History, Writing and Memory

464 papers
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History, Writing and Memory examines the interplay between historical narratives, the act of writing, and collective or individual memory. This field explores how memories are constructed, represented, and preserved through written texts, influencing our understanding of the past and shaping cultural identities.
La pensée critique est un outil de résistance à l'inhumanité, nous explique le philosophe Ezequiel Burstein qui cherche à penser l'impensable après le 7 octobre. Dans cette tribune parue initialement en Argentine, il analyse les limites... more
Heidegger et la mort explores the intricate relationship between Heidegger's philosophy and the concept of death. We invite you to read the paper and share your thoughts or questions!​
The collapse of socialist Yugoslavia and the rise of independent states in its place brought out interesting and disturbing phenomena involving Jews and Jewish symbols. This paper examines the following processes: 1) the loss of Jewish... more
El escrito hace una revisión psicoanalítica de literatura relacionada con sistemas totalitarios y la Shoa en tiempos del movimiento nazi, del rescate de la memoria y la posibilidad de olvido, a propósito de las masacres que vivíamos en... more
Thus ends the confrontation between the soldier Michael Williams on one side and King Henry V and Fluellen on the other in what is one of the most troubling encounters within the history plays of Shakespeare. It is troubling in a number... more
After World War II, anti-fascism became a widely accepted core concept in the political arena and was used by scholars as an interpretative framework for any kind of resistance that had taken place during the war. In Western Europe,... more
Au Canada, actuellement, 140 institutions font partie de la liste officielle des « pensionnats indiens ». De natures différentes, créées à des périodes diverses, confessionnelles ou non, dirigées par des congrégations d’enseignement ou... more
En el siguiente artículo ofrecemos algunas reflexiones derivadas de un proceso de investigación en torno a las capacidades políticas para las transiciones en los territorios afectados por el conflicto armado colombiano. Estas reflexiones... more
In the current cultural landscape, the term “avant-garde” appears to be omnipresent; some argue that its influence has waned. A Google search from 2007 yielded 11.2 million pages on the term, a number that has likely grown significantly... more
This book studies how the complex relationship between music, the avant-garde, and counterculture challenges all sorts of boundaries. By exploring the avant-garde as a thoughtful inquiry into experimentation, creativity, and originality,... more
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* Patrice Groulx est professeur au Département d'histoire de l'Université Laval. Cet article a été préparé à partir d'une présentation à la table ronde intitulée « Une histoire populaire du Canada : le point de vue des historiens et des... more
This article analyzes the role of the media in the development of a discourse that legitimizes state violence. Starting with the Pinochet dictatorship and Piñera's October 18 as similar historical moments, we are presented with violence... more
Ma préface au volume IV de l'Intégrale de la BD Le génie des alpages est un très sérieux article scientifique (mouais...) écrit à la suite d'une enquête de terrain fouillée dans l'alpage du Génie et les 14 tomes de la bande dessinée de... more
This article provides an insight into the ambiguous relationship between Catholicism and the Ustaša regime and the synthesis between religion and fascist ideology through an examination of the “warrior priest,” the militant village priest... more
On the front page of Hrvatski tjednik (Croatian Weekly), the biggest right-wing newspaper in Croatia, in issue 1028 of June 6, 2024, it was written "Croatia needs a museum of the victims of the Yugo-Serbian regime, not a museum of the... more
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume/fascicolo di periodico dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5, della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633.
The paper discusses the quest to identify patterns in notorious mass atrocities of the 20th century in Europe, specifically focusing on three genocides: Jasenovac, Volhynia, and Srebrenica. The goal is to analyze the socio-economic and... more
La « question nationale » -la « question du Québec » dirait le reste du Canada -n'a pas fini de faire couler l'encre. Encore cet été, Le Devoir publiait une série d'articles sur « Penser la nation québécoise » sous la plume de plusieurs... more
marija.paprasarovski@ff L'extention du domaine de la cohérence. Lecture de la tétralogie Le sang des promesses de Wajdi Mouawad UDC 821.133.1(71).09 Mouawad, W. Original scientifi c paper Reçu le 30 octobre 2013 Accepté pour la... more
Introduction Ovidiu Cristea and Liviu Pilat The history of the Black Sea may be considered as alternating between an “inner lake,” when a single empire establishes control over the sea and its surrounding areas, and that of an “open sea,”... more
La extracción de metales preciosos fue el principal motor económico de la Colombia colonial, hecho largamente conocido por investigadores locales y extranjeros. Sin embargo, con pocas excepciones, la relación entre la extracción mineral y... more
Resumen Con el proyecto de I+D que presenta mos aquí queremos hacer una contribución más a la investigación en interpretación en los servicios públicos, con un enfoque contrastivo que contempla dos dimensiones, la temporal y la espacial,... more
This paper explores the impact of post-World War One trauma on the cultural, social and aesthetic discourse on women’s fashion and beauty in interwar Romania. It analyses the postwar complex representations of modern femininity as key to... more
Translated by Anna M. Shields These specific, personal, and moving biographies reveal ideals of virtuous conduct for women and young boys in the Tang and paint a world in which birth and lineage shaped social relations and po liti cal... more
This paper shows the directions of Philippine studies in Japan after World War II, with the list of titles of English books and monographs written by Japanese scholars.
