du cercle circonscrit à un triangle rectangle) sont des propriétés de géométrie élémentaire enseignées dans les collèges français. Nous nous... more
According to Aristotle, those who seek mathematical principles of sensible things are looking in entirely the wrong place. But despite his strong opposition to mathematized metaphysics, Aristotle does not outright reject mathematical... more
Die Ionier. Die Geburt der Philosophie - Lecture held at the Volkshochschule Wien West, Vienna within the Programme UMP-University Meets Public, 3rd December 2009.Thales, Anaximander und Anaximenes sind der Anfang der altgriechischen... more
The argument of this chapter is governed by the double meaning of its title: (a) the relationships between the concepts of discreteness and continuity in modern mathematics and physics; and (b) the relationships, both continuous and... more
The argument of this article is grounded in the irreducible interference of observational instruments in our interactions with nature in quantum physics and, thus, in the constitution of quantum phenomena versus classical physics, where... more
Cet article décrit des stratégies de poursuite pure sur le plan, y compris les théorèmes récemment prouvés sur l'optimalité de la stratégie récursive de la poursuite pure (1979) et la E-stratégie de la poursuite pure (1987). Les... more
A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of Thomas Aquinas College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts This thesis investigates and offers a critique of Descartes' view of "mechanical curves," as... more
the gap between the continous and the distinct "this permanent obstacle" that plays an important role  in mathematics philosophy and physics (A Fraenkel Vilenkin 1997c
Guardare il mare. Sul Talete di Florenskij Su certe antiche anfore minoiche abita una piovra immensa quanto l'Egeo, molle come l'argilla da cui è sorta. Lungo i... more
This article considers a rarely discussed aspect, the no-cloning principle or postulate, recast as the uniqueness postulate, of the mathematical modeling known as quantum-like, Q-L, modeling (vs. classical-like, C-L, modeling, based in... more
Aristotle says that ὑπαρχειν has as many senses as ‘to be true’ (PrA. , A, 36, 48b2-9) and as many ways as there are different categories. (PrA., A, 37, 49a6-9) This may mean that for every ‘is’ there is a ὑπαρχειν. Τhe reason is that... more