Histogram matching

526 papers
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Histogram matching is a technique in image processing that adjusts the pixel intensity distribution of an image to match a specified histogram. This process enhances the image's contrast and brightness by transforming its pixel values, thereby improving visual quality or facilitating further analysis.
A histogram association and mapping based embedding policy implants a group of bits, called message chunk, in a block. The strategy first calculates a distribution of pixel values of each block in the grayscale, called histogram. Each... more
Content based image retrieval is an active research issue that had been famous from 1990s till present. The main target of CBIR is to get accurate results with lower computational time. This paper discusses on the comparative method used... more
One of the important requirements in the object detection and tracking is the extracting of efficient features to track the target in video sequence. The feature of colour in image is one of the most visual features widely used. The using... more
An approach to classifying retinal images using a histogram based representation is described. More specifically, a two stage Case Based Reasoning (CBR) approach is proposed, to be applied to histogram represented retina images to... more
In recent studies of multi-target tracking, highorder association and its corresponding high-order affinity (or similarity) is often preferred over pairwise comparisons to capture high-order discriminative information. A naturally raised... more
Content based image retrieval is an active research issue that had been famous from 1990s till present. The main target of CBIR is to get accurate results with lower computational time. This paper discusses on the comparative method used... more
Many methods based on the histogram equalization have been introduced for the use in contrast enhancement. However, a technique that can produce proper natural enhancement simultaneously in images with brightness ranges of dark, medium,... more
Many histogram equalisations-based methods have been proposed to be applied in contrast enhancement. However, a few methods that can simultaneously create a natural enhancement in images with low, median, and high brightness ranges are... more
This paper presents a novel methodology for land-use pattern comparison with the application of image smoothing algorithms and histogram similarity. This method measures the degree of similarity between land-use patterns with integrative... more
Image Segmentation is an essential part of image processing to recognize an image. It is the process to find the subsets of an image on the basis of its characteristics such that values or/and position of pixels. The computational... more
We consider the problem of image segmentation using active contours through the minimization of an energy criterion involving both region and boundary functionals. These functionals are derived through a shape derivative approach instead... more
Content based image retrieval is an active research issue that had been famous from 1990s till present. The main target of CBIR is to get accurate results with lower computational time. This paper discusses on the comparative method used... more
This paper proposes an algorithm which enhances the contrast of an input image using inter-pixel contextual information. The algorithm uses a two-dimensional (2D) histogram of the input image constructed using mutual relationship between... more
High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging aims to replicate the high visual quality and clarity of real-world scenes. Due to the high costs associated with HDR imaging, the literature offers various data-driven methods for HDR image reconstruction... more
Colour image enhancement is an emerging research area in various fields like forensics, atmospheric science, astrophotography, oceanography and medical imaging. In this paper an efficient colour image enhancement technique is proposed... more
For the arrangement processing of image using its histogram, we previously have presented a Histogram Matching method based on Gaussian Distribution (HMGD). However, in the case where the brightness histogram of input image has multiple... more
For the arrangement processing of image using its histogram, we previously have presented a Histogram Matching method based on Gaussian Distribution (HMGD). However, in the case where the brightness histogram of input image has multiple... more
We review construction of a Compressed Histogram of Gradients (CHoG) image feature descriptor, and study quantization problem that arises in its design. We explain our choice of algorithms for solving it, addressing both complexity and... more
In existing principle component analysis (PCA) methods for histogram-valued symbolic data, projection results are approximated based on Moore's algebra and fail to reflect the data's true structure, mainly because there is no precise,... more
Visual observation through Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems is an important method for security and monitoring in various fields such as transportation, banking and public security. However, in lighting situations that are not... more
Image enhancement is an indispensable technique in improving the quality, brightness, contrast and clarity of satellite images. The object that appears in images and variation caused by shadow, occlusion, camouflage in satellite images... more
In this papcr, iui inhrmation theoretic framework for image segmentation is presented. This approach is bascd 0 1 1 the inlormation chatinel that goes from Ihc image Intensity histogram LO the regions of the partitioned image. It allows... more
In recent years, several lossless data hiding techniques have been proposed for images. Lossless data embedding can take place in the spatial domain or in the transform domain. They utilized characteristics of the difference image or the... more
In recent years, several lossless data hiding techniques have been proposed for images. Lossless data embedding can take place in the spatial domain or in the transform domain. They utilized characteristics of the difference image or the... more
With advance of high speed computer networks, multimedia, transmission technology, an amount of information is being communicated in digital form .Numerous watermarking techniques have been developed to protect images with high security... more
With advance of high speed computer networks, multimedia, transmission technology, an amount of information is being communicated in digital form .Numerous watermarking techniques have been developed to protect images with high security... more
Histogram of shape signature or prototypical shapes, called shapemes, have been used effectively in previous work for 2D/3D shape matching & recognition. We extend the idea of shapeme histogram to recognize partially observed query... more
Recent work has shown that effective methods for recognising objects or spatio-temporal events can be constructed based on receptive field responses summarised into histograms or other histogram-like image descriptors. This paper presents... more
This research presents new three proposed approaches to enhancement the visibility of the Infrared (IR) night vision images. The first proposed approach depends on Hybrid Adaptive Gamma Correction (AGC) with Histogram Matching (HGCHM).... more
With the development of computer technology, the growing need of large databases emphasizes utmost automation in face recognition system. Labeling a huge number of people is definitely a great overhead for such system. To reduce the... more
Image Segmentation is an essential part of image processing to recognize an image. It is the process to find the subsets of an image on the basis of its characteristics such that values or/and position of pixels. The computational... more
Retrieving a corresponding photo from a forensic sketch remains a great challenge. One of the difficulties is that the retrieval rate reduces significantly on data sets with shape exaggeration and lighting variation. The goal of this... more
The current paper proposes recognition of partially invisible objects in images using image enhancement techniques. The problem mainly arises in night vision images which comprise poor contrast standards. Also during daytime, the object... more
The effects of the number of histogram bins on histogram-derived pulse parameters of step-like waveforms is examined. An empirical method for selecting the optimal number of bins is described.
Histogram Equalization (HE) has been an essential addition to the Image Enhancement world. Enhancement techniques like Classical Histogram Equalization(CHE),Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE), Bi-Histogram Equalization (BHE) and... more
This paper presents a novel approach for improving the quality of depth video. Given a high-quality color image and its corresponding low-quality depth image, we handle various artifacts which may exist on the depth video by applying a... more
For faster updates of large area forest change maps, L-band satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a potential alternative to present operational methods (such as optical ones). As satellite SAR systems are active systems having... more
Histogram equalization is an efficient contrast enhancement algorithm. Global equalization is effective, but enhances only overall contrast, while local histogram equalization is more powerful, but computationally expensive. In this... more
Image enhancement is one of the most important issues in low-level image processing. Histograms are the basis for numerous spatial domain processing techniques. In this paper, we present a simple and effective method for image contrast... more
It might seem that image enhancement-gram transformation of video pictures in real-time would be a very demanding task requiring a high performance computer. up the two speed critical, but computationally simple, tasks of histogram... more
Image enhancement aims at improving the information content of original image for a specific purpose. This purpose could be for visual interpretation or for effective extraction of required details. Nevertheless, some acquired images are... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Extending the concept of texture to the geometry of a mesh manifold surface is an emerging topic in computer vision. This concept is different from gluing images to the surface, but rather indicates the presence of relief patterns that... more