Historic Landscapes
Recent papers in Historic Landscapes
In the 1880s British and American planned industrial communities revealed a distinct shift in spatial practices as two discrete architecture and landscape architectural aesthetics were applied to community design: Beaux Arts, and Arts and... more
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
Danigala Circular Rock is a unique shaped rock situated near Aralaganwila in the Polonnaruwa district. Ariel views of the rock show a unique semi-circular shape of it. There have been news of UFO sightings and alien activities in this... more
El Caminito del Rey (The King's Little Path) is a walkway, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Ardales in the province of Málaga, Spain. The name derives from the original name of Camino del Rey (King's... more
In Italy, the landscape is one of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, but its protection has been largely disregarded during all the second half of the twentieth century. Today we are witnessing a turnaround. After the... more
Industrial heritage is rarely confined to a single location or site. More often it is a series of interrelated sites across a wide landscape that contain evidence of how the factors of production were organised, brought to a place where... more
Basques were among the earliest Europeans to arrive in North America and sheep were one of the first livestock brought into the Northwest by the Pacific Fur Company at the founding of Fort Astoria in 1811 (Castelli 1970; Franchere 1854).... more
in Cairo: Renewing the Historic City, Philip Jodidio, ed. (Munich: Prestel; The Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme, 2018), 77-89.
Historical reconstruction of (peat) landscape on the Dutch-Belgian border between Antwerp and Roosendaal. Between 1250 - 1750 peat was extracted and transported to Flanders, Antwerp and Breda. The denudated landscape was reclaimed in... more
Kasır, padişahlar için doğal değerler açısından zengin çevrelerde; kimi zaman şehir dışında, daha çok mesire yeri, hafta sonu ya da yakınında yer alan koruluklarda av amaçlı kullanılmak üzere inşa edilmiş küçük ölçekli ikame amaçlı... more
The Western Front: the creation of meaning and value in a war landscape The First World War Centenary (2014-18) has stimulated increased interest in the landscape of the Western Front in France and Belgium which continues to maintain a... more
Large, concentrated settlements known as ‘agro-towns’ abound across Southern Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean. The prevalence and persistence of these settlements are very curious but not yet well understood. Initially, scholars... more
This article offers a basic model and background methodological approaches to the establishment and development of Ottoman Archaeology in rural Greece, by presenting two surveyed ciftlik-estates in the region of Tanagra and their... more
[ES] Los pastizales de altura de la Cordillera Cantábrica han sido un importante recurso para las comunidades que han ocupado estos territorios a lo largo de los siglos. En este artículo presentamos los resultados iniciales de un proyecto... more
This presentation highlights one of the pioneers of photojournalism, George N. Barnard, who documented the war as Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s staff photographer in 1864-1865 in the Atlanta campaign and March to the Sea. It is through... more
This historical and archaeological research assesses the construction methods and geographical placement of the Hammock Landing Battery (8LI334) in Liberty County, Florida. Landscape data and terrain analysis demonstrates the location of... more
The concept of Indian Cultural Landscape, ICL, refers to a complex cultural mosaic and network of spatiality of time, temporality of space, sacrality of nature and overall the encompassing manifestation of transcendence of man who since... more
A research study was initiated by the CPDT in connection with the European Landscape Convention on the Walloon heritage landscapes. Relying on the concept of artialisation developed by Alain Roger, this study tried to determine which... more
The Touring Club Italiano was founded in 1894. Throughout the 20th century it played a major role in promote and protect Italy’s cultural, historical and environmental heritages, rightly viewed as irreplaceable assets to be preserved for... more
Two earthquakes, nearly three centuries apart, provide the basis for an interpretation of events following the two tremors. After the 1693 earthquake, local inhabitants rebuilt their towns in a version of Baroque architecture that is... more
The issue concerning the origin of the attachment of urban tenements to rural properties shown in Domesday Book and in other sources, which has generated controversy for more than a century, is examined in a new way. The spatial... more
In the context of Croatian national legislation the instrument of landscape plan does not have institutional foothold. The necessity of introducing landscape plans in the spatial planning system is emphasized by the European Landscape... more
Squares serve as an integral civic space in cities where historic events and socializing activities take place.Theyare an attraction for locals and tourists alike. However, some historic squares go through physical transformations to meet... more
ÖZET Kasır, padişahlar için doğal açıdan zengin bir çevrede; kimi zaman şehir dışında, daha çok mesire yeri, hafta sonu ya da yakınında yer alan koruluklarda av amaçlı kullanılmak üzere inşa edilmiş küçük ölçekli ikamet birimleridir.... more
L'Italia possiede un bene ineguagliabile che è rappresentato dall'enorme patrimonio culturale stratificatosi per più di trenta secoli e in maniera capillare nell'ordito armonico delle nostre antiche città, dei nostri musei, delle chiese,... more
The Cave of Theopetra, just 5 km away from Meteora it ranks among the most important archeological prehistoric sites of Greece! Over the past decades, it has revealed many prehistoric findings from many different periods of our... more
Participants in archaeology projects often mention archaeology's intensely real, deeply affecting, magical characteristics. Such overtly emotional dimensions are not commonly discussed or evaluated, due largely to their 'unscientific' and... more
Note: This is the original English-language version of an article published in Chinese in 2009. That Chinese article is among the papers included herein. Abstract: This article attempts to analyze the 19th-century "Formosan landscapes"... more
SUMMARY This paper considers recent research on London's food supply from its hinterlands by examining the Hoo Peninsula, in the wider context of agriculture and resources from the Kentish seaboard and ports. Considering other supplies... more
The paper presents a synthesis of the on-site