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Ethical considerations concerning the conservation and restoration of a herbarium from the 19th century Herbaria are specific objects: they consist of various organic materials joint together in a way that may cause unusual problems for a... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationHerbariumPreservation of Herbarium Specimens
The herbarium -a collection of pressed plants mounted on paper -is central to the practice of ethnobotany, and to the use of all the other plant collections discussed in this book. Herbarium specimens both vouch for the identity of the... more
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Herbarium merupakan istilah yang pertama kali digunakan oleh Turnefor (1700) untuk tumbuhan obat yang dikeringkan sebagai koleksi. Luca Ghini (1490-1550) seorang Professor Botani di Universitas Bologna, Italia adalah orang pertama yang... more
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    • Herbarium
El presente trabajo trata sobre la aplicación del sistema de clasificación APG IV (Angiosperm phylogenetic group) en la colección del Herbario CHEP. El cambio más evidente es a nivel de clases, de Monocotiledónea y Dicotiledónea pasó... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyHerbariumBotanica
As a field naturalist, my doctoral research in plant ecology has focused on the biodiversity of open Mediterranean environments, conducted in parallel with a professional activity in a design office. This knowledge of botany, extended to... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EthnobotanyMiddle East & North AfricaTraining and Development
Herbaria are collections of preserved plants specimens, some of which date back to the 16th century. They are essential to botanical research, especially in systematics. They can also be important historical documents. The collections of... more
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    • Herbarium
The use of biodiversity for food and nutrition requires accurate, reliable and accessible food composition data. It is essential for users of such data to be certain of the reliability of identification and naming of food plants, which is... more
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    • Herbarium
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    • Herbarium
Historical trends in trace element deposition were analyzed using herbaria specimens. We determined Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Na, P, K, S, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn contents in leaves of eight specimens collected in 1941. To assess changes,... more
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      Environmental ScienceUrban PlanningAir pollutionHeavy metals
ABSTRACT: The University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve was established in 1969, and is administered by the University of California, Irvine campus. The Reserve comprises 81.75 ha (202 ac) and... more
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      BotanyRestoration EcologyInvasive SpeciesFloristics
This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of Spanish humanists associated with the diplomat, aristocrat, and writer Diego Hurtado de Mendoza in the course of his fifteen years in Venice,... more
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      History of Natural HistoryRenaissance HumanismRenaissance RomeHerbarium
Natural history collections offer unique physical and virtual opportunities for formal and informal progressive learning. Collections are unique data in that they each represent a biological record at a single place and time that cannot... more
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      BotanyZoologyEducationScience Communication
This paper deals with herbaria, collections of plant specimens. It covers their history, their significance, and their relationship to the world of electronic resources.
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      HerbariumPreservation of Herbarium Specimens
In 2012 the Rev. Krzysztof Kluk Museum of Agriculture in Ciechanowiec, Poland, sent their 19th century herbarium for conservation treatment. The condition of the object was so poor that it could not be subjected to any analysis or even... more
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      EthnobotanyBook and Paper ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
Aim Species distribution models and geographical information system (GIS) technologies are becoming increasingly important tools in conservation planning and decision-making. Often the rich data bases of museums and herbaria serve as the... more
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      Earth SciencesDecision MakingConservationModeling
This paper presents the current results of the ongoing research project ‘Heritage preservation and ethnobotany. Analysis of the influence of conservation treatment on genetic material comprised in historic herbaria’, no.... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageHerbariumPesticides
Hugh Cuming's collection of flowering plants kept in the Moscow University Herbarium (MW) was studied. It contains 420 type specimens (271 isotypes, 5 possible isotypes, 22 isolectotypes, 1 isoneotype, 5 paratypes, 96 syntypes, 3 possible... more
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      BotanyBiologyPhilippinesPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)
Kingdom plantae serves a variety of functions in the natural world, including recycling of nutrients, in the food chain, and provides oxygen to other organisms. On top of that, most of the world’s ecosystems have plant diversity. In... more
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      BotanyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems EcologyPlant Ecology
"Background and aims – The collections of Lauraceae in the Van Heurck Herbarium (AWH), which is currently on permanent loan to BR, have remained unknown by most of the specialists and by the general public up until the present. The... more
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This work is the continuation of Part 1, published in 2015, and comprises the reconstruction of the original collections of new taxa described by R. Pampanini and other botanists and, where possible, typification of the new names and... more
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      LibyaHerbariumType SpecimensBotanical Nomenclature
Abstract (ITA): Il contributo ha come oggetto la cinquecentesca Farmacia dell’Abbazia di San Martino delle Scale (Palermo). Si ripercorrono brevemente le orme a partire dai commenti di illustri viaggiatori stranieri in Sicilia tra... more
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      Monastic StudiesMedieval Church HistoryHealthMonasticism
In this research, I provide evidence for arguing that seven and a half chapters of the Animal Medicine of an early Anglo-Norman manuscript (containing a version of the Enlarged Herbarium in Latin) were translated from Old English into... more
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      History of MedicineEnglish languageMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Herbarium
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)FloristicsBiodiversityBiodiversity Research
Los ecosistemas acuáticos son fundamentales debido a que proveen de agua, alimento y hábitat a una gran cantidad de especies, incluido el ser humano. En el Perú, estos ecosistemas albergan más de una centena de angiospermas acuáticas que... more
