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Postmodernism argues that historical reality is constructed by historians and the written documents they study, and that historical truth is shaped by and reflects the perspective of the historian. Conclusions are subjective and... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryHistoriographyHistory and Memory
In Sicilia, il romanzo storico incarna una parte consistente dell’identità e delle ideologie dominanti sin dall’Unità del 1861. Dopo la morte di Sciascia, l’avvio della fortuna di Camilleri e l’uscita del romanzo "La lunga vita di... more
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      Gender StudiesThe Historical NovelHistory and MemoryNarrative and Identity
Kriege und moderne militärische Konflikte bergen das wirkmächtige Potential den Verlauf der Geschichte in einer derart gestauchten chronologischen Abfolge der Geschehnisse zu verändern, die es für Gesellschaften schwer macht, sie in ihrer... more
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      International RelationsHistory and MemoryNaval WarfareCultural Heritage Conservation
In cultural and intellectual terms, one of the EU’s most important objectives in pursuing unification has been to develop a common historical narrative of Europe. Across ten compelling case studies, this volume examines the premises... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationHistory and Memory
Drawing on ethnographic data collected in a coastal village in southwestern Madagascar, the work explores the concept of memory through a study of contemporary hospitality practices aimed towards western tourists and other outsiders. The... more
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      Hospitality StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesAnthropology of Madagascar
Using the framework of centripetal and centrifugal force, this article analyzes alternating periods of peace and conflict in South Korea-Japan mutual perceptions since 1998 when the two nations took unprecedented conciliatory actions.... more
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      History and MemoryEast Asian PoliticsKorea (North and/or South)U.S. Foreign Policy
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
The elite of Renaissance Italy learnt much about the newly discovered Americas from the journals of explorer Christopher Columbus and from the accounts from the Venetian scholar and explorer Antonio Pigafetta. It was during the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory and MemoryCultural MemoryItalian Renaissance Art
The essay aims to analyze how the past is appropriated in the European Public Sphere and which institutions, media and actors are involved in Public History practices. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon world, a variety of Public History... more
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      Public HistoryHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesPolicy History
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesHistory and MemoryMedieval Iberian History
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean History
This study explores the basic transformations of the Holocaust-memory in France on the basis of French fiction films that are to be identified as part of cinematography of the Holocaust. The chosen approach that can be described as a... more
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      French HistoryHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesFilm History
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in... more
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      History and MemoryYugoslaviaMemory StudiesCultural Memory
This dissertation investigates the social world of contemporary filmmakers in the Middle East and the way they use visual media to re-imagine existent forms of identity, envision new modes of social agency, and transform public culture in... more
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      AnthropologyFilm StudiesMiddle East StudiesVisual Culture
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2019) 39 (2): 313–327 The article, based on two years of fieldwork, examines the meaning of displacement for Palestinian citizens of Israel who live in Jaffa. Specifically,... more
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      Space and PlaceHistory and MemoryIsrael/PalestinePalestine
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      Postcolonial StudiesGenocide StudiesHistory and MemoryHolocaust Studies
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
The monograph dedicated to the analysis of the politics of history in Ukraine, 'Eastern Europe', and 'Western Europe' in the 1980s - 2010s. Rich empirical material, detailed analysis of roles and performances of state (President,... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesHistory and Memory
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      Cultural HeritageHistory and MemoryUrban PlanningUrban Studies
The outbreak of World War II in Poland and the subsequent formation of the underground state saw women’s massive involvement in the war effort. Women engaged in the resistance movement not only as civilians providing help to soldiers, but... more
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      History and MemorySexualityWomen and War StudiesGender
1 Presentación de un campo de investigación El crecimiento continuado de los estudios de la memoria y del trauma es el resultado de una profunda necesidad social, política y cultural de asumir la violencia y la injusticia del pasado. La... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory and MemoryTrauma StudiesMemory Studies
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      German StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesCultural Memory
Este artículo explora de manera pormenorizada de cómo ha sido la incorporación de la dictadura cívico-militar en el espacio público. Detalla la lenta evolución, precisando coyunturas y acontecimientos, de la ubicación en la memoria... more
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      History and MemoryTransitional JusticeExileMemory Studies
Memorias mapuche. En este libro se presentan los testimonios de siete mujeres mapuche y los procesos de sus memorias tras la desaparición forzada de sus familiares durante la dictadura militar chilena. Con esta investigación se plantean... more
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      Race and RacismHistory and MemoryCollective MemoryHistoria
This article explores the role of literature and romantic nationalism in the creation of nations as this applies to the Faroese nation, in particular the case of the poet Nólsoyar Páll. It is the ambition to discuss how literature can be... more
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      RomanticismHistory and MemoryNational HeroesCultural Nationalism
Il saggio descrive i rapporti di Giuseppe Mazzini con la massoneria e analizza poi l'uso pubblico che la massoneria fece di Mazzini dopo la sua morte (1872) e il contributo che essa dette alla costruzione del suo mito e alla diffusione... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesItalian (European History)
Political revolutions are, by their very nature, contested events, and liable to remain the subject of conflicting interpretations long after they have turned the existing order upside down and spun it around. This is especially so when... more
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      African StudiesPolitical EconomyAfrican HistoryHistory and Memory
In 1937 and 1938, as the bombing of Guernica and northern Spain increased in frequency and intensity, thousands of children boarded ships to safer residences in foreign countries. 1 About 3,000 children, with teachers and caregivers,... more
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      Cultural HistorySociologyEducationSoviet History
The present special issue explores the manifold relations between history, memory, and anthropological research.
