Hindu Shakta Tantra
Recent papers in Hindu Shakta Tantra
A historical, textual and ethnographic examination of Nepalese Sarvamnaya Shakta Tantric traditions, with a particular focus on the Urdhva-amnaya traditions of the Sri Vidya.
A rare bronze of dancing Ardhanari(svara), the Androgyne or Hermaphrodite, is in the Colombo museum. It was originally excavated in Anurådhapura, Sri Lanka, in 1982. Professor S. PADMANABHAN of the Peredenia University, who visited my... more
The Vedic literature constitutes the fulcrum of Sanskrit literature and is repositories of some fundamental concepts of human rights. This manuscript endeavors to decode the tenets of human rights concealed in the Vedic texts. It further... more
By John-Woodroffe_Arthur-Avalon
By John-Woodroffe_Arthur-Avalon
This article aims at exploring certain archetypes in a select category of popular cosmogonic myths of Bengal that are inscribed with dialogic intertwinings of the canonical śāstric traditions of Hinduism and elements from Bengal’s own... more
""Abraxas is a bi-annual journal of contemporary esoteric art and culture printed in a high quality format. The first special issue, titled ‘Charming Intentions: Occultism, Magic and the History of Art’, will be launched on 25 May, 2013.... more
This powerpoint describes some ideas and hypotheses about the relationship of microvita (proposed subatomic living entities released into the universe by the Cosmic Mind, that create life and minds and can help in spiritual progress) to... more
“What is God?” “Who am I?” “What is my relation with the universe?” “How should human beings live in this world?” Ananda Marga – Elementary Philosophy was the first-published of the more than 250 books of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, a... more
In his book Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1922-1990), a spiritual teacher (also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti) and social philosopher, clarifies the role of Lord Krśńa as both the real author of the Mahábhárata... more
[The paper is in Bulgarian] The authors of the Tantric literature present the philosophy of their doctrine as a new revelation of supreme truth, addressed to the person of the Kali Yuga, the age of quarrel and dissolution during which... more
“Some 3500 years ago, Krśńa was born. His ávirbháva (advent) was just at a crucial time – humanity was suffering then. He removed the suffering of humanity by creating Mahábhárata. He gave an assurance to the entire world that there would... more
• An emphasis on the method of discourse rather than the content -anything can be discussed in the public square so long as proper method is respected • Traditional forms of scripture are more often than not dialectical:
Jeffrey Kripal, a scholar of comparative religions at Rice University is a rare breed; a maverick and outlier in the western academy, known for bringing together subjects as varied as psychoanalysis and Hindu Tantra, the history of... more
The historical Shiva, living around 7000 years ago, always worked for the welfare of all living beings, according to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti in his book Namah Shiváya Shántáya. Shiva introduced Dharma to help human beings attain the... more
This article provides a new edition and translation of chapter 25 of the Śāradātilaka(tantra), a compendium on mantraśāstra composed, probably in the twelfth century, by Laks ̣man ̣adeśika. The chapter itself presents a type of yoga that... more
Analysis of kundalini-yoga within the Sarvamnaya Tantra system of Nepal, based on ethnographic and textual research conducted in Kathmandu Valley in the 1990s.
Here, are some easy remedies by Best Vedic Astrologer Master Deepak Ji, that will diminish the effects of Negative Rahu and bring in positivity and success. Master Deepak Ji is a renowned and dynamic Vedic Astrologer an expert in... more
In India and elsewhere, exaggerated imaginary mythological stories or puráńas are often mistaken as history. Superstitious and harmful ideas like the caste system have their origin in puráńas. P.R. Sarkar makes a clear distinction among... more
As the world’s oldest living religion, Hinduism has some ancient features that have not been modified or edited to suit more refined modern tastes, that generally avoid raising many stark issues of life. In fact, until some young... more
Vedas are the collection of eternal truths, that are given to the mankind for the Universal endeavor. Vedic knowledge and its practices stood predominantly superior in terms of science and technology. Sri Chakra is considered for the... more
Vedic Astrology by Master Deepak Ji. Genuine Indian astrology Master Deepak Ji and Jyotish informations along with Bhava, Nakshatra, Rashi, Concept of Houses. Rashis & Lords, Rashi & Lord Planets, Zodiac Signs & Lord Planets, Rashis ...... more
Este breve ensaio é um primeiro passo nos estudos para um escrito futuro e mais aprofundado, que possa fornecer um panorama mais detalhado acerca do pensamento de enfoque purânico-tântrico. Portanto, trataremos de anotações para um ensaio... more
This paper attempts to correct the unwitting reliance of much transpersonal psychology upon Indian texts that were indigenously specific to sannyasins (nonhouseholder, monastics). This includes teachings from advaita vedanta, yoga, and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Apostle to the apostles or whore? The “Woman who knew the All” or one who “perfumed her flesh in forbidden acts”? In a world looking for female voices from the past, where are the female voices in the Christian story? And why has... more
Our lack of awareness of Being results in bewildering experience. The intrinsic inner radiance, the inner light of Being arises out of primordial luminous spaciousness, the unbound openness of unbound pure potentiality. When this... more
The 1,000 names of the goddess Chinnamasta
Beginning in the seventeenth century, the Smārta intellectual community of South India entered into an unprecedented alliance with Śaṅkarācārya monastic institutions and their corresponding esoteric lineage, the Śrīvidyā school of Śākta... more
This is a proof copy of Mike Magee's book, 27 Tantras of the Reverse Tradition, covering major tantrik works.
Introduction to Tantra-Sastra-Sir-John-Woodroffe-Arthur-Avalon
Sejarah mencatat kalau tanah Nusantara pernah menjadi salah satu mercusuar Tantra dunia. Dari jaman ke jaman paradigma spiritual tersebut lah yang menjadi pegangan para raja, pandita dan penekun spiritual Nusantara. Kemudian, jauh setelah... more
Author Anuja Chandramouli may have taken too many liberties with her retelling of Devi mythology, but one must appreciate her guts and gumption in writing 'Shakti', says Urmi Chanda-Vaz.
vangalipitah samgrhitam yonitantram hindi tika sahitam
Tripura Upanishad is a minor Shakta or Tantra Upanishad explaining the structure of and meditation on Sri Chakra or Sri Yantra—a diagrammatic representation of the universe through nine interlocking triangles coming out of a central... more
Traducción del sánscrito al español, presentación y notas ADRIÁN MUÑOZ G. 1 El Kamakala-vilasa es un texto de gran importancia para la tradición tántrica; se trata de un manuscrito citado y aludido tanto por fuentes sánscritas como en... more
Living Mantra is an anthropology of mantra-experience among Hindu-tantric practitioners. In ancient Indian doctrine and legends, mantras perceived by rishis (seers) invoke deities and have transformative powers. Adopting a methodology... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
Ecological interconnectedness studies are a portal into dual and non-dual frameworks for bioculturally embedded human identity. This field is part of the transdisciplinary, holistic epistemology shift across academia. The discourse is... more
PRAKARA The Guardian walls surrounding the Hindu temple
In the Gudyargarbha tantra there is this most wonderful verse. Appearances, sounds, and thoughts are the diety, mantra and the state of dharmakaya. What this wonderful language brings forward into our awareness is the amazing... more