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      WetlandsAquatic botanyAquatic PlantsHerbarium
LA DOCUMENTACIÓN DEL MATERIAL VEGETAL INCOMPLETO O FRAGMENTARIO EN LA INVESTIGACIÓN ETNOBOTÁNICA Pastor Arenas y Nicolás M. Kamienkowski Este artículo tiene por finalidad mostrar cómo un grupo de investigación dedicado a la etnobotánica... more
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      EthnobotanyResearch MethodologyEthnobiologyHerbarium
Hornbeams (Carpinus) and hop-hornbeams (Ostrya) are trees or large shrubs from the northern hemisphere. Currently, 43 species of Carpinus (58 taxa including subdivisions) and 8 species of Ostrya (9 taxa including sudivisions) are... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)Angiosperm Taxonomy
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      Jean-Jacques RousseauBotanical HistoryHerbariumBotanique
RÉSUMÉ L'herbier est un outil fondamental pour la gestion de la diversité végétale. C'est pour cela qu'il convient d'outiller les gestionnaires forestiers et les botanistes débutants sur les bonnes pratiques en matière d'herborisation et... more
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    • Herbarium
Beim Bearbeiten historischer Herbarbestände ist man mit zahlreichen Abkürzungen auf handgeschriebenen Scheden und gedruckten Etiketten konfrontiert, deren Auflösung nicht selten große Mühe bereitet. Es wird in die Besonderheiten... more
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      HerbariumHerbarium management and organisationHistory of the herbarium
In a recent paper ), we published a statistical model for predicting invasiveness of exotic woody plant species in New England. A dataset was compiled of 28 biological/ecological characters for each of 248 exotic trees, shrubs, and lianas... more
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      BotanyPlant EcologyClimate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation
Abstrak Herbarium merupakan istilah yang pertama kali digunakan oleh Turnefor (1700) untuk tumbuhan obat yang dikeringkan sebagai koleksi. Herbarium masa kini memiliki berbagai fungsi, yaitu sebagai pusat regerensi, pusat dokumentasi,... more
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    • Herbarium
El herbario Federico Medem Bogotá (FMB) del Instituto Alexander von Humboldt contiene ejemplares colectados principalmente en el sistema de parques nacionales de Colombia; por tal razón, los esfuerzos encaminados a la actualización... more
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      ColombiaFerns and Fern AlliesHerbariumColecciones Biológicas
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      BotanyHerbariumBotanica sistematica
The introduction of Next Generation Sequencing into the disciplines of plant systematics, ecology, and metagenomics, among others, has resulted in a phenomenal increase in the collecting and storing of tissue samples and their respective... more
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      GenomicsCollections ManagementBiodiversityBest Practices
Loss of small herbaria is an unfortunate global trend, and initiation of new collections at small academic institutions is an increasingly rare occurrence. In 2006, a new herbarium was established at the State University of New York... more
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      BotanyExotic SpeciesNatural HistoryFloristics
In celebration of The New York Botanical Garden’s 125th anniversary, we present an updated description of the specimen holdings and activities of The William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden (NY) from 1995 to... more
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      FloristicsBiodiversityHerbariumNatural history collections
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      MuseologyHerbariumHystory of Science
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In this article, I present and analyze the fragments of the Liber Alexandri de septem herbis septem planetarum that I have found in Pseudo-Apuleius’ Herbarius. These fragments, belonging to different stages of the composition of the... more
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      Textual CriticismAncient MedicineLatin translationHerbarium
Herbarium data sources are often the only available information on plant species. In this paper the potential use of herbarium data is highlighted in a case study of the family Myrtaceae in the Atlantic forest of the Brazilian state of... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchHerbariumMyrtaceaeThreatened Plants
El presente artículo trata sobre la aplicación del sistema de clasificación APG (Angiosperm phylogenetic group) en la colección del Herbario CHEP. El cambio más evidente es a nivel de clases, de Monocotiledónea y Dicotiledónea pasó... more
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      BotanyPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)HerbariumBotanica
Natural expedition of João da Silva Feijó to Cabo Verde Islands in the 18th century - Existing documents on the Portuguese Archives
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      History of Natural HistoryEnvironmental HistoryHistory of SciencePortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
We report the discovery of several fragments from the ancient Latin translation of De plantis duodecim signis et septem planetis subiectis attributed to Thessalus Trallianus which are located in the version of the Pseudo-Apuleius’s... more
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      Textual CriticismLatin translationSourcesHerbarium
Este catálogo es un registro de la exposición «Chernobyl Herbarium», organizada por Fundación Cristina Enea, y que pudo visitarse en el Centro de Recursos Medio Ambientales de San Sebastián entre el 1 de febrero y el 1 de mayo de 2017.... more
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Dr John Paull tells the story of the world travelling, self proclaimed 'spiritually arrogant' Alfred Meebold, who helped bring Rudolf Steiner's teachings to Australia and New Zealand in the early 20th century. Alfred Meebold (29 September... more
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      HistoryBotanyAustralian StudiesNew Zealand Studies
Botanische Pflanzenbelege bewahren einen faszinierenden Fundus an Geschichten. Versammelt sind in ihnen nicht allein Informationen zum ursprünglichen Wuchsort der Pflanze sowie ihrem nachfolgenden Weg durch verschiedene Sammlerhände in... more
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      BotanyEducationMaterial Culture StudiesHigher Education
Natural expedition of João da Silva Feijó to Cabo Verde Islands in the 18th century - Existing documents on the Portuguese Archives
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      History of Natural HistoryEnvironmental HistoryHistory of SciencePortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
The uncommon reproductive system of dioecy is somewhat widespread in Solanaceae, being exhibited by members of five genera within this family. These members represent, however, only around 1% of species within the Solanaceae. The highest... more
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      AustraliaPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)Field botanyUndergraduate Research
Aim Species distribution models are a potentially powerful tool for predicting the effects of global change on species distributions and the resulting extinction risks. Distribution models rely on relationships between species occurrences... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeConservationModeling