High energy
Recent papers in High energy
A study of the performance of five commercial radiotherapy treatment planning systems (TPSs) for common treatment sites regarding their ability to model heterogeneities and scattered photons has been performed. The comparison was based on... more
Coronary artery disease and its sequelae-ischemia, myocardial infarction, and heart failure-are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in man. Considerable effort has been devoted toward improving functional recovery and reducing the... more
A nonlinear-dynamics transient computational analysis of the explosion phenomena associated with detonation of 100g of C4 high-energy explosive buried at different depths in sand is carried out using the AUTODYN computer program. The... more
The Upper Ordovician (late Whiterockian to Mohawkian) Lourdes Formation represents a narrow (tens of kilometers), short-lived [∼5–7 million years (my)], open-ocean (high-energy) mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp that onlapped... more
We report on high-resolution spatial and timing results for binary millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232 obtained with the Chandra HRC-I and HRC-S in imaging mode. The sub-arcsecond resolution image of the HRC-I (0.08-10 keV) showed that the... more
A theoretical model linking the production of salmon, mussels and seaweed in floating, enclosed units is based on field data, laboratory tests and literature data. First step is the production of 300 metric tons of salmon in 12 production... more
Cellulose nanofibers with a size range of 5–100 nm have the potential to be a low cost renewable material that has application in a range of products. However, current chemical methods to produce crystalline nanofibers suffer from low... more
The INTEGRAL satellite observed the binary black hole system Cygnus X-1 on 2003 June 7-11. The source was detected up to 800 keV, its spectrum beeing compatible with a power law of photon index 2.3. In the framework of the accreting black... more
Mode shifting is the technique used at the third generation synchrotron light source ELETTRA to cure Coupled Bunch Instabilities (CBI). Temperature tuning of the RF cavities, based on an analytical prediction algorithm, allows... more
Arrays of manganese oxide nanowires were electrodeposited into anodized alumina membranes. These nanowire arrays were investigated in terms of their structural and electrochemical properties as cathodes for high energy and high power... more
We report on the design ofa novel, high energy (200 J), short pulse (150 fs) laser that is based on hybrid, broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) and mixed silicate and phosphate Nd:glass amplification. 02005... more
Irradiation of highly dehydrated MgO by UV light in the presence of surface adsorbed hydrogen leads to the formation of particular types of surface colour centres indicated with F+ S (H ) (one-electron, paramagnetic) and F S (H ) (two... more
Intestinal enterococci are the principal 'health-evidence-based' parameter recommended by WHO for the assessment of marine recreational water compliance. Understanding the survival characteristics of these organisms in nearshore waters is... more
We present a com waveguide filtering. A 1.4 with 11 mJ, 40 fs input puls OCIS codes: 190.4360 Nonlinear OSA/ CLEO 2011 CWI2.pdf
Differential cross sections (DCS) suitable for Monte Carlo simulation of the energy loss of fast electrons and positrons in matter are proposed. These DCSs are based on high-energy approximations, complemented with semiempirical... more
High-energy trauma may result in uncommon open injuries around the elbow joint. The management of these injuries can be difficult. Fourteen patients were treated between 1999 and 2003 and their injuries consisted of Monteggia... more
The ISR and Serpukhov measurements of the pp diffraction slope are successfully accounted for by the Chou-Yang model, with dipole form factor and ~2 = 0.71, generalised to include an energy dependent interaction term. The diffraction... more
Motivated by exploring spin-orbit coupled magnetism in 5d-based transition metal oxides (TMOs) beyond the iridates, we present a powder inelastic neutron scattering study of magnetic excitations in Ba2FeReO6-a member of the double... more
Less than 20 of the hundreds of carotenoids found in nature are found in the human body. These carotenoids are present in the body from the foods or dietary supplements that humans consume. The body does not synthesize them. Among the... more
In this study, animals having body weights comparable to human adults were used to compare the percentage success in defibrillation using two defibrillators; one was a conventional 320 Ws delivered energy unit, and the other was a... more
Photoluminescence measurements have been performed at low temperature on crystalline Si/ SiO 2 quantum wells as a function of thickness. Three distinct electron-hole ͑e-h͒ phases are clearly identified in these structures: the... more
The GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Germany, will setup a new high-energy beamline specialized for texture, strain and imaging measurements for materials science at the Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB of the Deutsches... more
A common joining method in microelectronics is thermosonic bonding of gold wires to aluminium pads deposited on the integrated circuit. In the interface between the wire and the pad a number of intermetallic compounds Al x Au y can... more
Vegetable oils are produced from numerous oil seed crops. While all vegetable oils have high energy content, most require some processing to assure safe use in internal combustion engines. Some of these oils already have been evaluated as... more
An intense electromagnetic pulse can create a weak of plasma oscillations through the action of the nonlinear ponderomotive force. Electrons trapped in the wake can be accelerated to high energy. Existing glass lasers of power density... more
The mesoscale (time) control of annual storm-surge activity on quasi-annual saltmarsh (tidal marsh) deposition is studied from two estuarine saltmarshes on the high-energy NW coast of Ireland. Both saltmarshes exhibit a cliffed edge where... more
An interface board capable to connect the PCI bus to two serial links at 1 Gbit/s each is presented. That PCI-HSLink board has been developed at CERN as a component of a testbed for the distribution and analysis of high energy data from... more
The polarized Cu K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of La2CuO4 has been interpreted by the multiple scattering approach. The size of the cluster of neighbouring atoms having good agreement with the XANES experimental data... more
RT-2 instruments will cover the energy range of 15 keV to 150 keV extendable up to ∼1 MeV. It consists of three detectors (two Phoswich detectors, namely, RT-2/S, RT-2/G and one solidstate imaging detector RT-2/CZT) and one processing... more
Page 1. Molecular Simulation, 1991, Vol. 8, pp. 51-72 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only 0 1991 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA Printed in Great Britain MONTE ...
The 64-residue protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) is a single module of structure. It folds and unfolds as a single co-operative unit by simple Function and Design two-state kinetics via a single rate determining transition state.... more
method allows the simultaneous detection of most me-For the detailed analysis of energy metabolism, a tabolites of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle (6-10). In HPLC method is described allowing the single-run septhis study a convenient... more
A model of interacting two dimensional electrons near a Van Hove singularity is studied, using renormalization group techniques. In hole doped systems, the chemical potential is found to be pinned near the singularity, when the... more
Anatase TiO 2 powders have been subjected to mechanical treatment for selected time intervals. The mechanical processing induced a gradual microstructural refinement, accompanied by a two-stage phase transformation into TiO 2 II phase and... more
We report results from high-resolution studies of D 5 + cluster ion collisions with low-energy electrons performed in a heavy ion storage ring. Absolute dissociative recombination (DR) and dissociative excitation (DE) cross sections were... more
Effects of sweetness and energy in drinks on food intake following exercise. PHYSIOL BEHAV 66 (2) [375][376][377][378][379] 1999.-Exercise is known to cause physiological changes that could affect the impact of nutrients on appetite... more
The distribution of seismic units in deposits of the basins near the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary is described based on the analysis of multichannel seismic reflection profiles. Five main seismic units are identified. The units are... more
In this paper we consider the implications of the "landscape" paradigm for the large scale properties of the universe. The most direct implication of a rich landscape is that our local universe was born in a tunnelling event from a... more
The fall of communism left some of the most polluting and wasteful energy sectors of the World in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). After 15 years of restructuring, eight of these countries have joined the European Union (EU), closing an... more
Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a semicrystalline biomaterial widely used in the components for articular prosthesis for its excellent mechanical qualities.