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The Timor-Tanimbar region constitutes part of the non-volcanic outer Banda Arc of Eastern Indonesia. Here, the world's youngest 'A'-type high-pressure metamorphic belt crops out with different stages of evolution. Whereas an advanced... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsHigh Pressure
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
This paper provides a review of the tectonic evolution of central-southern Africa from Mesoproterozoic to earliest Palaeozoic times, using available geological information and a robust U-Pb zircon database. During the late... more
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      GeologyHigh PressureSouthern AfricaTime Use
AbstractÐThe electrochemical compression of hydrogen is well known since years. But new developments of the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells make it possible to realize the electrochemical compression in a PEM-cell with high... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressureHydrogen StorageFuel Cell
Amino acids are the essential building blocks of proteins and peptides. They can also take part in intermediary metabolism and act as precur- sors to common biogenic amine neurotransmitters. Certain amino acids act as neurotransmitters... more
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      High PressureGlutamateCentral Nervous SystemHigh Resolution
The huge advance of high-pressure techniques came with the design of the diamond anvil cell (DAC) achieving multidisciplinary character. DAC makes possible to investigate the changes in the electronic properties induced by local or... more
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      High PressurePhase TransitionsLuminescenceOptical physics
The correlated metal UCoGe is a weak itinerant ferromagnet with a Curie temperature T C = 3 K and a superconductor with a transition temperature T s = 0.6 K. We review its basic thermal, magnetic  on the macro and microscopic scale  and... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsHigh PressureTransport Properties
The expansion of a laser-ablation plume into different ambient gases is investigated theoretically using a two-fluid gas-dynamic model and experimentally with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Both calculations and measurements, performed... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressureTime-of-flight mass spectrometryGas Dynamics
The C 7 H 7 potential energy surface was studied from first principles to determine the benzyl radical decomposition mechanism. The investigated high temperature reaction pathway involves 15 accessible energy wells connected by 25... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringHigh PressureKinetics
We performed comparative study of phase relations in Fe 1-x Ni x (0.10 B x B 0.22 atomic fraction) and Fe 0.90 Ni 0.10-x C x (0.1 B x B 0.5 atomic fraction) systems at pressures to 45 GPa and temperatures to 2,600 K using laser-heated... more
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      Materials EngineeringGeochemistryHigh PressureIron
The behavior of binary mixtures of carbon dioxide+alkanol (1-butanol, 2-butanol, 1-pentanol, or 2-pentanol) at high pressures was modeled using the Stryjek-Vera version of the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Two mixing rules were... more
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      Chemical EngineeringHigh PressureCarbon DioxideGibbs Free Energy
The photocatalytic disinfection of Escherichia coli, a pathogenic micro-organism was investigated. An aqueous suspension of the micro-organism (1 × 10 8 cfu/ml) and neat TiO 2 or silver-loaded TiO 2 were irradiated with a high pressure... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressurePhotochemistryBiological Sciences
In this study, fracture experiments on multiphase material samples have been carried out using high speed water jets. Based on fracture geometry measurements and on grain analyses it was found that the fracture of this type of materials... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringHigh Pressure
Yarrowia lipolytica converts methyl ricinoleate to c-decalactone, a high-value fruity aroma compound. The highest amount of 3-hydroxy-c-decalactone produced by the yeast (263 mg l -1 ) occurred by increasing the k L a up to 120 h )1 at... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyHigh PressureBiotechnology
Apple juice and apple cider were inoculated with Escherichia coli K-12 and processed using a highpressure homogenizer to study bacterial inactivation. Seven levels of pressure ranging from 50 to 350 MPa were used in the high-pressure... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceHigh PressureFood
Gas flow in a transmission line is described by a set of three coupled partial differential equations (PDE) expressing conservation of mass, momentum and energy; the gas properties are described by a non-ideal equation of state. A... more
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      Applied MathematicsHigh PressureApplied Mathematical ModellingTransmission Line
This article focuses on the application of high pressure laser flash photolysis for studies on selected hemoprotein reactions with the objective to establish details of the underlying reaction mechanisms. In this context, particular... more
