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      Islamic FinanceIslamic Banking And FinanceMBAHisbah
Objective – In relation to this, this paper is aimed at portraying the elements of hisbah with regard to the contemporaneous atmosphere; namely ombudsman within the ambit of the modern world. Methodology/Technique – In the process of... more
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      JusticeHisbahMuhtasibFuture prospect
Artikel ini mempunyai dua objektif. Pertama, mengenal pasti kepentingan hisbah dalam aktiviti pengurusan secara Islam. Kedua, menganalisis bentuk-bentuk pengamalan hisbah di Malaysia khususnya oleh institusi-institusi pembangunan Islam.... more
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      HisbahPengurusan Dalam Islam
Mengetahui etika-etika berbisnis
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    • Hisbah
This book describes the institution hisbah as the official state agency that is authorised to resolve problems or minor offences which by their nature do not require the judicial process in the settlement. The institute is undergoing a... more
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      HisbahEkonomi IslamMuhtasibEkonomi Dan Pasaran Islam
Una tesi di Laurea triennale incentrata sulla storia dell'etica islamica, che ha come fine quello di ripercorrere il ruolo della "hisba", la quale si fonda sulla massima "ordinare il bene e proibire il male", attraverso i secoli, per poi... more
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      Saudi ArabiaIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsHisbah
This book describes hisbah as the official state agencies that play a role in solving problems or minor offenses which by their nature does not require a legal process through the courts. The institute is the result of the transformation... more
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      Islamic EconomicsHisbahMarket Regulation Mechanisms
This article looks at Ottoman market regulation policies and practices, by highlighting some turning points in their evolution in the early modern period. The task of the Ottoman market inspector evolved to focus largely on the... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern economic and social historyEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireMoral Economy
This article has two objectives: the first is to identify the position of Hisbah in Islamic management, while the second being to adduce the philosophy and ethics behind the implementation of Hisbah according to the Islamic management... more
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      AccountabilityHisbahIslamic Management
In its broad definition, the ḥisba is the obligation incumbent on every Muslim to "command right and forbid wrong" (al-amr bi-l-maʿrūf wa-l-nahy ʿan al-munkar) whenever he or she encounters them. Over time, the ḥisba duty and its... more
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      HisbahMedieval Arabic Writings on Music
This article looks at Ottoman market regulation policies and practices, by highlighting some turning points in their evolution in the early modern period. The task of the Ottoman market inspector evolved to focus largely on the mundane... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryMoral EconomyHisbahMuhtasib
The current inability of industrial sectors within Islamic countries to produce high-quality products is at stake. Nevertheless, during the Islamic Golden Age, products of the Islamic world were highly demanded and recognized as the best... more
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      Quality ManagementMedieval Islamic HistoryHisbahMuhtasib
This article is dedicated to a description and analysis of Ibn Taymiyyah’s main concepts that influenced authors of radical political Islam of the 2nd half of 20th century. The main focus is on the concepts of jihad, holy struggle in... more
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      IslamismOsama bin LadenShariahIbn Taymiyya
Abstrak Dalam Islam terdapat suatu kewajipan yang diamanahkan kepada manusia. Kewajiban tersebut di kenali sebagai hisbah yang bermakna menyeru kepada kebaikan (amar ma'ruf wa nahu munkar) dan menegah kemungkaran serta memperbetulkan... more
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    • Hisbah
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
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      Islamic StudiesHisbah
This report attempts to cover existing literature gaps on the Islamic State Hisba’s origins, structure, operations, and overall raison d'être. Using a wide array of primary source materials, the authors start by providing an overview of... more
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      GovernancePolitical Violence and TerrorismTotalitarianismIslamic Studies
The poetic and mystical aspects of Rumi’s Masnavi are very striking, but, as in other texts, the influence of the poet’s historical era is detectible so that it reflects the social realities of its period. Therefore, Masnavi could also be... more
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      Al-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)HisbahHistoria De Las Mujeres
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      Islamic LawMedieval HistoryMagicMedieval Islam
This article looks at Ottoman market regulation policies and practices, by highlighting some turning points in their evolution in the early modern period. The task of the Ottoman market inspector evolved to focus largely on the mundane or... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern economic and social historyEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireMoral Economy
This study consists of a Latin transliteration and analysis comprised of an introduction and three chapters of Ali Jawhari’s work. “Tarcuma Nisab al-İhtisab” itself being a translation from Arabic into Turkish of a previous work, Nisab... more
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    • Hisbah
This article is dedicated to a description and analysis of Ibn Taymiyyah’s main concepts that influenced authors of radical political Islam of the 2nd half of 20th century. The main focus is on the concepts of jihad, holy struggle in... more
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      PhilosophyIslamismOsama bin LadenShariah
Khalwat is one of Syariah criminal offences that is prescribed under Syariah criminal offence enactments in Malaysia. The issue before hand is that there are distintive definitions given by the Islamic jurist as well as definitons laid... more
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      HisbahEnakmen Jenayah Syariah
""This paper examines the concept of (public) sin as well as efforts to counteract sin from the perspective of Islam. The understanding that hisba, the prohibition of vice and enjoining of virtues, are a responsibility of both the state... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionIslamic Law
Abstrak Dalam Islam terdapat suatu kewajipan yang diamanahkan kepada manusia. Kewajiban tersebut di kenali sebagai hisbah yang bermakna menyeru kepada kebaikan (amar ma'ruf wa nahu munkar) dan menegah kemungkaran serta... more
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Objective – In relation to this, this paper is aimed at portraying the elements of hisbah with regard to the contemporaneous atmosphere; namely ombudsman within the ambit of the modern world. Methodology/Technique – In the process of... more
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      Political ScienceJusticeHisbahMuhtasib
Khalwat is one of Syariah criminal offences that is prescribed under Syariah criminal offence enactments in Malaysia.The issue before hand is that there are distintive definitions given by the Islamic jurist as well as definitons laid... more
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      Political ScienceIslamic Criminal LawHisbahEnakmen Jenayah Syariah
O presente texto é o terceiro capítulo da dissertação de mestrado intitulada "Até queimar os exércitos cruzados": projetos políticos do Estado Islâmico na revista Dabiq (2014-2016) defendida em 08 de julho de 2019, na Universidade do... more
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      Salafi-jihadist groupsHisbahIslamic StateComunidades Imaginadas
Khalwat is one of Syariah criminal offences that is prescribed under Syariah criminal offence enactments in Malaysia. The issue before hand is that there are distintive definitions given by the Islamic jurist as well as definitons laid... more
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      Islamic Criminal LawHisbah