Ximing Monastery 西明寺, in addition to being a religious site inhabited by mostly Buddhist monks, also served as a center engaged in activities beyond religion. In pre-modern times, religious clergy often played a particular role in... more
Käesolev Studia Philosophica Estonica erinumber sisaldab läbilõiget 13. Eesti filosoofia aastakonverentsil kõneldust. Tartu Ülikooli poolt korraldatud konverents toimus 11-13. mail 2017 Käärikul ning selle teemaks oli „Faktid,... more
Les deux dernières études de Jean-François Lyotard, "La mainmise" et "D'un trait d'union" trait d'un différend entre chrétiens et juifs qui remonte à la période de la formation de la nouvelle religion. Ces deux études ont été recueillies... more
En esta ponencia propongo adentrarme en la especificidad de los procesos de alfabetización y de enseñanza de la escritura entre estos grupos indígenas, atendiendo a sus similitudes y diferencias. La revisión documental y de trabajos... more
Al menos desde el siglo xvii las órdenes religiosas, impulsadas en gran medida por agentes de la monarquía hispánica, enseñaron el idioma castellano y la escritura a distintos grupos indígenas del área Arauco-pampeano-patagónica como... more
La seguente intervista ha avuto luogo il 22 maggio 2023 a Torino, a seguito dell'intervento "Ambigüité de la transparence" tenuto da François Jullien all'interno del convegno "Trasparenza e opacità nella società digitale", organizzato dal... more
Una de las consecuencias de la digitalización y la inteligencia artificial en la sociedad fue la creación del Big Data, la minería de datos, que sentó nuevas bases para investigaciones estadísticas y sociológicas anteriores. Los grandes... more
Este libro tiene su origen en los distintos seminarios que en los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) se vienen desarrollando desde 2016 y que están dedicados al estudio y problematización de la Memoria Democrática y la... more
The colonization of the African continent mainly in the 19th century was neither for the African interest nor for the interest of Africans. The alien domination caused the greatest damage to the African continent nearly in every aspect of... more
Este texto constituye la Presentación del Dossier “Revuelta popular entre la Edad Moderna y la Contemporánea”, publicado en 2024 en el número 109 de la revista Historia Social. La Introducción propone un recorrido por los principales... more
Este Dossier constituye la segunda pieza del informe de presentación de los resultados del proyecto “Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en las ciudades españolas: la Guerra de la Independencia”, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de... more
Instructions on the spelling of dialect poems by Ennio Donati
Avasõna Ülevaade 2000. a. F. Puksoo auhinnale esitatud töödest Auhinna üleandmine Ettekanded teemal Mis meil on kaasa võtta uude aastatuhandesse? Rahvuslik arhiivraamatukogu kui eneseteostus Krista Aru Kas raamatuga uude aastatuhandesse?... more
en una fotografía de familia con sus dos hijas (foto cedida por Carlota Leret). Resum Al juliol del 1936 les vides de Carlota O'Neill i el seu marit, el capità d'aviació Virgilio Leret, van quedar escapçades a causa de l'aixecament de les... more
The loud wind never reached the ship, Yet now the ship moved on! Beneath the lightning and the Moon The dead men gave a groan. Denis Gabor first elucidated the principle of holography 1 in a remarkable one-page article which appeared in... more
The loud wind never reached the ship, Yet now the ship moved on! Beneath the lightning and the Moon The dead men gave a groan. Denis Gabor first elucidated the principle of holography 1 in a remarkable one-page article which appeared in... more
I: Introduction Japanese has historically been the official national language in Japan. In the fields of literature and social sciences, the majority of research outcomes have been written in Japanese. However, when examining the trends... more