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      High PressureBiological SciencesCarbon MonoxideLasers
A novel approach to improve the bioavailability and stability of atorvastatin (AT) was developed by constructing a nano-sized polymer-atorvastatin conjugate. Firstly, a novel chitosan-atorvastatin (CH-AT) conjugate was efficiently... more
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      High PressureChitosanScanning Electron MicroscopyIntestinal Mucosa
The Levitated Dipole Experiment (LDX) is a novel concept that examines plasma compressibility as a method for stable magnetic confinement of fusion grade plasmas. The experiment uses a 0.8 m diameter ring-type dipole coil that is... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsHigh PressureHeat Exchanger
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      High PressureQuality of lifeTreatment OutcomeConstipation
The formation, stability and physico-chemical properties of TiO 2 powders are strongly influenced by the actual synthesis and processing routes employed. Pure and metal-doped nanostructured TiO 2 samples were obtained using the sol-gel... more
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      Analytical ChemistryHigh PressureSynchrotron RadiationTitanium dioxide
The behaviour of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated after high-pressure treatment (600 MPa 6 min, 31 8C) and during chilled storage at 4 8C for up to 120 days of commercial meat products. The objective was to determine... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressureBiological SciencesSHELF LIFE
We present the results of an experiment performed at PSI to investigate muon catalyzed fusion in pure deuterium gas of 5% density (LHD) at temperatures ranging from 28 K to 350 K. Using a new high pressure ionization chamber the reactions... more
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      High PressureHyperfine InteractionsTemperature Dependence
The Gibbs free energy and volume changes attendant upon hydration of cordierites in the system magnesian cordierite-water have been extracted from the published high pressure experimental data at PH~o =Ptot~l, assuming an ideal one site... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryThermodynamicsHigh Pressure
A microbial survival curve is constructed by plotting the number of recoverable cells or their logarithm vs. the exposure time to the hostile agent, be it high or low temperature, a chemical preservative or disinfectant, etc. Since the... more
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      MicrobiologyMathematicsHigh PressureKinetics
Densities were measured for the liquid benzene and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and for nine of their mixtures at four temperatures between 298.15 and 328.15 K and at pressures up to 40 MPa. An apparatus for density measurements of liquids and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringHigh PressureClassical PhysicsFluid phase equilibria
La Serena cheeses, made from Merino ewes' raw milk, were high-pressure (HP)-treated at 300 or 400 MPa for 10 min at 10 1C, on days 2 or 50 of ripening. Cheeses treated by HP on day 2 showed higher pH values than control cheese on day 3,... more
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      High PressureTasteDairyTexture
A novel combination of high performance low pressure chromatography with multisyringe flow injection analysis is presented. This system comprises a multisyringe module, three low pressure solenoid valves, a monolithic Chromolith Flash... more
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      Analytical ChemistryWaterHigh PressureFlow Injection Analysis
Piezoelectric composites comprising dispersions of free-flowing calcium-modified lead titanate powders in a poly( vinylidene fluoride) matrix have been developed and characterized as materials for hydrophone applications. We find that... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringHigh PressureMaterials Design
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringHigh PressureWater quality
This paper presents an experimental study on the homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles in nanofluids. In this study, various physical treatment techniques based on two-step method, including stirrer, ultrasonic bath, ultrasonic... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringDesignProduction
A v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 8... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressureFatigue crack growthHydrogen Energy
A BSTRACT : A high-pressure optical cell was designed and fabricated for the measurement of hydrate phase equilibria. These measurements were carried out using Raman spectroscopy, which provided molecular microscopic evidence of hydrate... more
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      High PressureRaman SpectroscopyMultidisciplinary
The low-temperature isobaric heat capacities (C p ) of b-and c-Mg 2 SiO 4 were measured at the range of 1.8-304.7 K with a thermal relaxation method using the Physical Property Measurement System. The obtained standard entropies (S°2 98 )... more
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      Materials EngineeringGeochemistryThermodynamicsPolymorphism
