History and theory of literary genres
Recent papers in History and theory of literary genres
Realizzazione editoriale: Fregi e Majuscole, Torino Finito di stampare nel gennaio 2021 da Grafiche VD srl, Città di Castello (PG) isbn 978-88-290-0444-7 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 171 della legge 22 aprile 1941, n. 633)
Although there is an influential strand of modern theory of fiction that distinguishes “fictivity” from "fictionality", it continues to be a common sense belief, even among literary critics, that obvious falsehood of what is represented makes... more
Kratka priča, novela, roman - problemi demarkacije
SYNOPSIS Literary Dystopia and Attempts to Define It in the International and Czech Contexts This article deals with anti-utopian and dystopian literature, development of the genre and attempts at its definition. The first part contains a... more
Warum dichten Menschen als einzige uns bekannte Lebewesen? Und zu welchem Zweck tun sie dies, müssen sie es vielleicht sogar tun? Und wie wird aus Nichtkunst eigentlich Dichtkunst? Gibt es etwa grundlegende, poetogene Strukturen, die... more
Studying fanfiction in a field called “fan studies” conveys the assumption that we study it primarily to learn about fans. But what of fanfiction from a textual perspective—its distinctive recombinatory, iterative, and unstable textual... more
Genre has been for centuries a familiar concept in literature, and its main role has been perceived to be that of a classification device. Based on certain clusters of criteria, literary works have been grouped into different categories,... more
Portada, agradecimientos e índice de la tesis defendida en la Universidad de Salamanca (2017) para la obtención del título de Doctor Internacional. Sobresaliente cum laude.
Dirección: Dra. Francisca Noguerol.
Dirección: Dra. Francisca Noguerol.
My chapter in Salem Press's recent entry to its Critical Insights series, _The American Thriller_ (2014). As the title indicates, it is a history of the development of the psychological thriller in American culture.
This paper offers a Survey of the naturalist movement in American fiction. Its specific focus is the changing definition of naturalism from classic, pre-1970s critical approaches to more recent neo-Marxist and neo-historicist scholarship.
Biofiction is literature that names its protagonist after an actual historical figure, and it has become a dominant literary form in recent years. Because the main character is named after a real person, some people wrongly assume that... more
Short prose was the form Kafka favoured for many of his most important works. It was also the medium of much innovatory Modernist writing in the period 1900-33. The essays in this volume investigate Kafka’s short prose in relation to that... more
L'ouvrage est consacré à Charles Nodier, protagoniste du premier romantisme français et de la linguistique des origines, et analyse la dominante métalinguistique et métalittéraire de son œuvre. Une même pratique s’impose chez le linguiste... more
Im deutschen Roman um 1700 prägen weibliche Hauptfiguren ein galantes Erzählen, das in einer Textform stattfindet, die erst im 18. Jahrhundert zur ‚literarischen Gattung' avanciert. Die Studie analysiert erstmals Konstruktionsprinzipien... more
Megjegyzés: A nyomtatásban megjelent kötet alcíme "Varászmesei kánonok a régiségben és a romantikában"
Il problema della classificazione dei generi letterarî greci, com'è noto, è assai complesso, e non sarà oggetto specifico di discussione in questa sede 2 . Tratteremo, invece, un caso particolare che a esso si ricollega e che ha da sempre... more
Le roman de moeurs oppose une résistance à l ’étude de sa généricité en raison de la difficulté à penser ensemble les critères historiques et formels qui peuvent le définir. Sa lecture croisée avec l ’étude de moeurs développée par la... more
This article deals with anti-utopian and dystopian literature, development of the genre and attempts at its definition. The first part contains a description of attributes characteristic of the genre: newspeak, the petrified world, and... more
Серия "Всемирная библиотека "Амфоры"". Спб.: Издательство Амфора. 2009. Тираж 5000 экз. 862 с. Формат 60x90/16. ISBN 978-5-367-01101-2
This essay tries to map out place of Experimentations introduced by P S Rege in modern Marathi lyrical poetry. Unexplored genre conventions, which mainly focused on 'print' and 'private' mode of poetic communication is the prime area of... more
Recognized as the first medieval instances of the romance genre, the Roman de Thebes, Roman d'Enéas, Roman de Brut and Roman de Troie (ca. 1150-1165) are based on the rewriting of Latin texts deeply rooted in history. Yet few studies... more
Este trabalho trata da obra de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (1902-1982) como crítico literário e historiador da literatura, com ênfase em três momentos específicos de seu percurso intelectual. O primeiro é o de sua crítica literária... more
Παρουσιάζεται η αυτοβιογραφία της ζακυνθινής λογίας Ελισάβετ Μουτζάν-Μαρτινέγκου. Αρχικά επισημαίνεται συνοπτικά η θέση των γυναικών και της γυναικείας γραφής στην Ευρώπη του 18ου και του 19ου αιώνα. Σημειώνεται ότι στον ελληνικό χώρο... more
Regarded as the high point of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaños (1953-2003) oeuvre, the novel 2666, published posthumously in 2004, is divided in five disharmoniously connected parts. In this thesis, I argue that 2666 assimilates different... more
This paper organizes traditional and modern literary standards and values into objective assessment matrices to establish frameworks for examining contemporary masterpiece poetry within the contexts of the changing roles of literary... more
This paper examines narrative literature from various Philippine literary periods to identify and articulate a national philosophy of Philippine narrative literature.
Nel prendere in analisi le fonti giudiziarie si deve partire dall’assunto per il quale, in primo luogo, la verità giudiziaria non collimi con la verità storica. Gli atti penali sono predisposti per poter accertare le responsabilità di... more
This paper examines authoritative digital sources and five Philippine speculative fiction texts to establish taxonomy of contemporary Philippine speculative fiction genres.
دراسة قصيرة عن وجهة نظر شكري عياد في العلاقة بين النوع والأسلوب
Convegno internazionale “Elegy and Iambus: History and Challenge of Two Poetic Genres” – “Elegia e giambo: storia e sfide di due generi poetici”, 25-27 maggio 2022. Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane –... more
The present paper proposes a new periodization model for the history of Byzantine literature between the 11th and the 15th century. The paper examines first the use of the historical model in the periodization schemata of various... more
The problems of Narratives of History have been highlighted by Louis Mink and Hayden White in their subsequent work.
Разум не удовлетворяется тогда, когда он не может прийти в движение, исходя из общепринятого любым разумом понятия. В настоящее время почти общепризнана расплывчатость границ литературоведения. Многие исследователи даже предпочитают... more
Literary Studies of contemporary works of literature, in the absence of a canon, are to a high degree directed by order-making umbrella terms. Using the umbrella term “new realism” as example the study examines (1) its relationship with... more
This History provides a concise overview of the developments of British poetry from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day. The volume brings together experts in the field and offers a series of introductions to key poetic genres,... more
ISBN 978-963-9671-38-6
HU ISSN 1416-6682
HU ISSN 1416-6682