We show non-asymptotic exponential convergence of Sinkhorn iterates to the Schrödinger potentials, solutions of the quadratic Entropic Optimal Transport problem on R d . Our results hold under mild assumptions on the marginal inputs: in... more
In order to maximize the signal-to-interference-plusnoise ratio (SINR) under a constant-envelope (CE) constraint, a fast and efficient joint design of the transmit waveform and the receive filter for colocated multiple-input... more
The development of variational density functional theory approaches to excited electronic states is impeded by limitations of the commonly used self-consistent field (SCF) procedure. A method based on a direct optimization approach as... more
Assume that f ∈ C 2 (R n ) is a strict convex function with a unique minimum. We divide the vector of n variables to d ≥ 2 groups of vector subvariables. We assume that we can find the partial minimum of f with respect to each vector... more
A posteriori error estimates are presented for the Laplace equation and meshes with large aspect ratio. Error estimates are presented in the natural H 1 seminorm or in the framework of goal oriented error control. The proposed estimator... more
Using the embedded gradient vector field method we explicitly compute the list of critical points of the free energy for a Cosserat body model. We also formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for critical points in the abstract case... more
We give an explicit construction of the Newton algorithm on orthogonal Stiefel manifolds. In order to do this we introduce a local frame appropriate for the computation of the Hessian matrix for a cost function defined on Stiefel... more
Using the embedded gradient vector field method we explicitly compute the list of critical points of the free energy for a Cosserat body model. We also formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for critical points in the abstract case... more
On a constraint manifold we give an explicit formula for the Hessian matrix of a cost function that involves the Hessian matrix of a prolonged function and the Hessian matrices of the constraint functions. We give an explicit formula for... more
An idea to analyze the fluctuational mode or/and spectrum of water molecules in an inhomogeneous environment around a biomolecule such as protein and DNA is proposed based on the generalized Langevin equation (GLE) for water interacting... more
This paper explores the profound relationship between information entropy and quantum dynamics through the lens of differential geometry, demonstrating that quantum behaviour naturally emerges from the geometry of probability... more
Exact forward recursions for the score vector and observed information matrix of the Markov-modulated Poisson process (MMPP) are developed. The recursions are motivated by similar recursions developed for hidden Markov models by Lystig... more
We find bilateral global bounds for the fundamental solutions associated with some quasilinear and fully nonlinear operators perturbed by a nonnegative zero order term with natural growth under minimal assumptions. Important model... more
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) harm retinal blood vessels in the eye causing visual deficiency. The appearance and structure of blood vessels in retinal images play an essential part in the diagnoses of an eye sicknesses. We proposed a less... more
Genetic algorithms are widely used for solving a multitude of complex problems. Methods for increasing the genetic algorithms accuracy are of great importance. One such method consist of using the fixed point theory combined with an... more
Background Flexible Alternating Current Transmission SystemsInherent Limitations of Transmission SystemsFACTS ControllersSteady-state Power System AnalysisReferences
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Deep learning has become the method of choice for many machine learning tasks in recent years, and especially for multi-class classification. The most common loss function used in this context is the cross-entropy loss. While this... more
This paper presents the way to obtain the Newton gradient by using a traction given by the perturbation for the Lagrange multiplier. Conventionally, the second order adjoint model using the Hessian/Vector Products expressed by the product... more
An algorithm for solving smooth nonconvex optimization problems is proposed that, in the worst-case, takes ${\mathscr O}(\varepsilon ^{-3/2})$ iterations to drive the norm of the gradient of the objective function below a prescribed... more
The main objective for this study is to examine the efficiency of block iterative method namely Four-Point Explicit Group Successive Over Relaxation (4EGSOR) iterative method. The nonlinear Burger's equation is then solved through the... more
Let R be a ring with unity and let M be an R-module. Let R(+)M be the idealization of the ring R by the R-module M. In this article, we study the Eurelian property of zero-divisor graphs. We investigate when some special idealization... more
In thermal glasses at temperatures sufficiently lower than the glass transition, the constituent particles are trapped in their cages for sufficiently long time such that their time-averaged positions can be determined before diffusion... more
Coins square measure integral a part of our day to day life. We tend to use coins everyplace like grocery market, banks, buses, trains etc. Therefore it is a basic want that coin is recognized and counted. The target of this paper is to... more