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologySocial Anthropology
Esse artigo propõe-se a analisar o filme "Operação Cajueiro – Um carnaval de torturas" (2014). A partir disso, busca apresentar argumentos que evidenciem o papel da obra na fixação de uma contranarrativa que tensiona a versão estatal... more
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      History and MemoryCollective MemoryDictatorshipsCinema
Sur Martin Ruef, Between Slavery and Capitalism. The Legacy of Emancipation in the American South, Princeton et Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2014 ; Alex Gourevitch, From Slavery to the Cooperative Commonwealth. Labor and... more
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      History and MemoryHistory of SlaveryAbolition of Slavery
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      History and MemoryPolitical ScienceArmenian Genocide
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      Art HistorySocial IdentityCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Overall, these concerns should not detract from the accomplishments of this study, which is tremendously effective in capturing the outlooks and attitudes of genteel women in the British colonies. Lawrence's rigorous research has enabled... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistory and MemoryAtlantic WorldWorld History
This chapter investigates whether the Holocaust was the catalyst for the adoption of a number of seminal texts in the postwar 'human rights revolution', including the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsGenocide Studies
In the 25 years since the re-establishment of Baltic independence from the Soviet Union, there has been no conclusive public conversation, or “coming to terms with the past” with respect to crimes against Latvian and other persecuted... more
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      History and MemoryEuropean UnionMemory StudiesBaltic States
The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPsychologyPsychoanalysis
Intervention présentée lors de la journée d'étude "Mémoires honteuses. Les chrétiens européens face à leurs passés embarrassants", organisée par Laurent Ropp à l'Université du Mans, laboratoire TEMOS, le 9 novembre 2021. En 1623, les... more
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      History and MemoryProtestantismShameFrench Protestantism
Over the twentieth century 35,000 Australians suffered as prisoners of war in conflicts ranging from World War I to Korea. What was the reality of their captivity? Beyond Surrender presents for the first time the diversity of the... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryHistory and Memory
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      History and MemoryAdaptive reuse, Interior Architecture, Sustainability
This article seeks to demonstrate how the myth of Troy is still relevant to modern-day European culture and identity, drawing on Gregor Feindt et al.’s concept of “entangled memory” as a theoretical foundation. In order to support this... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
Resumo O artigo contextualiza transformações que vivenciamos neste início de século, nos centros urbanos metropolitanos. Tomamos por exemplo a cidade de São Paulo, onde analisamos dois edifícios - o Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) e o... more
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      ArchitectureHistoric PreservationHistory and MemoryArquitectura
This paper begins with a survey of scholarship on television history and history on television in Spain. It goes on to sketch two theoretical models of history and television. Finally it offers a close reading of the most viewed event in... more
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      Television StudiesHistory and MemoryHistorical memoryMemory Studies
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      History and MemoryAufarbeitung der VergangenheitSocial and Collective MemoryCommemoration and Memory
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory and Memory
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
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      Asian StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial NetworksFamily studies
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      History and MemoryHistory of SilesiaPeasant HistoryNapolonic wars, 17th century, 30 Years War
O presente estudo tem com objecto a produção de fotografia de teatro em Portugal entre 1868, data das primeiras fotografias, em série, associadas a uma determinada peça, e 1974, que corresponde, simultaneamente, à extinção da companhia... more
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      Theatre HistoryHistory and MemoryRepresentationPortuguese Photography
This article is a conversation between five specialists of veterans’ history on the current direction of the field and its importance to the study of war and society. The discussants offer an an overview of current methodologies,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History