High Voltage Engineering
Recent papers in High Voltage Engineering
В монографії викладені теоретичні основи високовольтних техноло-гій у морській електроінженерії, вимоги класифікаційних товариств до морсь-кого високовольтного електроустаткування, основи безпечної експлуатації високовольтного... more
In this paper, a novel 800V multiple RESURF lateral double-diffused MOS (LDMOS) transistor in junction-isolated power IC technology is developed and successfully simulated. The proposed multiple RESURF LDMOS is able to achieve a specific... more
Power feed cavity set up consists of nine number of accelerating cavity and eight numbers of coupling cavity for testing of power feed cavity with coupling flange for 2856 MHz S band standing wave coupled cavity linac. When we are... more
harga stabiliser 5000 watt,harga stabiliser listrik,harga stabiliser matsuyama,harga stabiliser matsunaga,harga stabiliser 3000 watt,harga stabiliser untuk rumah Stabilizer listrik (Stavolt) adalah alat untuk membuat alat-alat... more
Paper on RTV High Voltage Insulator Silicone Rubber Coatings as presented at the CIGRE CBIP Conference on Insulators in EHV/UHV Transmission Systems in New Delhi on 12 NOV 2018. The paper covers trends, developments, new studies of RTV... more
The short circuit power factors were analyzed. Moreover, the relationship between the equivalent reactance and impedance of the transformer at primary side are reported. The experimental results show that the proposed method studies, open... more
This paper describes the failure analysis of a section insulator assembly at one of the depot of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRCL). Frequent breaker tripping at Saritavihar depot of DMRCL due to flashover of the section... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the severity of lightning induced voltages on a gas pipeline installed in parallel with overhead transmission line using two different simulation packages. The results from this study using... more
El desarrollo de la Alta Tensión en Corriente Continua (en adelante, HVDC) tiene un futuro brillante por delante. Cuando se encuentra totalmente coordinada con otros equipos e integrada con el sistema general, esta versátil tecnología... more
Electric radiation fields produced by lightning cloud flashes have been analyzed using Fourier methods to obtain amplitude spectra for frequencies in the range of 20 kHz to 20 MHz. Time to thunder measurements were used to extract the... more
Partial discharge measurements on transformers and rotating machines are an accepted tool of quality control, in factory and on site. Common methods to improve the quality of noisy PD data are filtering and gating. Recently a new method... more
Transformer-less inverters are necessary parts for grid-connected renewable energy resources (RERs). Due to its cost effectiveness, downsize and less weight, great attention has been paid to these inverters development. With these... more
Partial discharge measurements on transformers and rotating machines are an accepted tool of quality control, in factory and on site. Common methods to improve the quality of noisy PD data are filtering and gating. Recently a new method... more
This paper highlights on continuous improvement in Extra High Voltage (EHV) & High Voltage (HV) AC Underground Transmission Cables (UTC) Technology like real time monitoring, improved XLPE insulation. Due to improvement in manufacturing... more
This paper explains the implementation of a small-signal model for a new five-level series resonant inverter structure. The proposed circuit combines the advantages of multilevel inverters and the characteristics of the physical... more
Improving power quality play a vital role in distribution systems since, these are majorly connected to nonlinear loads. Nonlinear loads generate harmonics which in turn disturb the source of supply. The damped double tuned filters can be... more
—In this paper, we calculated the induced sheath voltage in metallic sheath/shield of single-core cables operating in double circuit by considering influence of arrangement and phase distance; with the aim of providing optimal value of... more
This paper provides the complete information related to Right of Way (RoW) for the construction of new power transmission line (TL) in terms of present cost for overhead transmission line and underground XLPE transmission cable. The... more
Research on alternative dielectric gases to eliminate the disadvantages of SF6, which is widely used in GIS and switching systems in the power system engineering, has been an important study topic in the literature for nearly 40 years.... more
The particular aims of this research are to produce a lightning system and its grounding which is largely applied in industry, for example lightning system and grounding substation, transmission couplingwire channel and is applied in... more
A negligible percentage of the cost of a Power Generation Plant or Transmission network goes towards the cost of insulators, yet the cumulative O&M costs, outage costs and equipment damage costs due to poor insulator performance can be... more
Учебное пособие предназначено, в первую очередь,для судового инженерно-технического персонала, проходящего,по требованиям безопасной эксплуатации судового высоковольтного электрического оборудования, специальный курс High Voltage Safety... more
RTV Insulator Coatings are being recognized as perhaps the most effective methods to eliminate pollution flashovers on ceramic insulators of up to 1200kV. Power utilities, heavy industry (captive power), technical consultants and... more
A flyback transformer (FBT), also called a line output transformer (LOPT), is a special type of electrical transformer. It was initially designed to generate high voltage sawtooth signals at a relatively high frequency. In modern... more
High Voltage Engineering PDF Book For Electrical and Power Engineering Download
Geiger-Müller (GM) tube based radiation detectors require high voltage DC biasing for their operation. The objective of this project is to design and implement a variable DC power supply of 3kV/10mA with short-circuit protection for GM... more
Yüksek gerilim tesislerimde topraklama oldukça önemli olan, tesis güvenliği ve sürekliliği için öncelikle devam edilmesi gereken bir yapıdır. YG tesislerine yapılacak topraklama ile bir hata durumunda toprağa bir akım aktığında tesis... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In the past few years there is a rapid improvement in power distribution sector, but the set of equipment require for controlling the transmission and distribution of electric power supply remains the same. This paper gives an overview... more
Energy is one of the most vital requirements for economic and social development of any country. With the increase in power generation requirement, the size of generators & motors is also increasing. The continuing increase in output... more
“High Voltage Engineering” has been written for the undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering of Indian and foreign Universities as well as the practising electrical engineers.
Abstract—Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are deeply ingrained in the fabric of critical infrastructure sectors. These computerized realtime process control systems, over geographically dispersed continuous... more
Penggunaan Konduktor pada tegangan tinggi memiliki beberapa properti yang harus diperhatikan seperti unjuk kerja mekanis, kekuatan tarik dan regang. Untuk itu harus diperhatikan model yang digunakan untuk setiap desain berbeda. Ini adalah... more
—The vital role of power transformers in the power system has attracted the consideration of Condition based Maintenance for many years. Dissolved gas in-oil analysis (DGA) has gained popularity in condition monitoring and diagnosis... more
s IEEE Std 1-1986 (R1992). IEEE Standard General Principles for Temperature Limits in the Rating of Electric Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation. These principles are intended to serve as a guide in the preparation... more
A switchgear installation contains all the apparatus and auxiliary equipment necessary to ensure reliable operation of the installation and a secure supply of electricity. Threephase a.c. high-voltage switchgear installations with... more
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ELEN 2023) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of Electrical Engineering.... more
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ELE 2022) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of Electrical Engineering.... more
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ELE 2022) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on recent systems and techniques in the broad field of Electrical Engineering.... more