Diabetes mellitus is common disease nowadays which could cause blindness. Earlier detection of diabetes signs from retina fundus images could help predicting and preventing the damages. Image processing methods could process the matrix... more
Convexity plays a prominent role in a number of problems, but practical considerations frequently give rise to non-convex functions. We suggest a method for determining convex regions, and also for assessing the lack of convexity in the... more
We introduce a modification of the index of increase that works in both deterministic and random environments, and thus allows us to assess monotonicity of functions that are prone to random measurement errors. We prove consistency of the... more
This paper deals with variational inclusions of the form 0 ∈ Kf (x) where f : R n → R m is a semismooth function and K is a nonempty closed convex cone in R m . We show that the previous problem can be solved by a Newton-type method using... more
In this paper, we propose a unified framework, the Hessian discretisation method (HDM), which is based on four discrete elements (called altogether a Hessian discretisation) and a few intrinsic indicators of accuracy, independent of the... more
In this paper, we propose a unified framework, the Hessian discretisation method (HDM), which is based on four discrete elements (called altogether a Hessian discretisation) and a few intrinsic indicators of accuracy, independent of the... more
The focus of this article is to add a new class of rank one of modified Quasi-Newton techniques to solve the problem of unconstrained optimization by updating the inverse Hessian matrix with an update of rank 1, where a diagonal... more
Several attempts have been made to modify the quasi-Newton condition in order to obtain rapid convergence with complete properties (symmetric and positive definite) of the inverse of Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective... more
In this paper, we propose a new modify of DFP update with a new extended quasi-Newton condition for unconstrained optimization problem so called update. This update is based on a new Zhang Xu condition we show that update preserves the... more
The study presents the modification of the Broyden-Flecher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update (H-Version) based on the determinant property of inverse of Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function), via updating of the vector... more
It is well known that the unconstrained Optimization often arises in economies, finance, trade, law, meteorology, medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, education, history, sociology, psychology, and so on. The classical... more
The minimization of the loss function is of paramount importance in deep neural networks. On the other hand, many popular optimization algorithms have been shown to correspond to some evolution equation of gradient flow type. Inspired by... more
In nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC), a control task is approached by repeatedly solving an optimal control problem (OCP) over a receding horizon. Popularly, the OCP is approximated with a finite-dimensional nonlinear program... more
In many applications spanning from sensor to social networks, transportation systems, gene regulatory networks or big data, the signals of interest are defined over the vertices of a graph. The aim of this paper is to propose a least mean... more
In this paper, we consider the manifold of covariance matrices of order n parametrized by reflection coefficients which are derived from Levinson's recursion of autoregressive model. The explicit expression of the reparametrization and... more
A rigorous thermodynamic framework is developed for performing free energy calculations of polymer glasses described by classical molecular forcefields. The proper free energy connected to all combinations of imposed external conditions... more
Data assimilation combines information from an imperfect model, sparse and noisy observations, and error statistics, to produce a best estimate of the state of a physical system. Different observational data points have different... more
This paper presents a practical computational approach to quantify the effect of individual observations in estimating the state of a system. Such an analysis can be used for pruning redundant measurements, and for designing future sensor... more
We present a new scheme to calculate isotope effects. Only selected frequencies at the target level of theory are calculated. The frequencies are selected by an analysis of the Hessian from a lower level of theory. We obtain accurate... more
This paper presents an approach that directly utilizes the Hessian matrix to investigate the existence and uniqueness of global solutions for the ECQP problem. The novel features of this proposed algorithm are its uniqueness and faster... more
The problem of variational data assimilation (estimation) for a nonlinear model is considered in general operator formulation. Hessian-based methods are presented to compute the estimation error covariances. The importance of dynamic... more
The problem of variational data assimilation for a nonlinear evolution model is considered to identify the initial condition. An equation for the error of the optimal solution through the statistical errors of input data is derived, based... more
Sampling noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices is a fundamental step that converts coherent quantumcircuit outputs to measurement data for running variational quantum algorithms that utilize gradient and Hessian methods in... more