Henry James
Recent papers in Henry James
Between the publication of The Bostonians and its eventual exclusion from the New York Edition, a vexed sense of the novel's worth preponderates through James's letters. This article relates James's ambivalence toward The Bostonians to... more
Her current research into travel writing involves re-reading texts by Edith Wharton and Henry James as travel accounts. She has published two books, The Function of the Imagination in the Writings of Henry James (Mellen, 2006) and... more
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Attached are a Table of Contents and a downloadable link for The VOICE of the CHILD in American Literature, written by MARY JANE HURST and published by the University of Kentucky Press in 1990. The first book-length study of the child... more
This essay focuses on Henry James’s major phase masterpiece The Wings of the Dove (1902) and on Ivan Turgenev's third novel On the Eve (1860) - a favorite of James's - discussing the similar interplay between setting and characterization... more
“Knowing Maisie” describes how “we fellow witnesses,” as James deems us in the preface, corroborate the telepathic communication between Maisie and her guardians. Holmgren demonstrates that Maisie controls discourse by way of clairvoyant... more
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
This article examines the way in which John Banville reimagines the gothic tradition in contemporary fiction, and assesses the degree to which Henry James’s art of the ghostly tale informs the Irish writer’s rehabilitation of the gothic... more
Este trabalho faz uma análise de “Os amigos dos amigos”, de Henry James, procurando perceber como se configuram o “fantástico” e o “amor romântico” nesse conto. Para isso, as discussões sobre o “duplo” e sobre as ambiguidades jamesianas... more
Questo volume affronta la relazione tra metamorfosi del romanzo e testualità audiovisiva a partire dall’analisi di alcune tra le opere più rappresentative di quella che in ambito statunitense è stata definita Complex TV. Attraverso una... more
The aim of this article is to discuss The Turn of the Screw by the famous American writer Henry James in relation to the concept of the 'sublime' put forward by English thinker Edmund Burke. Having always been associated with the gothic... more
This paper explores Henry James's engagement with the theme of American individualism in The Portrait of a Lady (1881). The centrality of freedom to Isabel Archer's self image places her in the frame of the American heroine of nineteenth... more
In 1996, I published a book-length bibliographical survey of Henry James studies. 1 It was organized around three key-terms that seemed to cover a lot of work, especially of the 1980s and 1990s: style, ethics, history-and especially the... more
Mit zur Emergenz literarischer Archive im 19. Jahrhundert gehört ein Buch von Henry James (1843-1916). Ursprünglich war dieses, betitelt als The Aspern Papers (in deutschen Übersetzungen: Die AspernSchriften oder Asperns Nachlass), in... more
In the Cage is the tale of a London telegraphist surrendering "to a certain expansion of her consciousness", 1 and given that, as Labrie has pointed out, Henry James vies consciousness as "a highly active process of development, rather... more
A-t-on su samment noté que l'un des thèmes principal de La Disparition est l'herméneutique ? Encore que le roman n'en fasse pas un thème à proprement parler. Plutôt une épreuve ou une expérimentation qu'a rontent aussi bien l'écrivain,... more
The purpose of this paper is to present some strategies employed by Henry James to reinforce the image of a corrupt Europe in The Portrait of a Lady. The image of a decayed, morally corrupt Europe is presented in opposition to an innocent... more
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé. © 2017. Classiques Garnier, Paris. Reproduction et traduction, même... more
The following comparison of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw and Benjamin Britten’s adaptation of this novella to the operatic stage reveals there are two oceans that are crossed: the Atlantic Ocean and the ocean of time. In spite of... more
The Turn of the Screw (1898) is one of the most Gothic short stories ever written by modernist author Henry James. Its effect on the reader can be quite unnerving, uncanny even. Though Sigmund Freud's essay on The Uncanny (1919h) has... more
This paper is a look at the ghost in Henry James's "The Jolly Corner" as Brydon's alter ego and Henry James's double. The ghost's role as a narrative device is also explored.
«Una spallata al fotografo»: il ritratto fotografico e la fotografia come scrittura. Michele Smargiassi affirmed that the novelists, who believe in the primacy of the word over the image, always try to go beyond the photographs to find... more
This paper probes James's place as a distinguished realist, and then shows his influence on modernism by comparing his work with those of prominent modernists such as Joyce, Lawrence, and Woolf.
The first part of the title of this paper refers to a comment Lord Mark makes to Milly Theale, the heroine of Henry James’ novel, The Wings of the Dove. Lord Mark’s remark aptly summarizes one of the central themes of the story: exchange.... more
How can we explain the origins of biofiction? Scholars suggest that the history-of-science contributed significantly to the rise of the historical novel, which exposes the way historical forces shape and determine the human. Many scholars... more