For the numerical solution of initial value problems a general procedure to determine global integration methods is derived and studied. They are collocation methods which can be easily implemented and provide a high order accuracy. They... more
A finite volume hybrid scheme for the spatial discretization that combines a fixed stencil and a stencil determined by the classical essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) scheme is presented. Evolution equations are obtained for the mean... more
In this short note we address the issue of numerical resolution and efficiency of high order weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) schemes for computing solutions containing both discontinuities and complex solution features, through... more
On the Advantage of Well-Balanced Schemes for Moving-Water Equilibria of the Shallow Water Equations
This note aims at demonstrating the advantage of moving-water well-balanced schemes over still-water well-balanced schemes for the shallow water equations. We concentrate on numerical examples with solutions near a moving-water... more
A conservative 3-D discontinuous Galerkin (DG) baroclinic model has been developed in the NCAR High-Order Method Modeling Environment (HOMME) to investigate global atmospheric flows. The computational domain is a cubed-sphere free from... more
We present a fast Poisson solver on spherical shells. With a special change of variable, the radial part of the Laplacian transforms to a constant coefficient differential operator. As a result, the Fast Fourier Transform can be applied... more
We present a fast Poisson solver on spherical shells. With a special change of variable, the radial part of the Laplacian transforms to a constant coefficient differential operator. As a result, the Fast Fourier Transform can be applied... more
This paper evaluates the use of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, with prescribed zero velocities, as a model for heat transfer in solids. In particular in connection with conjugate heat transfer problems. We derive estimates, and... more
A time-dependent coordinate transformation of a constant coefficient hyperbolic system of equations which results in a variable coefficient system of equations is considered. By applying the energy method, well-posed boundary conditions... more
In this article, recent developments for increased performance of the high order and stable SBP-SAT finite difference technique is described. In particular we discuss the use of weak boundary conditions and dual consistent formulations.... more
In this article, well-posedness and dual consistency of the linearized incompressible Navier-Stokes equations posed on time-dependent spatial domains are studied. To simplify the derivation of the dual problem, the second order... more
In this article we consider a nonlocal problem with the second kind integral condition for a parabolic equation. Under some conditions on initial data we proved existence and uniqueness of a generalized solution applying the method of a... more
We prove the existence and uniqueness of a strong solution for a parabolic singular equation in which we combine Dirichlet with integral boundary conditions given only on parts of the boundary. The proof uses a priori estimate and the... more
8208], we developed a fast sweeping method based on a hybrid local solver which is a combination of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element solver and a first order finite difference solver for Eikonal equations. The method has... more
A provable stable and accurate Davies-like relaxation procedure using multiple penalty terms for lateral boundaries in weather prediction.
In this paper we prove stability of Robin solid wall boundary conditions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Applications include the no-slip boundary conditions with prescribed temperature or temperature gradient and the first... more
In this paper we prove stability of Robin solid wall boundary conditions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Applications include the no-slip boundary conditions with prescribed temperature or temperature gradient and the first... more
In this paper we prove stability of Robin solid wall boundary conditions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Applications include the no-slip boundary conditions with prescribed temperature or temperature gradient and the first... more
In this paper we construct a hierarchy of arbitrary high (even) order accurate explicit time propagators for semi-discrete second order hyperbolic systems. An accurate semi-discrete problem is obtained by approximating the corresponding... more
At the late stage of transitional boundary layers, the nonlinear evolution of the ring-like vortices and spike structures and their effects on the surrounding flow were studied by means of direct numerical simulation with high order... more
We discuss the basics of discontinuous Galerkin methods (DG) for CEM as an alternative of emerging importance to the widely used FDTD. The benefits of DG methods include geometric flexibility, high-order accuracy, explicit... more
Title of program:RPROP Nature of physical problem Coupled second-order differential equations which arise in Catalogue number: AAJK electron collision with atoms, ions and molecules are solved over a given range of the independent... more
Ever since its introduction by Kane Yee over forty years ago, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has been a widely-used technique for solving the time-dependent Maxwell's equations. This paper presents an alternative approach... more
This paper describes a parallel implementation of the discontinuous Galerkin method. The discontinuous Galerkin is a spatially compact method that retains its accuracy and robustness on non-smooth unstructured grids and is well suited for... more
The objective of this paper is to present a new Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model obtained by filtering a generalized version of the Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. This new model is a generalization of the model... more
There is a growing interest in using mathematical models to understand crime dynamics, crime prevention, and detection. The past decade has experienced a relative reduction in conventional crimes, but this has been replaced by significant... more
We introduce the notion of a transmission problem to describe a general class of problems where different dynamics are coupled in time. Well-posedness and stability is analysed for continuous and discrete problems using both strong and... more
A stencil-adaptive SBP-SAT finite difference scheme is shown to display superconvergent behavior. Applied to the linear advection equation, it has a convergence rate O(∆x 4) in contrast to a conventional scheme, which converges at a rate... more
We extend the construction of so-called encapsulated global summation-by-parts operators to the general case of a mesh which is not boundary conforming. Owing to this development, energy stable discretizations of nonlinear and variable... more
The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method continues to maintain heightened levels of interest within the simulation community because of the discretization flexibility it provides. One of the fundamental properties of the DG methodology and... more
We present a fast direct solver for two dimensional scattering problems, where an incident wave impinges on a penetrable medium with compact support. We represent the scattered field using a volume potential whose kernel is the outgoing... more
A spectral element (SE) implementation of the Givoli-Neta non-reflecting boundary condition (NRBC) is considered for the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation. The infinite domain is truncated via an artificial boundary B, and a... more
A reduced shallow water model under constant, non-zero advection in the infinite channel is considered. High-order (Givoli-Neta) non-reflecting boundary conditions are introduced in various configurations to create a finite computational... more
A stencil-adaptive SBP-SAT finite difference scheme is shown to display superconvergent behavior. Applied to the linear advection equation, it has a convergence rate O(∆x 4) in contrast to a conventional scheme, which converges at a rate... more
A wide range of applications requires an accurate solution of a particular Hamilton-Jacobi (H-J) equation known as the Eikonal equation. In this paper, we employ the Chebyshev pseudospectral viscosity method to solve this equation. This... more
Fixed-point iterative sweeping methods were developed in the literature to efficiently solve steady state solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and hyperbolic conservation laws. Similar as other fast sweeping schemes, the key components... more
Classical longitude-latitude grids result in singularities at the two poles, where the meridians converge. Dealing with those singularities requires the use of filtering with operators, which are non-local and thus significantly reduce... more
Radial basis function(RBF) methods have been actively developed in the last decades. The advantages of RBF methods are that these methods are mesh-free and yield high order accuracy if the function is smooth enough. The RBF approximation... more
We use high order finite difference methods to solve the wave equation in the second order form. The spatial discretization is performed by finite difference operators satisfying a summation-by-parts property. The focus of this work is on... more
A conservative 3-D discontinuous Galerkin (DG) baroclinic model has been developed in the NCAR High-Order Method Modeling Environment (HOMME) to investigate global atmospheric flows. The computational domain is a cubed-sphere free from... more
Over the past three decades simplified empirical formulae contributed greatly in a rapid evaluation of the oil slick spreading and drifting. Modern oil spill models can utilise more accurate and physically relevant mathematical... more
This paper presents an efficient time-domain method for computing the propagation of electromagnetic waves in microwave structures. The procedure uses high-order vector bases to achieve high-order accuracy in space, the Newmark's method... more
In CFD computations, discretization or truncation errors should be small providing an acceptable level of accuracy. In this paper, an extension is made of the recently proposed LES formalism based on sampling operators. It is shown that... more
In CFD computations, discretization errors or truncation errors should be small providing an acceptable level of accuracy. In this paper an alternative use is made of the recently proposed LES formalism based on sampling operators. It is... more
SummaryWe consider wave propagation in a coupled fluid‐solid region separated by a static but possibly curved interface. The wave propagation is modeled by the acoustic wave equation in terms of a velocity potential in the fluid, and the... more
Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ... more
Let −L be the generator of a Lévy semigroup on L 1 (R n) and f : R → R n be a nonlinearity. Nonlinear equations with nonlocal diffusive terms like ut + Lu + ∇ • f (u) = 0 appear as models with anomalous diffusion in continuum mechanics.... more
At the late stage of transitional boundary layers, the nonlinear evolution of the ring-like vortices and spike structures and their effects on the surrounding flow were studied by means of direct numerical simulation with high order... more
In this paper, we present the hp-convergence analysis of a nondissipative high-order discontinuous Galerkin method on unstructured hexahedral meshes using a mass-lumping technique to solve the time-dependent Maxwell equations. In... more