For the estimation of many econometric models, integrals without analytical solutions have to be evaluated. Examples include limited dependent variables and nonlinear panel data models. In the case of one-dimensional integrals, Gaussian... more
For the estimation of many econometric models, integrals without analytical solutions have to be evaluated. Examples include limited dependent variables and nonlinear panel data models. In the case of one-dimensional integrals, Gaussian... more
For the estimation of many econometric models, integrals without analytical solutions have to be evaluated. Examples include limited dependent variables and nonlinear panel data models. In the case of one-dimensional integrals, Gaussian... more
For the estimation of many econometric models, integrals without analytical solutions have to be evaluated. Examples include limited dependent variables and nonlinear panel data models. In the case of one-dimensional integrals, Gaussian... more
This paper presents a comprehensive study of the fundamental quasinormal modes of all Standard Model fields propagating on a brane embedded in a higher-dimensional rotating black hole spacetime. The equations of motion for fields with... more
We extend the conformal gluing construction of Isenberg et al. [19] by establishing an analogous gluing result for field theories obtained by minimally coupling Einstein's gravitational theory with matter fields. We treat classical fields... more
Asymptotically hyperbolic non-constant mean curvature solutions of the Einstein constraint equations
We describe how the iterative technique used by Isenberg and Moncrief to verify the existence of large sets of non constant mean curvature solutions of the Einstein constraints on closed manifolds can be adapted to verify the existence of... more
We extend the conformal gluing construction of Isenberg et al. [19] by establishing an analogous gluing result for field theories obtained by minimally coupling Einstein's gravitational theory with matter fields. We treat classical fields... more
We show that the matrix (or more generally tensor) product states in a finite translation invariant system can be accurately constructed from the same set of local matrices (or tensors) that are determined from an infinite lattice system... more
a generalised Hopf formula for the higher homology of a group. Although substantially correct, their result lacks one necessary condition. We give here a counterexample to the result without that condition. The main aim of this paper is,... more
Main features and mechanism of a calibration abelian theory constructed on U(1) Lie group is presented. Given Lorentz invariants for which local invariance principle is satisfied, its respective action is built. Calibration field and its... more
This paper proposes a unified Lagrangian framework (LUnifiedLUnified) that harmonizes Quantum Gravity (LQGLQG) and Extra-Dimensional Theories (LExtraLExtra). By synthesizing Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), String Theory, and Brane-World... more
The existence of not one but, potentially, two Altar Stones at Stonehenge has prompted the exploration of their placement, and whether this knowledge might throw further light on the monument's construction. What this exercise has... more
We study optimal curvature-free inequalities of the type discovered by C. Loewner and M. Gromov, using a generalisation of the Wirtinger inequality for the comass. Using a model for the classifying space BS 3 built inductively out of BS 1... more
Quantum entanglement is one of the most perplexing phenomena in modern physics, where two or more particles exhibit instant correlations regardless of the distance between them. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective: what if... more
This paper presents a complete and rigorous proof of the Poincaré Conjecture, confirming that any simply connected, closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere S 3 . Building upon Ricci flow techniques introduced by Hamilton and the... more
Static, spherically symmetric configurations of gravity with nonminimally coupled scalar fields are considered in D-dimensional space-times in the framework of generalized scalar-tensor theories. We seek special cases when the system has... more
We study the structure and stability of the recently discussed spherically symmetric Brans-Dicke black-hole type solutions with an infinite horizon area and zero Hawking temperature, existing for negative values of the coupling constant ω... more
We develop a fast algorithm to calculate the entanglement of formation of a mixed state, which is defined as the minimum average entanglement of the pure states that form the mixed state. The algorithm combines conjugate gradient and... more
A brief application-oriented introduction to W.K. Clifford's geometric algebras, including conformal geometric algebra (CGA).
