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Cet article a pour assise l’idée selon laquelle en revalorisant une certaine forme d’imagination, il est possible de trouver dans l’art moderne et contemporain une source et un refuge pour la spiritualité. Pour ce faire, l’auteur traite... more
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      SpiritualityAbstract ArtTransdisciplinarityImagination
Since Freud’s essay on Narcissism, our reading of the Narcissus myth has been instrumental to identifying a specific type of personality disorder that has been increasingly seen as characteristic of modern and postmodern Western... more
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      Italian StudiesMedieval StudiesJungian psychologyWestern Esotericism
RESUMEN: Este artículo tiene como objeto realizar un análisis del motivo visual del ojo en Un chien andalou. El ojo, que en esta película es rasurado con una cuchilla, tiene una función simbólica que recorre toda la filmografía de su... more
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      AestheticsAvant-Garde CinemaArt TheoryModels of Creativity & of Creative Processes
Neither Modernism nor Postmodernism provides an understanding of the human person that is adequate to reveal our relationship to the non-human world. In particular, the science of human ecology is increasingly dominated by an abstract... more
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      Henry CorbinNicolas of Cusa
Simondon's poorly examined theory of imagination reveals a number of interesting possibilities. On the one hand, by grounding the function of images within the idea of a cycle, it provides an attempt of reconciliation between the... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyColonialism
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      PhilosophyMartin HeideggerImaginationHeidegger
Gilbert Durand est l’un des membres fondateurs du Centre international de recherche et d’études transdisciplinaires (CIRET), aux côtés de Basarab Nicolescu, Edgard Morin, Stéphane Lupasco, Michel Cazenave et quelques autres. Même si le... more
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      TransdisciplinarityHenry CorbinImaginaireImaginary
Pour traiter de la question de la non-dualité dans l’œuvre de Henry Corbin, il faut entrer d’une part dans la philosophie islamique et d’autre part analyser les deux conférences de Corbin sur la pensée d’Ibn al-!Arab et qui deviendront... more
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      Ibn ArabiHenry CorbinNon-dualism
Why would a devout Catholic, a committed Protestant, and a Maoist atheist devote their lives and work to the study of esoteric aspects of Islam? How are these aspects 'good to think with'? What are the theoretical and intellectual... more
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      Continental PhilosophyMysticismMartin HeideggerIslamic Studies
In recent years, the field of "Western esotericism" has been confronted by problems related to the cultural and regional demarcations it has adopted. This field is based on a longue durée narrative that underplays non-"Western" currents,... more
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      Comparative ReligionPostcolonial StudiesPerennial PhilosophyIslamic Studies
In many of the works of authors such as Moebius, Hugo Pratt, Didier Comès, Philippe Druillet, Edmond Baudoin or even Hergé or Winsor McCay, it often happens that the way of visual form abysses itself in a situation in which the rhythmic... more
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      Comic Book StudiesPhenomenologyGaston BachelardImagination
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      Moral ImaginationIslamic PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyJacques Derrida & Deconstruction
This article purports to report, without claiming to be exhaustive, on the recent dynamism within Shīʿi studies and their echoes throughout the various fields of Islamology. The first part will present a brief history of Shīʿi studies and... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyEarly IslamHenry CorbinGhulat
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      MysticismCarl G. JungAncient Greek PhilosophyHenry Corbin
In this article we have tried to inquire upon Seyed Javad Tabatabei's con¬cep¬tion of Islam. In other words, the question is whether we can talk about some type of Islamology in the discourse represented by him. It should be noted that he... more
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      IslamShariahHenry CorbinHenri Corbin
In the Islamic tradition, Mulla Sadra is foremost among the philosophers who have dealt with the issue of prophecy from all three theological, philosophical, and mystical perspectives. Among Western scholars of religion, Henry Corbin is... more
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      Henry CorbinMulla Sadra
Dans cet article historicobiographique de l’imaginal corbinien, il est question de l’influence d’Alexandre Koyré et de l’importance de l’univers intellectuel et spirituel du Cercle Eranos.
