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Words used to describe the Battle of Culloden have always been written with lurid viscerality, from contemporary reports of the dramatic carnage on the moor to scholarly assessments of its enduring effects, still felt both in Scotland and... more
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      Scottish StudiesScottish HistoryCultural MemoryCommemoration and Memory
, Director and Trustee Edinburgh and SouthEast Scotland, and myself, Archaeological Advisor and Trustee for South West Scotland and Glasgow, made a visit to the battlefield at Auldearn. In the wake of extensions to the A9 motorway,... more
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyBattlefieldsBattlefield Heritage Management and Metal DetectingBattlefield Tourism
Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla is a project that aims to encompass all aspects of battlefield archaeology, in order to be a reference work in this study area. Therefore, a detailed... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesSpain (History)Battlefields
The Catalaunian Fields is a battle well known for the role of terrain in the battle, with Jordanes' description of the engagement focusing almost in its entirety on the hill. With the location of the battlefield now known and new research... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)Late AntiquityBattlefield ArchaeologyLate Roman Empire
Nine days after the German invasion in Belgium and four days before the fall of the fortifications around Liège, a remarkable confrontation took place in Halen (province of Limburg) between the cavalry brigade of general von der Marwitz... more
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      Conflict ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyFirst World WarModern conflict archaeology
Kbor Klib, the battlefield of Zama. The purpose of this short paper is to provide supporting evidence drawn from the histories of; Polybius, Livy, Appian and Cassius Dio to identify the location of the battlefield of Zama as being at... more
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      Roman HistoryPolybiusCassius DioSecond Punic War
Las Navas de Tolosa is one of the most important battles of Spain’s history, from both an historical and heritage point of view. The combination of both components makes the medieval battlefield the best place for the development of... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyArchaeological Heritage Management
"Una battaglia europea" lo fu veramente quella combattuta il 20 giugno 1719 a Francavilla di Sicilia. Si affrontarono Austriaci e Spagnoli, ma insieme a loro soldati di varie nazionalità, non esclusi i Siciliani. Il volume raccoglie gli... more
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      Military HistoryHistoriographySpanish HistoryMilitary Revolution
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      HistoryGreek LiteratureAncient Greek HistoryPersian
In February 1916 a small group of German army pioneers approached the looming bulk of Fort Douaumont near Verdun, at the time considered impregnable. This article describes the remarkable events surrounding its almost single-handed... more
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      Military HistoryGerman StudiesMilitary ScienceArtillery
Wat loden kogels en overige militaria ons kunnen vertellen over de slagvelden die plaats gevonden hebben rondom schans Knodsenburg en kasteel Lent
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyMetal Finds (Archaeology)Battlefield Heritage Management and Metal DetectingPost-Medieval Archaeology
A battle in the kingdom of Kandy in 1592 AD. The local army was victorious over the Portuguese who were an advanced western army. This research examines the use of local military knowledge of Sri Lanka.
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Portuguese StudiesPortuguese History
“The Sinews of Memory:’ The Forging of Civil War Memory and Reconciliation, 1865 – 1940,” explores the creation of historical memory of the American Civil War and, its byproduct, reconciliation. Stakeholders in the historical memory... more
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      Film StudiesHistorical memoryReconciliationPilgrimage and Tourism
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Warfare
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    • Historic Battlefields
Nell’articolo Fortificazione campale e ordini di battaglia. Un esempio piemontese del 1743, pubblicato nel Fascicolo N. 7 (giugno 2021), della Nuova Antologia Militare viene illustrato un procedimento di contromarcia per file, che... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyMilitary Archaeology
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      Turkish HistoryFirst World WarMuseumsGallipoli
The battle of Agincourt has stimulated a great deal of historical research over the centuries since it was fought. The archaeological potential of the battlefield, on the other hand, has attracted far less attention and can be summed up... more
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyMetal detector surveys (Archaeology)BattlefieldsAgincourt
Abstract Battlefield sites are important cultural heritage attractions and serve to enhance local, regional and national tourism resources. They are able to stimulate powerful emotional responses in some visitors and have deep, if... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage TourismDark Tourism
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      Medieval ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyMass GravesArchery in Europe
