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We studied beneficial difference of the skin of two snakes. Two snakes were chosen from two different habitats and two families: Colubridae (Natrix tessellata) and Viperidae (Cerastes vipera). The investigations were performed by light... more
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Stereological analysis was carried out on cotyledon tissue at three different stages of germination. The tissue was selected by reference to adjacent sections which were assayed histochemically for protease activity. Day six tissue had no... more
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      Plant BiologyHistochemistryUltrastructureGermination
Based on a "field-effect" theory in colon carcinogenesis, and the expression of the disaccharide tumor marker D galactose-beta-[1-->3]-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (Gal-GalNAc) in the rectal mucus of patients with cancer and... more
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The cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons in the trigeminal ganglia carry sensation from the face to the brainstem. These neurons vary in its sizes that carry specific sensations. In this study, trigeminal ganglion neurons are classified... more
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    • Histochemistry
This study presents data collected over the past 10 years on the muscle fiber type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle of young men and women. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle of 55 women (21.2 Ϯ 2.2 yr) and 95... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyAnthropometryHistochemistryBody Composition
Glutamine synthetase (GS) has long been known to be expressed exclusively in pericentral hepatocytes most proximal to the central veins of liver lobuli. This enzyme as well as its peculiar distribution complementary to the periportal... more
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      GeneticsAgingHistochemistryGene expression
Historical Perspective The year 1961 was momentous for skeletal muscle, being marked by publications that established the dominant model of the cell biology of skeletal muscle for the remainder of the 20th century. The first was the
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      Electron MicroscopyRegenerationSkeletal muscle biologyBiology
A histochemical study using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled lectins to identify glycoconjugates present in the efferent ductules and the three segments of the ductus epididymis (initial, middle and terminal segment) of dogs was... more
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      MorphologyHistochemistryVeterinary Sciences
Villin, a 95-kD cytoskeletal protein selectively expressed in the microvilli of some absorptive cells was localized immunohistochemically in the oviduct and the seminiferous excretory ducts of the mouse. Villin was found in the proximal... more
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      HistochemistryImmunohistochemistryPeroxidaseFine Structure Constant
Breast cancer is a major health problem in underdeveloped countries including Sudan. Immunohistochemical typing is important for diagnosing and understanding the biology of such heterogeneous disease. To the best of our knowledge, no... more
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      Breast CancerHistologyHistochemistryImmunohistochemistry
The somitomeres are spherical clusters of the paraxial mesenchymal cells. They were demonstrated only by the scanning electron microscope. No light microscopic criteria were described for the developing somitomeres. In this study the... more
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Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is part of a stepwise sequence of alterations of the gastric mucosa, leading ultimately to gastric cancer, and is strongly associated with chronic Helicobacter pylori infection. The molecular mechanisms... more
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      PathologyMolecular BiologyHistochemistryImmunohistochemistry
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      Electron MicroscopyHistochemistryRunningWeight Lifting
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S U M M A R Y Melanocytes are cells of neural crest origin. In the human epidermis, they form a close association with keratinocytes via their dendrites. Melanocytes are well known for their role in skin pigmentation, and their ability to... more
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      HistochemistryNeural CrestNitric oxideEnzyme
Correlative studies have been made to identify the endocrine cells stained by Aldehyde-Fuchsin (AF) in the cat and human antral mucosa.
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Silver enhancement of quantum dots resulting from (1) metabolism of toxic metals in animals and humans, (2) in vivo, in vitro and immersion created zinc-sulphur/ zinc-selenium nanocrystals, (3) metal ions liberated from metal implants and... more
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      Electron MicroscopyMicroscopyHistochemistrySilver
A comparative histomorphological study was conducted on thymus of broiler chicken, duck and quail. The thymus of all three species of post-hatch (adult) birds showed a thin connective tissue capsule. However, fine septa originating from... more
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    • Histochemistry
ABSTRAK Metode pewarnaan jaringan untuk mendeteksi adanya senyawa kimia di dalam jaringan salah satunya yaitu uji histokimia. Uji ini memerlukan reagen pewarna yang sesuai dengan senyawa yang ingin dideteksi. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk... more
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Natural products are studied to combat reproductive alterations of Lead. The current work aim to disclose the efficacy of Chlorella vulgaris and Zingiber officinale to alleviate lead acetate induced toxicity. Sixty adult male Wistar rats... more
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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of carbohydrates In olive (Olea europaea L.) tissues have been carried out by HPLC-RI. Sample purification was by two SUccessive solid-liquid extractions to remove completely plant phenolics and... more
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      BiochemistryAnalytical ChemistryPlant Tissue CultureHistochemistry
Neutral buffered 4% formaldehyde fixation for 48 h preserved well the proteoglycan content of bovine articular cartilage. Neither subsequent demineralization in 10% EDTA, nor light microscopic tissue processing, reduced the hexosamine or... more
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The antiapoptotic, antioxidant, proliferative, and angiogenic effects of metallothionein (MT)-I+II has resulted in increased focus on their role in oncogenesis, tumor progression, therapy response, and patient prognosis. Studies have... more
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The present study shows that aniline blue can be used as a fluorescent stain for glycogen. The dye is also helpful in tracing pathological and autolytic changes in lysosomes, mitochondria, erythrocytes and nuclei, and it can also be used... more
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    • Histochemistry
The use of glycol methacrylate (GMA) avoids some technical artifacts, which are usually observed in paraffin-embedded sections, providing good morphological resolution. On the other hand, weak staining have been mentioned during the use... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMorphologyHistochemistry
The main autocrine/paracrine role of the active metabolite of vitamin D(3), 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25-D(3)), is inhibition of cell growth and induction of cell differentiation and/or apoptosis. Synthesis and degradation of the... more
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      Vitamin DHistochemistryImmunohistochemistryColorectal cancer
The detailed characterization of multilayered Asian lacquer coatings is an important task for conservators in order to develop informed conservation and restoration approaches for complex Asian objects equipped with such decorative... more
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      ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationFluorescence Microscopy
A schedule for staining partially hydrated PAS-positive structures using non-aqueous solutions has been devised. Tissues are dewaxed, taken down to 70% alcohol, oxidised for 10 rain in a 1% w/v alcoholic solution of periodic acid, treated... more
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      HistochemistryPolysaccharidesSolubilitySchiff bases
We compared the time course of myogenic events in vivo in regenerating whole muscle grafts in MyoD( Ϫ / Ϫ ) and control BALB/c adult mice using immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry with antibodies to desmin... more
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      Electron MicroscopyRegenerationSkeletal muscle biologyHistochemistry
The classical von Kossa method has been modified: the high silver nitrate concentration in the original was replaced by 0.05% silver lactate with hydroquinone remaining the reducing agent of choice. The present modification stained... more
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      Electron MicroscopyCalciumHistochemistryCell Division
S U M M A R Y Development of the antigen retrieval (AR) technique, a simple method of boiling archival paraffin-embedded tissue sections in water to enhance the signal of immunohistochemistry (IHC), was the fruit of pioneering efforts... more
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      RNAHistochemistryImmunohistochemistryClinical Pathology
Glandular trichomes of Labiatae are among the most investigated secretory structures. Most species studied belong to subfamily Nepetoidae, including plants with aromatic properties, while so far a few species of subfamily Lamioideae were... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPlant BiologyHistochemistryPlant Systematics and Evolution
The antigen retrieval (AR) technique, which is predominantly based on hightemperature heating of tissues, is used as a non-enzymatic pretreatment for immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. It... more
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      HistochemistryImmunohistochemistryHigh TemperatureHeating
We present a review of galanin in the brain from a historical perspective of the development of "chemoarchitectonics" and "brain cartography" accomplished in the Histopharmacology Section at the National Institutes of... more
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      PhysiologyHistochemistryImmunohistochemistryGene expression
Fishes have a great variety of structural and physiological adaptations that allow them to capture, digest and absorb food. In Hippocampus ingens it has been reported that they do not have teeth or stomach. However, it has the same... more
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S U M M A R Y Melanocytes are cells of neural crest origin. In the human epidermis, they form a close association with keratinocytes via their dendrites. Melanocytes are well known for their role in skin pigmentation, and their ability to... more
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      HistochemistryNeural CrestNitric oxideEnzyme
For the histopathologic diagnosis of melanocytic lesions, it could be necessary to identify the melanin pigment because its visualization is unspecific with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). The Fontana-Masson (FM) technique is used in... more
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      HistochemistryCollagenMelanomaSilver Nitrate
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      HistochemistryAntibodiesMonoclonal AntibodiesAvidin
Psidium guineense, commonly known as “araçá”, is a traditional medicinal plant used to treat diarrhea. The present study examined the morphoanatomy, histochemistry and phytochemistry of P. guineense leaves to evaluate the presence and... more
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R S. While we were preparing this manuscript we received the news of the premature death of Prof.Jos~ L6pez Dfez del Corral, a former member of our group also involved in the study of the diffuse endocrine system. We want to dedicate... more
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      HistochemistryStem CellCell DivisionProstate
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      HistochemistryImmunohistochemistryOral Patholog,oral Cancer,immunohistochemistryPrognostic Immunohistochemistry
Information on the digestive system of the reptiles is based on relatively few studies on some of the now present 7500 reptilian species. Yet, the gap between our understanding of the major similarities and / or differences between the... more
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    • Histochemistry
The fig (Ficus L.) infructescence, called syconium, is a receptacle with an apical opening, the ostiole, closed by bracts. The ostiolar bracts produce an exudate, which is rather conspicuous in some species. It has not been... more
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      Plant BiologyPollinationHistochemistryAnatomy
The cellular processes involved in metal metabolism in molluscs are reviewed, with emphasis on the contribution of microscopy (AMG, ARG, EPMA, and SIMS) to both basic research of metal cell biology and applied environmental research. In... more
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      Materials EngineeringElectron MicroscopyMicroscopyEnvironmental Monitoring
The foliar cavities of the water fern Azolla filiculoides have as many as 20 -25 simple hairs (SH) protruding from the epidermal cells that delimit the cavity. These SH have a transfer-like ultrastructure normally associated with... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyEcologyHistochemistry
In the physiology of placental blood circulation, nitric oxide (NO) synthases seem to play important roles, although their expression in pathological placentas and their role is still unclear. In addition, NO synthase activation seems to... more
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      Statistical AnalysisHistochemistryImmunohistochemistryWestern blotting
SUMMARY Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) is highly concentrated in neuroendocrine tissues and is the only carboxypeptidase detected in mature secretory vesicles. Carboxypeptidase D (CPD), a carboxypeptidase with CPE-like activity, is widely... more
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      HistochemistryImmunohistochemistrySmooth musclePlacenta
SUMMARY Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO), widely distributed in highly vascularized mammalian tissues, metabolizes endogenous and xenobiotic aromatic and aliphatic monoamines. To assess whether its physiological role in humans... more
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      BiochemistryHistochemistryImmunohistochemistryEnzyme Inhibitors