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In 2009, the National Archaeological Museum at Athens opened the “Terracotta Figurines Collection” in which around five hundred objects from its depots were presented for the first time to the public. This collection had been built at the... more
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      Greek HistoryNineteenth Century Archaeological Collecting PracticesModern Greek StudiesBiography of Objects
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      Ottoman HistoryBiographyJournalistHistorical Biography
Located at the northern tip of Dirk Hartog Island in Western Australia, Cape Inscription is one of the most significant cultural heritage sites in Australia. It marks the accidental landfall of Dutch skipper Dirk Hartog and his crew on... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
This essay explores the many lives of Minhaj Siraj al-Din Juzjani (fl. 1193–1260), author of the Tabaqat-i Nasiri. Before writing the Tabaqat-i Nasiri in Delhi in 1259–60, Juzjani had served for a half-century in the role of judge, imam,... more
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      AfghanistanSouth Asian HistoryIslamic Intellectual HistoryHistorical Biography
A survey of the mythos and history of the Grahams through the ages. Are you a Graham, Graeme, Grame, Grimes or de Giresme? Or a Nethery? Or perhaps a Jordan, Johnson or Noble whose Y-chromosomal DNA has a distinctive Graham haplotype... more
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      GenealogyHeraldryGenetic GenealogyFamily history
"This special issue of Comparative Literature Studies brings together talks, some extensively revised, others virtually unchanged, that were delivered at a conference entitled "What is Philology?" The gathering took place on Saturday,... more
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This thesis examines the life of a young Aboriginal man, Yonki Yonka (c. 1823-1846), whose generation endured the colonisation of Port Phillip and the establishment of Melbourne.
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      Settler colonialismHistorical BiographyResiliance
Depósito legal: B-11.224-2014 Impreso en ServicePoint Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser efectuada con la autorización de los titulares, con excepción prevista... more
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      Catalan HistoryNationalism StudiesBiography and Life-WritingHistorical Biography
A teenage king in 223 BC, Antiochus III inherited an empire in shambles, ravaged by civil strife and eroded by territorial secessions. He proved himself a true heir of Alexander: he defeated rebel armies and embarked on a campaign of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman History
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      HistoryGender HistoryBook HistoryLife history
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      ProsopographyMedieval HungaryBook ReviewsHistorical Methodology
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    • Historical Biography
Corrected and combined from 2 articles originally published in Slavonica, Keele University Press, vol. 1, 1994/5, no. 2, pp. 47-66, and vol. 2, 1995/96, no. 2, pp. 61-4. and... more
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      Russian StudiesHistoriographyRussian HistoryRussian Imperial History
Introducción El siglo XXI ha visto un renacer global del estudio de las dinámicas interactivas de la persona con ella misma, con los demás y con sus entornos relacionales (del-Olmo-Ibáñez, López Vega & Parra-Martínez, 2019). Entre otras... more
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      Contemporary HistoryBiographyLiterature And Language TeachingLiterary biography
They collect and they exchange. Castle Ambras as a regional node within a network of European princely courts of the late Renaissance This paper explores dimensions of cultural exchange, a research area that traces mutual exchange... more
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      Art HistoryHabsburg StudiesMuseologyTyrolean Culture
El historiador gallego Santiago Montero Díaz (1911-1985) fue un personaje atípico de la escena política gallega y española del siglo XX. Estudiante en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y después bibliotecario en Madrid y... more
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      Galician StudiesFascismBiographySpanish Civil War
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMarine BiologyOceanography
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      Early Modern CaptivityHistory of SlaveryHistory of SexualityIslam in Europe
III. Selim, II. Mahmud ve Abdülmecid gibi yenilik yanlısı padişahların saltanatlarını görmüş olan devlet adamı Mehmet Emin Rauf Paşa, bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda büyük değişimlerin yaşandığı bir... more
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      Military HistoryMiddle East StudiesBalkan HistoryOttoman-Turkish Westernization
The Ego-network of Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf (1852-1925), Head of the General Staff of the Austrian-Hungarian army at the beginning of World War I (red: family members; green: politics; blue: military; yellow: politics and military;... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
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      History of MedicineMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryEighteenth Century History
1. Η ανασκαφή των Μυκηναϊκών τάφων Καστρουλίου Δεσφίνας και άλλες έρευνες και ανασκαφές από τον Ν. Φωκίδας, Δελφοί 2006 // 2. Νέες αρχαιολογικές θέσεις στον Ν. Φωκίσας, Δελφοί 2007 // 3. Ανασκαφή ναού Ιλιάδος Αθηνάς στους Φυσκείς... more
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      ArchaeologyHistoriographyGreek ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
in Bernhard Gißibl and Isabella Löhr (eds.), Bessere Welten: Kosmopolitismus in den Geschichtswissenschaften, Campus Verlag 2017, p. 253-279.
