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New pedological, geological, archaeological, and geochronological data from the Miles Point site in eastern Maryland are compared with similar data from other nearby sites to develop a framework for interpreting the upland stratigraphy in... more
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      ArchaeologyEarth SciencesSedimentary geology and stratigraphyLate Pleistocene
The Jewish and Christian inhabitants of twelfth-century Rome viewed the urban landscape of their city through the lens of its ancient past. Their perception of Rome was shaped by a highly localized topography of cultural memory that was... more
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      HistoryPhilosophy and Religious StudiesHistory and archaeology
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      Roman StudiesHistory and archaeology
Abrupt climate change in the past is thought to have disrupted societies by accelerating environmental degradation, potentially leading to cultural collapse. Linking climate change directly to societal disruption is challenging because... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEarth Sciences
This paper is aimed to elucidate the ecological scenario in Italy in the Early to Middle Pleistocene, when species of the genus Homo are known to spread across Europe in two distinct waves: earlier than 1.2 Ma and at about 600 ka,... more
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      Earth SciencesHuman EvolutionEnvironmental ChangeHistory and archaeology
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
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      SociologyHeritage StudiesHistory and archaeologyRoutledge
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      Classical philologyHistory and archaeologyClassical Philology
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Critical InquiryHistory and archaeology
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      Classical philologyHistory and archaeologyClassical Philology
In memory of Ko6xXca (Evelyn Lord Smithson) N 1952 Vincent Desborough drew attention to five Attic Protogeometric vases each bearing a painted cross.1 Of these, three were found at Athens, two in the Kerameikos, one in the Agora;2 the... more
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      ArtIron AgeCeramicsHistory and archaeology
The southern Levant has a long history of human habitation and it has been previously suggested that climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene stimulated changes in human behaviour and society. In order to evaluate such... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeHuman BehaviourLate Pleistocene
This is the poster of the symposium on the archaeology and history of Bithynia in northwestern Anatolia that took place on May 10, 2023 in Izmir, Turkey via Zoom. It was a part of Colloquia Anatolica et Aegaea, Congressus internationales... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical GeographyArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Meaning. Robert Hillenbrand. This beautifully conceived and produced survey of Islamic architecture explores the glorious world of the caravansarai, mausoleum, palace, and mosque. Robert Hillenbrand, Islamic Architecture. Form, function... more
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      MultidisciplinaryHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
Radiocarbon dating is the most widely used dating technique in the world. Recent advances in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and sample preparation techniques have reduced the sample-size requirements by a factor of 1000 and decreased... more
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      Earth SciencesAccelerator Mass SpectrometryCarbon CycleSample Preparation
Heritage from the University of Barcelona (Spain). She is currently undertaking a three-year Anniversary Fellowship funded by the University of Stirling. Her research focuses on the interrelationships between heritage and contemporary... more
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      HistoryHeritage StudiesAuthenticityHeritage Conservation
When confronted with hypothetical systems in Arabic, one inevitably meets, at one time or another, a fāʾ between the protasis (p) and the apodosis (q). We do not fail to note, however, that its presence does not seem to indicate identical... more
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      History and archaeologyLanguage Culture and CommunicationBrillHistory of Arabic Grammar
South Asia has a rich Palaeolithic heritage, and chronological resolution for this record has substantially improved over the past decade as a result of focused, interdisciplinary research at a number of key sites. Expanding the spatial... more
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      GeographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEarth SciencesPergamon
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      History and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
The bio-and chronostratigraphy of the Eemian interglacial (marine isotope substage 5e) and an Early Weichselian glaciation (5d-a) established from representative and detailed sequences can be correlated with the deep-sea oxygen isotope... more
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      Earth SciencesSea LevelHistory and archaeologyIce Cores
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologyNorth AmericaQuaternary Science Reviews
Page 1. CarolA. Dray Translation and Interpretation in the Targum to the Books of Kings BRILL Page 2. Translation and Interpretation in the Targum to the Books of Kings Page 3. Studies in the Aramaic Interpretation of Scripture ...
