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There are moments in the lives of nearly all human beings in which everyday human perception gives way to encounters with miraculous phenomena that cannot readily be explained. Often these experienceswhich may arise through the presence... more
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      Jungian psychologyArchetypesTibetan BuddhismTranspersonal Studies
a n i m a g i n a l a p p r o a c h t o a r t s p r a c t i c e carolina diaz .
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      Philosophy of ArtJungian and post-Jungian psychologyPhenomenology of the bodyButoh Dance
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      Transpersonal PsychologyJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
Heidegger radikális filozófia-kritikája egyfelől neoplatonikus keresztény misztikus alapokra épül , másrészről a preszokratikus bölcseletre, Parmenidészre. Ezért is érthető, hogy az arisztotelészi kategóriákat és karteziánus... more
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      Martin HeideggerHeideggerHenry CorbinShiism, Shiite Islam, Shii Islam
James Hillman opened my way into the endless mystery of the world of Henry Corbin. He did it with these words:
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      Archetypal PsychologyHenry CorbinJames Hillman
"In this paper we seek to outline some aspects evidencing imaginary’s communicational dimension. This means we need to pay attention to the way collective imagining shapes social reality and how publicity contributes to this process.... more
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      CommunicationCommunication TheoryPhilosophy of CommunicationJean Paul Sartre
Religijska filozofija, kao pojam, odnosi se na dugu i bogatu istorijsku filozofsku misao koja je u različitim oblicima pokazala vitalnost sve do danas, dok kao teorija opovrgava poslerenesansni pristup odnosu religije i filozofije i... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyHenry CorbinIslamic philosophy and theologyMulla Sadra
تام چیثام، عالَم زیر و زبر: هانری کربن و عرفان اسلامی، مترجم امیرحسین پورنامدار، انتشارات حقیقت،
تهران، 1398
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      SufismIslamic MysticismIslam and ModernityHenry Corbin
Lectures and academic articles. Order from here: Or from Amazon. Contents: Lectures: 1. Transforming our Way of Being 2. Entering the Prophetic Path 3. The Return to Our Primordial Nature... more
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      MysticismIslamic StudiesSpirituality & MysticismReligion and Modernity
Exploring the meanings within Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s poem, ‘Occidental Exile’, this editorial from ‘Sacred Web 40’, devoted to the work of Dr Nasr, defines ‘exile’ both in the biography of Dr. Nasr and in its more profound sense of... more
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      Perennial PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufismIslamic Mysticism
This article examines medieval Abrahamic theories of prophecy in the light of the new approach to ancient philosophy championed by Pierre Hadot. Hadot contended that ancient philosophy was a way of life, and I argue that it continued to... more
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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyPhilosophy and Religion
and Islamicate historian and philosopher Henry Corbin expressed near identical views on the imagination and its relationship to religion, literature, poetry and philosophy. For both, the imagination extended well beyond the human psyche,... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionRomanticismPoetryAngelology
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      MysticismCarl G. JungAncient Greek PhilosophyHenry Corbin
Résumé Henry Corbin est-il un philosophe? À la lumière de notre recherche, nous sommes obligés de répondre par l’affirmative, il dit d’ailleurs de lui-même « je ne suis à vrai dire ni un germaniste ni même un orientaliste, mais un... more
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      TransdisciplinarityPhilosophy of TransdisciplinarityMysticismSpirituality & Mysticism
The fact that Corbin left the realm of Western philosophy to devote himself to Islamic philosophy and Iranian theosophers has usually been considered as a radical "rupture" in Corbin's philosophical thought. This article aims at showing... more
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      HermeneuticsMartin HeideggerTheosophyHenry Corbin
Spanning the world’s artistic, scientific and religious traditions, alchemy has embraced and continues to embrace the complete spectrum of existence. From metallurgy to metaphysics, alchemy engages the technical, fine and hieratic arts in... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyHistory of ScienceSurrealismAlchemy
Questa breve opera deriva da un piccolo ciclo di lezioni sull'estetica contemporanea che ho tenuto all'università di Tor Vergata nell'anno 2012-2013. In questo caso, poiché il testo non si rivolge a un pubblico specializzato, userò un... more
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      Asian StudiesAestheticsChinese StudiesJapanese Language And Culture
The life and work of the Alsatian hermeticist and Egyptosophist, René-Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) attests to the continued presence of a distinctly nondual current of alchemical precept and practice in which material... more
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      GnosticismHistory of ScienceZoroastrianismPhenomenology
Programme of international conference on Henry Corbin at the Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, May 12-14, 2022.
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      MysticismIslamic StudiesSufismWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)
En reversant le rapport usuel à l’espace et à la lumière, James Turrell propose, en faisant de la lumière, non pas ce qui fait voir une œuvre, mais l’œuvre elle-même, une véritable transfiguration qui laisse un instant transparaître ce... more
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      PerceptionSpiritualityHenry CorbinJames Turrell
This volume presents the bricolage of Philemon, depicted as a superannuated white beard, a prophet, and a sage who links and mediates the relationship between the living (i.e., Jung's ego image) and the dead (i.e., non-ego images).... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
This volume presents Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research comparing research participants' Inner Guide experiences with Jung's encounters with Philemon, his inner guide. To compare participant experiences with Jung's... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologySpiritualityJungian and post-Jungian psychologyImagination
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      HermeneuticsIslamic PhilosophyHenry Corbin
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHinduismComparative Religion
L’amour que portait Henry Corbin à la sagesse, à la Sophia, englobe les trois termes de ce colloque. Sans pouvoir traiter directement de la notion de femme et d’erôs, ce texte explore la Sophia, féminin philosophique par excellence... more
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      Carl G. JungSergei BulgakovHenry CorbinCarl Gustav Jung
L’œuvre et la pensée de Henry Corbin sont encore largement méconnues, car jusqu’ici aucun travail d’ensemble n’avait cherché à faire ressortir sa pensée philosophique propre tout en la contextualisant historiquement.
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    • Henry Corbin
Corbin met Jung at Ascona in 1949. In 1953 he published a long, insightful review of Jung’s “Answer to Job”. During the following years, he became so thoroughly committed to the Eranos “paradox” that no one but he could have pronounced... more
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      Carl G. JungMundus ImaginalisHenry CorbinCarl Gustav Jung
Daniel PROULX, « L’imagination selon Henry Corbin », dans Os Trabalhos da Imaginação: abordagens teóricas e modelizações édité par Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER, Alberto Filipe ARAúJO et Rogério de ALMEIDA, João Pessoa, Universidade Fédéral de... more
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      ImaginationAlexandre KoyréCarl G. JungHenry Corbin
Pour traiter de la question de la non-dualité dans l’œuvre de Henry Corbin, il faut entrer d’une part dans la philosophie islamique et d’autre part analyser les deux conférences de Corbin sur la pensée d’Ibn al-!Arab et qui deviendront... more
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      Ibn ArabiHenry CorbinNon-dualism
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPhilosophyTheology
Dans cet article historicobiographique de l’imaginal corbinien, il est question de l’influence d’Alexandre Koyré et de l’importance de l’univers intellectuel et spirituel du Cercle Eranos.
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      Carl G. JungHenry CorbinEranosKoyré
"Résumé Henry Corbin a écrit qu’« un Maître Eckhart et un Jacob Boehme eussent parfaitement compris Ibn ʿArabî, et réciproquement. » Mais comment assurer ce dialogue et cette compréhension réciproque pressentie par Henry Corbin? Cette... more
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      MysticismJakob BöhmeSpirituality & MysticismImagination
"The Necklace of the Pleiades is a volume on Persian literature, culture and religion by Persian scholars from around the world. This book reflects the state of the field of Persian literary studies and will be of substantial interest not... more
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      Baha'i studiesLiterary CriticismLiterary StylisticsPersian Language
"This article explains the Isma‘ili Muslim understanding of the Qur’anic verses on the Crucifixion, the meaning of the Crucifixion in Isma‘ili eschatology and the esoteric exegesis (ta’wil) of the Cross, according to the Isma‘ili... more
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic PhilosophyQuranic Studies
Since Freud’s essay on Narcissism, our reading of the Narcissus myth has been instrumental to identifying a specific type of personality disorder that has been increasingly seen as characteristic of modern and postmodern Western... more
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      Italian StudiesMedieval StudiesJungian psychologyWestern Esotericism
A symbolic original study on the imaginary elements in the spherology of Peter Sloterdijk (under rework for future publication)
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      PhenomenologyAlchemyJungian psychologyFriedrich Nietzsche
Dire de l’islam qu’il s’agit d’une religion relève du truisme. Dire qu’il existe des courants philosophiques divers dans les pays où l’islam est pratiqué est aussi de l’ordre du consensus. Mais affirmer qu’il y a une «philosophie... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesPhilosophie
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      Islamic PhilosophyShi'ismRussian Religious PhilosophyRussian Religious Thought
is obscured because of the compelling actuality of our dualistic experience within the dualistic forms of phenomena. Phenomena is compelling! Our indivisibleness within each other and our indivisibleness with Being is obscured and made... more
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      Critical TheoryComparative ReligionCultural StudiesPsychology
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      PlatoAristotleIslamic PhilosophyPlotinus
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      PhilosophyMartin HeideggerImaginationHeidegger
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      PlotinusManichaeismGospel of ThomasHenry Corbin
In recent years, the field of "Western esotericism" has been confronted by problems related to the cultural and regional demarcations it has adopted. This field is based on a longue durée narrative that underplays non-"Western" currents,... more
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      Comparative ReligionPostcolonial StudiesPerennial PhilosophyIslamic Studies
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      Arabic LiteratureSufismHenry CorbinNajm al-din Kubra
Il contributo si focalizza sul confronto tra la Commedia e il Sayr al- ‘Ibād ilà l-Ma‘ād (Viaggio dei servi nel Regno del Ritorno) di Sanā’i di Ghazna (XII sec.), autore di un affascinante Himmelsreise, a suo tempo segnalato da R. A.... more
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      Dante StudiesPersian LanguageItalian LiteratureHenry Corbin
Simondon's poorly examined theory of imagination reveals a number of interesting possibilities. On the one hand, by grounding the function of images within the idea of a cycle, it provides an attempt of reconciliation between the... more
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Two essays by Henry Corbin: 'Mundus Imaginalis' and 'Comparative Spiritual Hermeneutics.'
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      Christian MysticismHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsEmanuel Swedenborg
Hai ascoltato riguardo al mondo tante parole: Vieni, racconta: del mondo, tu, cosa hai capito? Della forma e del contenuto, cosa hai capito? Cosa è l''altro' mondo? In che modo è 'questo' mondo? Dì, cos'è il Simorgh e cosa il monte Qaf?... more
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      Mundus ImaginalisHenry Corbin