This exploratory study examines the written corrective feedback (WCF) practices of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in the context of upper secondary school in Spain. Research on such practices within such context has been... more
EDUDIA aims to bridge the gap between countries in Africa by promoting research and organising conferences. That is the reason for rotating the conferences among countries in Africa yearly. We desire to make available research reports in... more
Exploring the Impact of Single and Extended Family Parenting on Aggressive Behaviour: A Review Study
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the impact of single-parent and extended family structures on the development of aggressive behaviour in children. By reviewing existing literature, the study aims to explore... more
The present study has been conducted to explore the status of development of spiritual intelligence among D.El.Ed. students. 92 students were selected as the sample for the study. Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SIS) developed by K. S.... more
The present study was probed to find the significant relationship between study habits and academic achievement of higher secondary school students with reference to the background variables. Survey method was employed. Data for the study... more
This exploratory study examines the written corrective feedback (WCF) practices of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in the context of upper secondary school in Spain. Research on such practices within such context has been... more
Vocational guidance is intended to aid young people in choosing an occupation, preparing them for it, finding an opening in it, and building up a career of efficiency and success. It is apparent in Nigeria that young people are... more
not have existed. Indeed, one has to ask what the present status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people might have been without Commonwealth directions and their supporting funds. These specific policies and programs, while an... more
The cultural gathering represented in Oltenia (and also at national level) a mean of extracurricular education, frequently used by cultural societies, associations and institutions, supported by state's authorities, with the purpose of... more
Publicació del document de Bones Pràctiques del Cercle d'Economies Feministes 'Desentramant desigualtats: Experiències i pràctiques concretes entorn de la interseccionalitat'. En el marc de la participació d'Almena Cooperativa Feminista... more
One of the best state syllabus school in Trivandrum-Madhava Vilasom Higher Secondary School Thundathil Madhava Vilasom Higher Secondary School, located in Thundathil, is a well-established educational institution in the state of Kerala,... more
This paper aimed to compare the levels of violence tendency in three different types of high schools. The universe of the research consisted of the high school students in the province Konya, the sample group involved 280 male, 224 female... more
This presentation aims to assist secondary school students in improving their studies and performance in school by adopting comprehensive study skills and habits. This is by demonstrating to the student the importance of attending class... more
The greenhouse effect is one of the environmental issues which has been widely discussed in media and science education and in science curriculum. This study aimed to assess Bruneian high school students’ understanding of the GHE before... more
Aquest qüestionari pretén valorar l'experiència dels estudiants dins del projecte d'Aprenentatge i Servei que promous. El qüestionari és confidencial i no trigaràs més de 15 minuts en respondre'l. T'agraïm la teva sinceritat perquè les... more
Geografie lingvistică Veveriță Moto: "Lui nu-i place Mioriţa/ Ştie oi cu mult mai breze,/ Ce-i arată veveriţa/ Şi cu el vor să voteze!" (ORBAN ŞI PROGRAMA ŞCOLARĂ de Valentin Ursu) Copil crescut la 700 m de pădure, despre care am scris ()... more
Un poco más cerca de Grecia: el Departamento de Griego del Instituto Juan López Morillas (1994-2008)
Recuerdos de la experiencia vivida en el IES Juan López Morillas durante catorce años, con mención del profesorado y alumnado del Departamento de Griego así como de las principales actividades complementarias y extraescolares relacionadas.
The study was conducted to determine the secondary school students' perceptions on social integration and examine them in terms of certain variables. It was a descriptive study with survey methodology. The universe of the research... more
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial... more
Comment l'enseignement tertiaire détruit les intelligences des jeunes Congolais
El test Big Eight + 12 és un test situacional que persegueix mesurar les competències d'empleabilitat en joves de entre 12 i 18 anys. El test s'estructura en 5 historietes que presenten entre 5 i 7 situacions amb 5 possibles respostes. El... more
The Mathematics in Indigenous Contexts project was undertaken in a rural Western NSW site from 2003-2005. The project demonstrated the potential of shared ownership of mathematics curriculum development among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal... more
En aquesta recerca s'analitzen-des d'un enfocament educatiu inclusiu-les pràctiques més habituals vinculades a l'elaboració d'adequacions curriculars individualitzades per als alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials, a Catalunya, amb... more
Fèlix Colomer: "Quan la gent té documentals a l'abast, se'ls mira… i repeteix!" Fèlix Colomer (Sabadell, 1993) estudia cinema a l'ESCAC, l'Escola Superior... more
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of categorization of school on the discipline of boys and girls in public secondary schools. Secondary information was obtained from different scholars to provide review of... more
Plenty of space in psychological literature was dedicated to professional orientation of students, where the role of school, peers, parents, material and social factors was more studied while the role of personality traits, goals,... more
Due to the variety of chatbot types and classi cations, students and advisers may experience confusion when trying to select the right chatbot that can more trust it, however, the classi cation of chatbots depends on different factors... more
The materials presented in this report are for information purposes only. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessments of the matters discussed. Readers are advised to... more
Ali təhsil müəssisələrində sistemli olaraq uğur əldə edilməsində müəllim-tələbə münasibətləri ciddi rol oynayır. Müəllim-tələbə münasibətləri mahiyyətcə insanlararası davranışların tərkib hissəsidir. Bu münasibətlərin pedaqoji-psixoloji... more
ADVERTIMENT. L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi doctoral i la seva utilització ha de respectar els drets de la persona autora. Pot ser utilitzada per a consulta o estudi personal, així com en activitats o materials d'investigació i... more
Renaissance Society of America, Chicago
Background: Changing norms have overburdened the educators. Our study aims to assess the levels of occupational stress among higher secondary school teachers and demographic, academic characteristics and relevant factors influencing it.... more
Tingkat kemampuan metakognitif siswa berdasarkan teori Swartz dan Perkinz merupakan tingkat kemampuan siswa terkait kesadarannya tentang proses dan hasil berpikirnya sendiri yang meliputi tacit use (penggunaan pemikiran tanpa kesadaran),... more
This paper is being written as a result of a number of personal coincidences. In 1981, at the time when Kerevat National High School was in the news due to student riots and some staff dissatisfaction with the results and methods of the... more
This paper will deliberate upon the relevance of guidance counselling as a 'whole school' responsibility in the context of recent policy and practice changes in the Irish post primary sector since the Government of Ireland Budget 2012.... more
Napról napra több kutatás erősíti meg, hogy nemcsak közelítjük, de át is léptük az ökológia krízishez vezető út küszöbét, így napjainkban a fenntarthatóságra nevelést segítő iskolai programok megvalósításának és népszerűsítésének... more
Internet usage has become an inevitable part of everybody's life in the modern age, but it has become a necessity and an addiction in every age group. Some people use the internet in excess and the addiction then starts to influence... more
Ignición de Eos Aurora. Escritos de anagogia (o heliostasis) del Sagrado Femenino.