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesHistory and archaeology
Scholars have long pointed to Josephus, Ant. 10.180–182 as evidence that Nebuchadnezzar campaigned in the Levant in his twenty-third year (582 B.C.E.), but have not determined the viability of this passage as a historical source. Extant... more
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and CommunicationHebrew scriptures
Shells from adult specimen of the benthic ostracodes Limnocytherina sanctipatricii and Leucocythere mirabilis selected from a 8.7 m long piston core provide continuous stable oxygen and carbon records for the past approximately 16 ka.... more
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
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      Critical InquiryHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
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      BiographyHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
Most of the Middle Palaeolithic evidence of Central Italy still lacks a reliable chrono-cultural framework mainly due to research history. In this context Grotta dei Santi, a wide cave located on Monte Argentario, on the southern coast of... more
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
Accurate geochronologies are the key for comparison of palaeoclimate records. In order to clarify problems concerning the geochronology of glacier fluctuations we dated palaeosols in moraines in the Kebnekaise mountain region of Swedish... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeHistory and archaeologyRadiocarbon Dating
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      ArchaeologyEarth SciencesGeoarchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar
G Evidence from empirical research, case studies and multi-stakeholder dialogues are drawn together to guide a call for action G Agrifood market restructuring is occurring rapidly in most countries. Substantial restructuring at the retail... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GeographyAgrarian ChangeHistory and archaeology
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      HistoryGreek HistoryHistory of DemographyHistory and archaeology
In his novel, "The Orchard" (1972) the Israeli writer Benjamin Tamouz, reformulated the image of the land as the arena of the struggle in Palestine. In this symbolic novella, the Israeli writer tried to go beyond the image of the Arab in... more
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      Critical InquiryHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
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      History and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
in recent social and political theory. These are deployed to attack, on the one hand, empirical political science and, on the other hand, normative theory with universalist aspirations, such as that found in the work of Rawls. Zolo argues... more
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      PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
This essay argues that the engagement with Greece and Rome after The Will to Knowledge allowed Foucault to bring clarity to his conception of limited freedom in complex societies. The Classical fulfilled this function paradoxically by... more
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      SociologyPhilosophy and Religious StudiesHistory and archaeologyFoucault Studies
We produced ~3000-year long relative sea-level (RSL) histories for two sites in North Carolina (USA) using foraminifera preserved in new and existing cores of dated salt-marsh sediment. At Cedar Island, RSL rose by ~2.4 m during the past... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
The assassination of Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin provided the most vivid demonstration to date of religious-nationalist opposition inside Israel to the principle of exchanging land for peace. This article sets out to explore this world... more
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      SociologyHistory and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing CC-BY-NC license at the time of publication.
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      History and archaeologyLanguage Culture and Communication
Peru, in contrast to neighbouring Bolivia and Ecuador, has neither an important indigenous party nor a strong indigenous movement. Nevertheless, in recent years a growing gap has emerged in the voting patterns of indigenous and... more
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      Latin American StudiesElectionsHistory and archaeology
Modern sediments from a variety of depositional environments in the hyperarid southern Arava region, Israel, were analyzed for their residual equivalent dose (D ). Colluvial and #uvial sediments from drainage systems of di!erent sizes and... more
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologySediment transportQuaternary Science Reviews
This paper analyzes the response by NGOs to the 2008 World Development Report (WDR08). It does so at two levels of analysis, which in turn reflect two possible ways of reading the WDR08. The first is to read the WDR08 as a document for... more
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      EconomicsAgrarian ChangeHistory and archaeology
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      EconomicsAgrarian ChangeHistory and archaeology
The availability of fuel and climate are major factors responsible for forest fire activity over time. Here, we tested the hypothesis that forest ecosystems containing a high shrub biomass, which constitutes a fuel load, and affected by a... more
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      Earth SciencesFireClimateHolocene
The lower Mississippi valley (LMV) contains many large braided channel belts that are preserved west of the Holocene floodplain. Previous efforts to establish geochronologic control on channel-belt construction have been hindered by the... more
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
Italian anti-fascists started to emigrate from the moment that Mussolini seized power. These émigrés, or fuorusciti, tried to organise themselves to put an end to Mussolini’s regime, but found themselves confronting a number of unexpected... more
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      History and archaeologyModern ItalyLanguage Culture and Communication
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      History and archaeologyDaedalus
Agricultural biotechnology is typically analyzed critically by means of a political ecological focus on the science and its ecological implications – agbio science as a radical, and ‘non-natural’, break with ‘normal’ trajectories for ‘new... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyBiotechnologyAgrarian Change
By collecting images of heritage assets from members of the public and processing them to create 3D-reconstructed models, the HeritageTogether project has accomplished the digital recording of nearly 80 sites across Wales, UK. A large... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyComputer ScienceCultural Heritage
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      History and archaeologyModern ItalyLanguage Culture and Communication
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      Earth SciencesArtHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
Suetonius’ Lives of the Caesars usually begin with a family tree. These family trees are often rhetorical, foreshadowing in the ancestors character traits that will be themes of the rest of the Life. This particular rhetorical strategy... more
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      Emperor NeroSuetoniusPhilosophy and Religious StudiesHistory and archaeology