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      Carl G. JungHenry CorbinEranosKoyré
This chapter argues that Paul Devereux's essentially mythopoeic writings on so-called 'Earth Lights' show that the paranormal may be more successful than moral or political exhortation at transforming humanity's relationship with nature... more
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      EcologyParanormalHenry Corbin
Biographie intellectuelle d'un auteur majeur de l'islam contemporain. Né en Iran d'une famille de scientifiques, de savants et d'hommes d'État, Seyyed Hossein Nasr s'inscrit, dès la fin de ses études à Harvard et au MIT, dans le sillage... more
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      Persianate SufismIslamic HistoryIranian HistoryContemporary Sufism
The construction of a visuality based on the sequence in the images of Dante’s Divine Comedy constitutes a reference for all the forms of thought about the expressive conditions of comic books and graphic novels. Both the otherworldly... more
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      Visual StudiesWalter BenjaminComics/Sequential ArtSufism
According to Henry Corbin, in Islamic philosophy, “divine language" is seen as an inexhaustible creative power that ensures nature’s ever-changing configuration. In this essay, I claim that American poet Kazim Ali’s compositions show us... more
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      Comparative ReligionPsychoanalysisRomanticismQueer Theory
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      Arabic LiteratureSufismHenry CorbinNajm al-din Kubra
Il contributo si focalizza sul confronto tra la Commedia e il Sayr al- ‘Ibād ilà l-Ma‘ād (Viaggio dei servi nel Regno del Ritorno) di Sanā’i di Ghazna (XII sec.), autore di un affascinante Himmelsreise, a suo tempo segnalato da R. A.... more
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      Dante StudiesPersian LanguageItalian LiteratureHenry Corbin
Ce livre est une introduction claire et efficace à la pensée de Henry Corbin. Il ne s’agit pas d’un livre académique sur sa philosophie, mais bien d’une initiation aux différentes idées composant son œuvre. L’importance et... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamHenry Corbin
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      Emanuel SwedenborgSufismIslamic MysticismHenry Corbin
Dire de l’islam qu’il s’agit d’une religion relève du truisme. Dire qu’il existe des courants philosophiques divers dans les pays où l’islam est pratiqué est aussi de l’ordre du consensus. Mais affirmer qu’il y a une «philosophie... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesPhilosophie
Philosophy which excludes reason united with religion as irrational determines that secular societies where such philosophy is normative must be at war with Islamic societies
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      Analytic PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyHegelIslamic Studies
We outline a specific profile of philosophy of religion emerging from the work of Henry Corbin, a thinker who engages with contemporary issues, interpreter of the Iranian Shi'ite tradition and of the currents of Gnosis,. The first chapter... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionComparative PhilosophyIslamic Philosophy
"In this paper we seek to outline some aspects evidencing imaginary’s communicational dimension. This means we need to pay attention to the way collective imagining shapes social reality and how publicity contributes to this process.... more
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      CommunicationCommunication TheoryPhilosophy of CommunicationJean Paul Sartre
In becoming aware of we go beyond our mind into the spaciousness of awareness, the great expanse. Going beyond our mind into the spaciousness of awareness the radiance of awareness becomes manifest. Within the radiance of awareness we are... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
1. In the Dzogchen tantric teachings, the view is the purity of all phenomena. The pure view is the all-encompassing purity of every creature and every thing. The pure view is of the inherent nature of purity of being. Primordially pure,... more
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      Critical TheoryGnosticismBuddhismSociology
Résumé Henry Corbin est-il un philosophe? À la lumière de notre recherche, nous sommes obligés de répondre par l’affirmative, il dit d’ailleurs de lui-même « je ne suis à vrai dire ni un germaniste ni même un orientaliste, mais un... more
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      TransdisciplinarityPhilosophy of TransdisciplinarityMysticismSpirituality & Mysticism
"Résumé Henry Corbin a écrit qu’« un Maître Eckhart et un Jacob Boehme eussent parfaitement compris Ibn ʿArabî, et réciproquement. » Mais comment assurer ce dialogue et cette compréhension réciproque pressentie par Henry Corbin? Cette... more
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      MysticismJakob BöhmeSpirituality & MysticismImagination
La figure de la Sophia, chez Henry Corbin. Télécharger le fichier audio, plutôt que de l'écouter en ligne la qualité sera meilleure. Résumé : Il s’agit de tenter une percée dans la conscience sophianique de Henry Corbin et de se... more
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      Martin HeideggerJakob BöhmeHeideggerSergei Bulgakov