We have investigated the effect of pressure on the electronic, magnetic and structural properties on single crystal of conducting, ferromagnet ( C T = 157 K)
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      High PressurePhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESSingle Crystal
A method for quantifying laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) signals and planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the OH and NO radicals in high pressure flames is presented. The fluorescence signal per unit radical mole fraction... more
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      High PressureAtmospheric sciencesMethaneLaser Induced Fluorescence
We calculate by molecular dynamics the optical functions of MgO in the far infrared region 100-1000 cm −1 , for pressures up to 40 GPa and temperatures up to 4000 K. An ab initio parametrized many-body force field is used to generate the... more
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      EngineeringHigh PressureChemical PhysicsPhysical sciences
The GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Germany, will setup a new high-energy beamline specialized for texture, strain and imaging measurements for materials science at the Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB of the Deutsches... more
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      Materials ScienceHigh PressureSynchrotron RadiationX Rays
Pretreatment Membrane autopsy Specific flux Polysaccharides Microfiltration Ultrafiltration Reverse osmosis a
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      WaterHigh PressureCarbonWater Purification
Two high performance flow atomic absorption (HPF-AAS) related techniques were chosen to assess their suitability for the determination of several trace elements in complex environmental and biological samples. The technique selected were... more
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      Analytical ChemistryHigh PressureTrace MetalsAquatic Plants
Large amounts of fly ash (FA) and limestone powder (LP) wastes are accumulating in countries all over the world. Most of these wastes are abandoned and cause certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. In this study, LP... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceManufacturing
A new gasdynamic launcher is described, in which intact projectiles weighing at least 1 gram can be accelerated to mass velocities of 15-20 km/s. The system employs a conventional 2-stage light gas gun, with the barrel modified and filled... more
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      High PressureOptimizationProjectilesMathematical Models
The present paper deals with an experimental convective heat transfer investigation around a film-cooled, high-pressure gas turbine rotor blade mounted in a stationary, linear cascade arrangement. The measurements were performed in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringConvectionTurbulence
The notion of dominant designs deals with dominance in the market and the dominant design is thought to be dominant because of market selection forces. The notion thus ignores the possible selection that takes place in pre-market R&D... more
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      High PressureHydrogen StorageFuel CellSelection Criteria
We have analyzed the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans with the help of phase-contrast x-ray tomography. This work combines techniques from x-ray imaging studies of single biological cells by in-line holography with three-dimensional... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingElectron MicroscopyCaenorhabditis elegans
A typical process of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) for H2 purification consists of a sequence of stages involving high pressure adsorption and low pressure desorption at a determined temperature. If it is desired to optimize a process... more
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      EngineeringCryogenicsHigh PressureAdsorption
Experimental observations pertaining to the damage evolution in Starphire ® , a soda-lime transparentarmor glass, made in the recent work of Strassburger et al.
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringHigh PressureFinite Element
Molecular dynamics simulations of fused silica at shock pressures reproduce the experimental equation of state of this material and explain its characteristic shape. We demonstrate that shock waves modify the medium-range order of this... more
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      High PressurePhysical sciencesFused Silica EtchingSize Distribution
Determination of the lattice dynamics of Sn at high pressure has represented a major experimental challenge and eluded previous attempts. Here we report the first successful measurement of the phonon density of states of Sn at high... more
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      High PressurePhysical sciencesNormal ModesLattice Dynamics
Evolution of sea fog has been investigated using three-dimensional Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) simulations. The study focused on widespread fog-cloud layers advected along the California coastal waters during 14-16 April 1999. According to... more
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      ThermodynamicsBoundary Layer MeteorologyHigh PressureSea surface temperature