The nature of reality has been a subject of philosophical inquiry and scientific investigation for centuries. This paper explores a multidisciplinary framework that integrates quantum mechanics, higher-dimensional physics, pattern... more
Conformal techniques, based on the covariance of Maxwell's electrodynamics under the full conformal group in four spacetime dimensions, are discussed in relation with the constant input impedance properties of frequency-independent... more
We propose a method to control the number of species of lattice fermions, which yields new classes of minimally doubled lattice fermions with one exact chiral symmetry and exact locality. We classify all the known minimally doubled... more
In this work we use constructs from the dual space of the semi-direct product of the Virasoro algebra and the affine Lie algebra of a circle to write a theory of gravitation which is a natural analogue of Yang-Mills theory. The theory... more
We introduce special supersymmetric gauge theories in three, five, seven and nine dimensions, whose compactification on two-, four-, six-and eight-folds produces a supersymmetric quantum mechanics on moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles... more
We investigate the state space of bipartite qutrits. For states which are locally maximally mixed we obtain an analog of the "magic" tetrahedron for bipartite qubits-a magic simplex W. This is obtained via the Weyl group which is a kind... more
In this paper, we discuss the Lie algebra bundles defined by Jordan algebra bundles of finite type over an arbitrary topological space and observe that such Lie algebra bundles are also of finite type. Also, we examine some ideal bundles... more
, we studied p-mean curvature and the associated p-minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group from the viewpoint of PDE and differential geometry. In this paper, we look into the problem through the variational formulation. We study a... more
Given any mean zero, finite variance σ 2 random variable W , there exists a unique distribution on a variable W * such that EW f (W ) = σ 2 Ef (W * ) for all absolutely continuous functions f for which these expectations exist. This... more
In this paper, we consider several variations of the following basic tiling problem: given a sequence of real numbers with two size-bound parameters, we want to find a set of tiles of maximum total weight such that each tiles satisfies... more
In this paper we present a new method for the numerical solution of the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system on a phase-space grid using an adaptive semi-Lagrangian method. The adaptivity is performed through a wavelet multiresolution... more
Shibukawa, Youichi (J-HOKKS) Dynamical Yang-Baxter maps with an invariance condition. (English summary)
Shibukawa, Youichi (J-HOKKS) Dynamical Yang-Baxter maps with an invariance condition. (English summary)
It is shown, that oscillators on the sphere and the pseudosphere are related, by the so-called Bohlin transformation, with the Coulomb systems on the pseudosphere. The even states of an oscillator yield the conventional Coulomb system on... more
We propose a new robust method for the computation of scattering of high-frequency acoustic plane waves by smooth convex objects in 2D. We formulate this problem by the direct boundary integral method, using the classical combined... more
Reminiscences of my intellectual and personal interactions with Professor Nambu, and discussion of his contributions to string theory. Switching to my own research, by expressing the string coordinates as bispinors, I suggest a... more
Numerical studies of the Zaitsev (Robin Hood ) model PERRY FOX, GABRIEL CWILICH, SERGEY BULDYREV, FREDY ZYPMAN, Department of Physics -Yeshiva University -The Zaitsev[1] model of depinning of interfaces has been widely used to discuss... more
This paper is devoted to the analysis of non-negative solutions for a generalisation of the classical parabolic-elliptic Patlak-Keller-Segel system with d ≥ 3 and porous medium-like non-linear diffusion. Here, the non-linear diffusion is... more
The basic properties of oscillons -localized, long-lived, time-dependent scalar field configurations -are briefly reviewed, including recent results demonstrating how their existence depends on the dimensionality of spacetime. Their role... more
In modern physics we could say that space dimension is derived from physical conditions. Kaluza-Klein theory and D-brane are typical examples. However, not only by such conditions, we should also think about space dimension with insights... more
We study the thermodynamics of the asymptotically flat static black hole in Lovelock back ground where the coupling constants of the Lovelock theory effects are taken into account. We consider the effects of the second order of the... more
We present a method to measure potentials over an extended region using onedimensional ion crystals in a radio frequency (RF) ion trap. The equilibrium spacings of the ions within the crystal allow the determination of the external forces... more
After a survey of the cohomological quantum field theory, we review the computation of their Donaldson-Witten invariants. These invariants are generalized for smooth flows defined on the four manifold using notion of asymptotic cycles of... more
We construct embeddings of Bers slices of ideal polygon reflection groups into the classical family of univalent functions Σ. This embedding is such that the conformal mating of the reflection group with the anti-holomorphic polynomial z... more
By restricting the motion of high-mobility 2D electron gas to a network of channels with smooth confinement, we were able to trace, both classically and quantum-mechanically, the interplay of backscattering, and of the bending action of a... more
We study the stochastic dynamics of deposition-evaporation cooperative processes of dimers, trimers, etc., in two-and higher-dimensional lattices. The dimer system in bipartite lattices allows for an exact solution of dynamic correlations... more