Higher Education Law
Recent papers in Higher Education Law
According to the “work made for hire doctrine” of the Copyright Act, the creators of artistic and literary works are not legally granted ownership of works created in the course of employment; ownership rests with the employer. However,... more
Short Paper zum neuen europäischen Datenschutzrecht und zu seiner Anwendung an Thüringer Hochschulen.
study aims to examine university governance in three different statutes and propose recommendations for improvement. This is a qualitative study that applies legal research methodology with historical and comparative approach through... more
The ever-evolving nature of case law means that even as scholars have been examining the issue of gender pay disparity in academia since at least 1977, there is always more to be written. Employees alleging gender-based pay discrimination... more
Confeccionado con criterios de la pedagogía constructivista, el curso persigue la construcción de lineamientos viables de estrategias interdisciplinarias de solución de los prinicpales problemas jurídicos que, en un momento específico,... more
As evidenced by countless reform recommendations, current educational policies, and the amount of education research dedicated to student achievement, it is clear the U.S. educational system is meant to provide equal access to academic... more
Student discipline is one of the biggest challenges faced by college and university administrators today. One of the primary goals of student discipline is student development. Promoting student development within the current student... more
The present study aims to circumscribe the role played by the Higher School of Governance (Şcoala Superioară de Ştiinţe de Stat) in the Romanian society, as well as its importance for the development of administrative and political... more
Praca zawiera projekt zajęć z cyklu Lingwistyczne (re)definicje języka prawnego, w którym, w r. a. 2021/2022, uczestniczyli studenci Wydziału Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej UAM. Projekt przewiduje możliwość przeprowadzenia zajęć zarówno... more
This study examines the legislative framework of the Ethiopian higher education sector in light of the corresponding roles and expectations it assigns to and the distinctions it draws between public and private institutions of higher... more
Diskussionsstudie avseende proposition 2001/2002:15 Högskolan i Gävle Akademin för Utbildning och Ekonomi Avdelningen för Kultur-, Religions- och Utbildningsvetenskap Pedagogik: Avancerad nivå Högskolepedagogik - Läraren, högskolan och... more
Perilla Granados, J.S.A. (2016b). Alineación iusteórica de los enfoques educativos para las facultades de derecho. En J.S.A. Perilla Granados (Comp.). Debates educativos contemporáneos en contexto (pp. 15-41). Bogotá: Universidad Sergio... more
Se presenta una estrategia poderosa para potencial los insumos bibliiográficas, en propuestas de investigacion a cargo de estudiantes y tesantes de ciencias sociales, de universidades publicas mexicanas. Consiste en incorporar estas... more
The certified Blockchain and Law Professional program have been curated to make the students learn about technology's concepts and its use in the legal proceedings and allied services.
In this course, education professionals examine legal and ethical issues within the context of an educational setting. Supporting development of their legal reasoning skills, education professionals discuss the laws and statutes that... more
El documento gira sobre la propuesta de Plan de Trabajo que presentó, a la Junta Directiva de la Universidad de Quintana Roo (Mexico), en Julio del 2015, el aspirante a Rector Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Esta entrega se realizó para... more
В представленной статье автор высказывают свою точку зрения на необходимость реформирования федеральных государственных стандартов высшего юридического образования (по направлению подготовки «магистратура»). Автор критически рассматривает... more
Se presenta el plan de trabajo y documentos relacionaldos, propuesto en Julio del 2015 por el Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca a la Junta Directiva de la Universidad de Quintana Roo (Mexico), como parte del proceso d designación del rector... more
The Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act (GLS) was first enacted in 2004 for the purposes of early screening, intervention, and prevention of suicide in students ten to twenty-four years of age, and to hire more college counselors. More than... more
2020 рік-це рік, який змусив нас вчитися. Вчитися жити в нових умовах: адаптуватися, шукати нові альтернативи та від чогось відмовлятися. Вимушений перехід у дистанційний формат навчання, незважаючи на той факт, що такий формат вже давно... more
Rapid development of information technologies has led to the global computerization of society. The result of this phenomenon in the education field is a stable environment formation of developed data processing, information systems... more
This article seeks to examine the roles played by authority within the classroom in the legal education context and its potential impact on the models of pedagogical practice. Among the pertinent factors fuelling the changing demographics... more
Higher education institutions are known to have been lax in their compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (DFSCA), and until recently, the U.S. Department of Education did not seem to notice. Now, the... more
Ouro Preto. A mediação como técnica de resolução de conflitos expandiu-se significativamente no fim dos anos setenta, inserida no contexto formal e informal da administração da justiça para gerar, de forma distinta do contexto estatal, os... more
Issues facing the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community can prove to be a legal nightmare for college and university administrators to address, particularly at religiously affiliated institutions like Jesuit colleges.... more
Almos in all countries, particularly the OECD countries have been strategically involved in strengthening research and innovation policies in order to deal with the requirements of the knowledge economy; therefore, they have strongly... more
This reference gives a brief summary of the development, and key features, of disability legislation in the United States as applied to higher education settings.
Universities are meant to be open marketplaces of ideas. This requires a commitment to both freedom of expression and inclusivity, two values that may conflict. When public universities seek to promote inclusivity by prohibiting or... more
Se presentan los resultados de siete meses de trabajo, dentro del Foro de Consulta Popular "Foro de Consulta “Por una Nueva Ley de Educación de Quintana Roo”, celebrado el 28 de mayo del 2004. Atañen al ámbito interno del proceso... more