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      Cosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismTransnational HistoryGabriela Mistral
Short biography published in Working Papers in The Health Sciences: Alan Glasper, Professor of Nursing Studies at the University of Southampton retired in March. His career has been a... more
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    • Historical Biography
"[A] 7,500-page genealogical blockbuster going far beyond existing individual clan and family histories." (Dr. Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart, Senior Lecturer, Sabhal Mor Ostaig.) The Red Book of Scotland Online seeks to fill an enormous... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesGenealogyBritish History
Correa y Zafrilla ha ocupado un lugar escueto en numerosas historias de la filosofía o de los movimientos políticos españoles. Este libro no pretende reivindicar ni sobrevalorar su aportación al pensamiento republicano de izquierdas. Por... more
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      BiographyO Biographical And Case Studies In HistoryBiografiaBiografía Intelectual
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      Social NetworksHistoriographyProsopographySpanish History
The Gissing Journal 51.2 (Apr. 2017): 1-7. Print.
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      Victorian StudiesRadioVictorian LiteratureBiography
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      BiogeographyDipteraHistorical Biography
Recenzió: Alexander Demandt, Marc Aurel. Der Kaiser und seine Welt, C.H.Beck, Berlin-München, 2019, 591. p.
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyBiographyRoman Empire
Per la ricostruzione della Vita di Socrate, che, come si sa, non ha lasciato nulla di scritto, disponiamo, grazie alla fama che ben presto raggiunse il grande filosofo ateniese, a buon diritto considerato il fondatore della filosofia... more
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      SocratesAncient PhilosophyAncient BiographyHistorical Biography
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      Early Modern HistoryIrish HistoryExileNobility
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      Secular canonsHistorical BiographyCathedral of Santiago De CompostelaCatedral De Santiago De Compostela
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographyHistorical MethodologyModern Hungarian History
This paper explores dimensions of cultural exchange, a research area that traces mutual exchange activities of various kinds in material culture, including portraits and statues, but also tools of everyday life. At the heart of this study... more
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      Art HistoryHabsburg StudiesMuseologyTyrolean Culture
Ο Γρεβενιώτης αρχαιολόγος Ανδρέας Βαβρίτσας (κατά καιρούς Έφορος Αρχαιοτήτων Βορείου Αιγαίου, Κυκλάδων, Θράκης, Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας), συνέδεσε το όνομά του με την πρώτη φάση επισκευών του αρχαίου Θεάτρου Μήλου και την ανάδειξη των... more
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      ArchaeologyBiographyGreek ArchaeologyHistory of Archaeological Research
Biographical entry on the political, military and writing activity of Christoforos Perraivos  (in Greek)
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      Modern GreeceModern Greek HistoryModern Greek PoliticsHistorical Biography
In May 1929, the Canadian Department of External Affairs (DEA) formalized diplomatic ties with Japan by opening its Tokyo legation. Although the third of its kind, Canada's Tokyo legation initiated and managed bi-lateral relations with a... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryCanadian HistoryInternational HistoryJapanese History
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      XVIII centuryBiographyBiographical MethodsRussian History
József Holub and the relocation of the Tagányi Library to Pécs. The existential opportunity-conditions of a small town history professor at the end of the 1920’s (Part 1) by Gábor Szeberényi (Summary) The position of university... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographyHistorical MethodologyModern Hungarian History
Manuel II Palaiologos (1391--1425) was a significant political and intellectual figure of Late Byzantine history. Born in an age of political upheaval for Byzantium, Manuel faced three civil wars, two sieges of Constantinople and the... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesMedieval Children and ChildoodHistorical Biography
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      PhilosophyBook HistoryDiplomacyHistorical Biography
A summary of professional life of Dr Paulina Lorenzana Albert, and achievements from a talented and respected colleague and friend in the area of international nutrition and health.
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    • Historical Biography
Ευσύνοπτη και περιεκτική βιογράφηση του συνθέτη Δημήτρη Δραγατάκη (Πλατανούσα Ηπείρου, 1914-Αθήνα, 2001) στηριγμένη αποκλειστικά σε υλικό πρωτογενών πηγών, στο πλαίσιο πολύχρονης έρευνας της συγγραφέως σε δημόσια και ιδιωτικά αρχεία και... more
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      BiographyResearchβιογραφική έρευναHistorical Biography
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      HistoryHistorical Biography
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      History of HistorySaint LouisHistorical StudiesHistorical Biography