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This book traces the history of Portugal and its overseas dominions from approximately 1770 until just before 1850. Historians generally refer to this period as the "Age of Revolution (s)," when the imperial institutions, non-state... more
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      Portuguese HistoryBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryAtlantic World
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      Iberian StudiesSpanish HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishNineteenth Century
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      Intellectual HistorySpanish LiteratureRomanticismPortuguese Studies
SHORNCLIFFE LECTURES BOOK 5 Book 5 of the Shorncliffe Lectures series explores the development of the Baker Rifle and the Experimental Corps of Riflemen of Colonel Coote-Manningham that became the 95th Rifles. This was the first permanent... more
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      Military HistoryBritish HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishArgentina
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      Military HistorySpanish HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishNapoleonic Wars
Another chapter offers up to Milton scholars the discovery, laid out in abundant citations, of a new source for Paradise Lost. The figure of Satan, we find, with all the conflicts and contrivances, is none other than Alberti's Momus,... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean StudiesOttoman History
A Missionary Nation focuses on Spain’s crusade to resurrect its empire, beginning with the so-called War of Africa. Fought in Morocco between 1859 and 1860, the campaign involved more than forty-five thousand troops and led to a... more
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      European HistoryMexico HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishDominican History
A Constituição Política da Monarquia Espanhola, de 19 de março de 1812, seria conhecida na Espanha como a Constituição de Cádiz. Sua elaboração precoce fez da Espanha um dos primeiros países do mundo a ter sua Constituição escrita. Ela... more
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      Latin American StudiesConstitutional LawLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPortuguese Studies
Introdução geral multimédia à "Peregrinação" de Fernão Mendes Pinto para estudantes de literaturas lusófonas e, especialmente, da literatura de viagens do Renascimento na Europa.
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
As heroínas das novelas medievais, a rainha Genebra, Isolda, ou mesmo a mais ibérica Oriana, a Sem Par, transportam-nos para um mundo imaginário onde, embora a violência espreite a cada esquina (ou em cada ponte, ou atrás de cada árvore... more
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      Medieval LiteratureWomen's HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory Portuguese and Spanish
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      History Portuguese and SpanishBrazilian Portuguese
This paper looks at the strikingly parallel development of five distinct projects of nationalist mobilization(Catalan, Basque Galician, Portuguese, and Castilian)  within the Iberian Peninsula during  the first quarter of the 20th century.
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      Spanish LiteratureCatalan StudiesBasque StudiesPortuguese Studies
Tomada como una de las marcas más expresivas del comportamiento metalingüístico occidental, la gramatización representa, en términos de Auroux (2014), una revolución tecnológica que tiene como objetivo describir e instrumentar una lengua... more
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      SociolinguisticsHistoriographyHistory Portuguese and SpanishSpanish Grammar
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      Portuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishAzores history
El traumático divorcio de 1640 produjo secuelas en ambas países ibéricos o peninsulares: en España condujo a un continuado complejo de amputación, que frecuentemente se tradujo en una práctica política destinada a ahogar la independencia... more
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      European StudiesPortuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishHistoria Contemporánea de España
COMISSÁRIOS Antonio Sáez Delgado Jerónimo Pizarro TEXTOS Antonio Sáez Delgado Diego Giménez Jerónimo Pizarro Manuela Parreira da Silva Pablo Javier Pérez López INVESTIGAÇÃO BIBLIOGRÁFICA Antonio Sáez Delgado Jerónimo... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and Spanish
Variedades de la lengua española ofrece un panorama general de la variación dialectal y sociolingüística en el espacio hispanohablante, presentado por uno de los más prestigiosos expertos en la materia. La lectura de este manual... more
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      Latin American StudiesSpanishDialectologySociolinguistics
Isso mesmo, que ele se foda. O neoliberalismo é uma merda. Não precisamos dele.
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      SociologyHuman GeographyLatin American StudiesPortuguese and Brazilian Literature
Tomando como referencia la geografía cultural del mundo ibérico entre los siglos xvi y xviii, este libro reconstruye un orden de los sexos y de los géneros que funcionó en ese periodo. Este régimen, muy diferente del nuestro, se pone al... more
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      IntersexualityGender and SexualityIdentity (Culture)History of Sexuality
The present paper focuses on prince François Claude Auguste de Crouy-Chanel (1793-1873). In the balance between comedy and tragedy, he was one the most controversial figure of his time. Born in an aristocratic family, from 1823 to 1839,... more
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      French HistoryPortuguese HistorySpanish HistoryHistory Portuguese and Spanish
Il ruolo dei partiti portoghesi e della Comunità Europea nel periodo a cavallo tra Rivoluzione dei garofani e accesso alla CEE (1974-1986).