We present the historical context and the first results of the field survey of the Caesarian battlefields around Ulia/Montemayor, and the excavation of the Iberian Iron Age chariot mor wagon from Cerro de la Horca (Montemayor).... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Naval WarfareNaval HistoryConflict ArchaeologyBattlefield Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologyWorld War I literature and historyWorld War I WritingConflict Archaeology
Dès l’aube du XIVe siècle, l’incroyable essor des corporations de métiers à Liège a laissé son empreinte dans la défense de la cité. Celles-ci fournissent de nouveaux contingents pour la sauvegarde des murs de la ville. La capacité... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryWar StudiesUrban Studies
Emotions play a central role in warfare. Nearly all soldiers who encounter combat zones experience intense emotional reactions. Some of these emotions are negative, such as fear, panic, anger, rage, or shame, while others are more... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceSociology of the MilitaryWar Studies
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      Naval WarfareConflict ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
The Trojan War and the Gallipoli Campaigns are two pivotal battles that took place on the shores of the Dardanelles. They are similar in several respects: Both battles involve several groups coming from different places. Some of the... more
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      World War I literature and historyCultural History of WarBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
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      Arms and Armor StudiesWorld War I WritingBattlefield ArchaeologyWorld War I
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      GeophysicsNapoleonic WarsBattlefield ArchaeologyFortifications
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      GallipoliMilitary history - WW1Historic BattlefieldsÇAnakkale Savaşı
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyBattlefield Heritage Management and Metal DetectingArchaeology and Metal DetectingHistoric Battlefields
An account of the events of 1 September 1939 when the first shots of World War Two were fired on the small Polish armaments depot at Westerplatte on the outskirts of Gdansk. Also commentary on the open-air and indoor museums at the site.... more
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      Cultural GeographyCultural HeritageConflictWar Studies
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      Landscape PhotographyWorld War IWorld War IISpanish Civil War
This article presents the successful application of several geophysical methods in archaeological prospection with integration of LiDAR data and examination of historical documents. The locality of interest is situated in an urban area of... more
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      Napoleonic WarsBattlefield ArchaeologyFortificationsMagnetometry
בשנים האחרונות גברה ההתעניינות המחקרית באירועי מלחמת העולם הראשונה לרגל שנת המאה לפריצתה. מרבית המחקרים שנכתבים אודות המלחמה עוסקים בהיבטים צבאיים, חברתיים, טכנולוגיים ותרבותיים של המלחמה מנקודת מבט מערכתית-נושאית. המאמר הנוכחי, לעומת... more
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      Local HistoryBattlefield ArchaeologyFirst World WarArab-Israeli conflict
The Western Front has become, once again, and after 100 years, an important and increasingly popular tourist destination. The Centenary is already encouraging large numbers of visitors to engage with this highly poignant landscape of war... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural GeographyArchaeologyAnthropology
Primary script consultant for the National Trust for Scotland's virtual battlefield tour at Culloden, produced by YourTour and hosted by VirtualVisits.
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      18th Century BritainBattlefield TourismJacobite HistoryBritish Military History
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      EngineeringMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceTactics (Military Science)
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      Late Medieval English HistoryLate Medieval ScotlandLongbow archeryHistoric Battlefields
Spain has been the scene of multiple armed conflicts throughout history, from the Punic Wars and Roman Civil Wars to the War of Independence and the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. As a consequence, different places in our geography... more
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      Cultural HeritageBattlefield ArchaeologyCultural Heritage ManagementBattlefield Heritage Management and Metal Detecting
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      Military HistorySeven Years WarPrussian HistoryFriedrich II von Preussen
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      GhostsCultural History Of GhostsSocial MediaParanormal
Visión de un campo de batalla singular
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    • Historic Battlefields
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage TourismConflict ArchaeologyBattlefield Archaeology
Workshop je pořádán v rámci projektu VELKÝ HISTORICKÝ ATLAS ČESKÉHO SLEZSKA -Identita, kultura a společnost českého Slezska v procesu společenské modernizace s dopadem na kulturní krajinu; identifikační kód projektu: G18P02OVV047; projekt... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
Talk given at the AGM of the International Guild of Battlefield Guides
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      Cultural HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
This article presents the successful application of several geophysical methods in archaeological prospection with integration of LiDAR data and examination of historical documents. The locality of interest is situated in an urban area of... more
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      GeophysicsNapoleonic WarsBattlefield ArchaeologyFortifications