Historical and Comparative Sociology
Recent papers in Historical and Comparative Sociology
Most ―mainstream accounts of the West-East divergence gain theoretical inspiration from Max Weber and/or Karl Marx, and have therefore traced the ―rise of the West to the unique social processes that apparently fostered capitalism in... more
Final proofs of the whole book
Sheldon Pollock is the leading North American Indologist and his magnum opus, The Language of the Gods in the World of Men: Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India, is a field-defining classic. Pollock takes himself to be a fierce... more
This book reviews the main methods used by comparative-historical sociologists.
Glocal Spirituality: Consumerism and Heritage in Puerto Rican Brujería With the recent intensification of the circulation of ritual experts and commodities, folk religions such as Puerto Rican brujería (witch-healing) have entered a... more
Resumen Este artículo presenta un mapa del giro a la derecha en América Latina en el siglo XXI para luego repensar el con-cepto "derecha" y sus referencias histórico-empíricas más recientes. El concepto ha sido muy utilizado en las... more
Uma breve análise crítica do neoliberalismo, suas origens e ideologia.
The central contention of this article is that early nineteenth-century Irish landlords were constrained in their ability to control their estates by the prospect of peasant resistance. The apex of that resistance took the form of what... more
In questa rubrica vengono recensiti libri italiani e stranieri, ad eccezione di quelli i cui autori fanno parte della direzione di questa rivista.
A timely analysis of the power and limits of political parties—and the lessons of the Civil War and the New Deal in the Age of Trump. American voters have long been familiar with the phenomenon of the presidential frontrunner. In 2008,... more
Il potenziale critico fondamentale delle scienze storiche risiede nel poter includere nella ricerca idee e punti di vista che rischierebbero altrimenti di esserne esclusi. Nell'ambito specifico che interessa questo articolo, quello dello... more
This is Chapter 1 of the New Handbook of Political Sociology. Andy Clarno and I envision the piece as a three-fold intervention to the theory of power in political sociology. First, as a preliminary point, we document the general drift of... more
Stephen Mennell acted as General Editor for the entire series of 18 volumes published between 2006 and 2014 by University College Dublin Press (www.ucdpress.ie), on behalf of the Norbert Elias Foundation, Amsterdam. An account of the... more
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more
I et interview kommenterede den tysk-britiske sociolog Norbert Elias (1897-1990) engang en bemærkning, som Zygmunt Bauman havde knyttet til hans værk. Bemærkningen gik ud på, at Elias måske var ”den sidste repræsentant for den klassiske... more
Recent years have seen renewed interest in the study of revolution. Spurred by events like the 2011 uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, the rise of Islamic State, and the emergence of populism, a new age of revolution has... more
This paper recapitulates two influential JRAI articles to discuss comparison in anthropology. Charles Lindholm's 1995 article criticized the then new, now well-established, trend in Middle East ethnography for its radical emphasis on... more
"Postface au rapport: La gestion de la diversité ethnique dans les armées. Le cas du Royaume-Uni, des Etats-Unis, de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas, par Anaïs Reding, Matt Bassford, Claire Celia, Kristin Weed, Emmanuel Hassan (Rand Europe),... more
In this review symposium, Pinar Bilgin, Ann Towns and David C. Kang discuss Barry Buzan and George Lawson's The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations. In the book, Buzan and Lawson set out to... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
...one day you set foot in someone else's country and your world turned upside down. These people were *weird*, really off the wall. The neighbours back home might be slack, but at least you could talk to them. In this new place, it was,... more
This paper provides a conceptual augmentation of the notion of responsibility offered by Roth. This augmentation is predicated on the idea that Being is grounded in actions (or answerable deeds) that contribute to the unfolding collective... more
E n un poema dedicado a la comprensión del I Ching, el libro chino de las mutaciones, Jorge Luis Borges dice: «No hay una cosa / que no sea una letra silenciosa / de la eterna escritura indescifrable / cuyo libro es el tiempo» 1 .
The question of why students think there are two kinds of American history taught—one in the K—12 system and one in the university system—can be examined critically using Emile Durkheim's (1973) description of the sacred and the profane.... more
History's epistemological dilemma equally applies to sociology: how can we make claims about persons, events, and processes on the basis of archival records? This article develops a framework called Life on File that combines sociological... more
This book explores the relationship between knowledge and the body through a series of historical and archaeological case studies. More specifically, it considers the concept of embodied knowledge by exploring some of the apparent diverse... more
Mainstream historical accounts of the development of capitalism describe a process which is fundamentally European - a system that was born in the mills and factories of England or under the guillotines of the French Revolution. In this... more
Norbert Elias, What is Sociology? London: Hutchinson, and New York: Columbia University Press, 1978, 187 pp. Translated from German by Grace Morrissey and Stephen Mennell, from Was ist Sociologie? (Munich: Juventa, 1970). Note that... more
Este trabajo –parafraseando a Descartes- es un discurso sobre el método y la necesidad de reposicionar el sujeto en el proceso de construcción de conocimiento. Para ello nos proponemos esbozar algunas consideraciones que esperamos sirvan... more
This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab... more