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationPortuguese HistoryIberian Studies
"Os Mercadores da Liga Hanseática em Lisboa na Viragem do século XV para o século XVI" "Merchants of the Hanseatic League in Lisbon at the turn of the 15th towards the 16th century" Workshop "Comunidades Estrangeiras em Lisboa (Séculos... more
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      German HistoryPortuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishEarly Modern Europe
The sugar ceramic from the towns of Machico and Funchal. Historical and archaeological data to the Portuguese and sugar production technology research. The present paper mulls over the sugar ceramic question, considering several... more
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      History Portuguese and SpanishPostmedieval ArchaeologySugar industrySugar Technology
パトリック・シュウェマー『語り物末流の研究』プリンストン大学博士論文、2015年 第一巻 『相模川』の研究:17世紀幸若舞曲の展開 1.危険な「棚飾り」:プリンストン大学図書館所蔵『相模川』絵巻の研究 2.本居宣長以前の「もののあはれ」:古浄瑠璃『梶原最期しづかあづまくだり』の研究 3.反体制文学から徳川幕府の式楽へ:能『相模川』の研究 第二巻 バレト写本の研究:日本文学としての、日本語によるキリシタン文学... more
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      ChristianityJapanese StudiesPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureSpanish Literature
Estudo sobre a presença portuguesa no vice-reino do Peru, entre 1580 e 1640, com base em fontes documentais de arquivos espanhóis, peruanos, mexicanos e paraguaios, designadamente, processos inquisitoriais, fiscais e judiciais,... more
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      Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryColonial AmericaHistory Portuguese and Spanish
We are grateful to Ned Alpers and the journal's referees for their comments on an earlier draft.
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      Diplomatic HistoryAfrican HistoryIndian Ocean HistoryHistory Portuguese and Spanish
A génese dos primeiros modelos de templos surgidos logo antes ou na sequência imediata das resoluções do Concílio de Trento (1545-1563), de concepção já adequada a uma liturgia e culto reformados, constituem uma das questões mais... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The process of palaeography is far more complex and time-consuming than the process of translation, as it requires additional intuition, instruction, involvement and intelligence in order to find the right words, rather than a simple... more
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      BotanyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsMedieval History
Numa época em que o Novo Mundo atraía numerosas hostes de exploradores, a organização de uma expedição por um conquistador prestigiado constituía um chamamento irrecusável. Vinte e três portugueses juntaram-se em Sevilha, em 1538, para... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishPeopling of the New World16th Century Spanish Explorations in North America
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryIberian StudiesPortuguese Medieval History
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      History Portuguese and SpanishMacau
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
SANDÍA. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, es una comunicación por la cual el etimólogo determina que el nombre singular de género femenino en lengua española SANDÍA, es un sintagma ibérico que significa: ROJA DEL TIEMPO. Con... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
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      Portuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishConfraternities studies
Constantino Vasconcellos (+1668), was a portuguese engineer and architect, probably from Braga, the most Baroque portuguese city. He arrived at Peru Vice-Reign around 1629, and worked at Huancavelica, Oruro, Potosí and Lima. In 1645... more
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      HistoryTourism StudiesArt HistorySpanish Studies
The history of the Coimbra's Jewish community . Middle Ages.
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPortuguese History
The present paper explores the shifting roles and understandings of the Singapore Straits from the latter Middle Ages until the opening decades of the eighteenth century. In pursuing this task, I will develop a set of basic questions that... more
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      BusinessHistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Portuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishHistory of the Portuguese EmpireMonarchy
MARIPOSA. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, es un comunicado por el cual el etimólogo expone aplicando su Teoría de los Acrónimos Ibéricos que la denominación dada a este insecto en lengua española es el fruto de un... more
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      PhilologyHistoryCultural StudiesGeography
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      Portuguese StudiesPortuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionIndian Ocean History
El origen del nombre Toledo, es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, por el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de... more
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryAncient History
in Thomas Spear, ed., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 30 pp. Summary: The Portuguese colonial empire was the first and the last European empire overseas, from the conquest of... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryAfrican StudiesPortuguese
The Christian-Muslim Relations Bibliographical History is an ambitious attempt to provide scholarly entries and bibliographies for all works written by Muslims about and against Christianity, and all works written by Christians about and... more
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      Japanese StudiesPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureMissions to AsiaJapanese Religions
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      EnlightenmentSpanish HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishIntellectual History of Enlightenment
This article is a reflection on the Hispanic imperial visual archive, that is, the thousands of images produced in the Spanish American viceroyalties in order to document, communicate, and transport claims about the New World in pictorial... more
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      Latin American StudiesVisual StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Art History
Roca. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, es un comunicado amparado por la Teoría de los Acrónimos Ibéricos; metodología empleada por el arriba citado autor y para sus numerosos hallazgos tras descifrar la escritura ibérica el... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Language
El origen de la palabra CARA es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, por el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesSpanishCatalan Language
This paper examines evidence for Spanish occupation on Makira (Solomon Islands) and the search for an associated possible shipwreck of Mendanas lost Galleon.
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyRemote Sensing
Fernandes's large (approx. 12" x 19 "), richly illustrated nautical treatise resides in the Ajuda Library in Lisbon and is justly famous in European maritime history. Although it shares characteristics with many treatises presented to... more
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      Portuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern economic and social history
Onde não chegaram os portugueses com as suas caravelas? Desde Ceuta, em Marrocos, conquistada em 1415, ao Japão, alcançado por acaso em 1542 (por três mercadores de peles, Francisco Zeimoto, António da Mota e António Peixoto, que faziam... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPortuguese