to evaluate the reliability and validity of a generic job exposure matrix (JEM) applied in a small business. procedures to evaluate a JEM integrated by six sections: the number of exposed workers per area, frequency of exposure, time of... more
The European Hematology Association (EHA) Roadmap for European Hematology Research highlights major achievements in diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders and identifies the greatest unmet clinical and scientific needs in those areas... more
The aim of the study is to evaluate if occupational exposure to urban stressors could cause alterations in red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular... more
After being successfully applied to other intraabdominal organs, the laparoscopic approach has been applied to the spleen since 1991. The experience with 17 cases of laparoscopic splenectomy performed due to immune thrombocytopenia... more
Many sequencing studies are now underway to identify the genetic causes for both Mendelian and complex traits. Via exomesequencing, genes harboring variants implicated in several Mendelian traits have already been identified. The... more
Many sequencing studies are now underway to identify the genetic causes for both Mendelian and complex traits. Via exomesequencing, genes harboring variants implicated in several Mendelian traits have already been identified. The... more
Red-cell adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in children with Diamond-Blackfan anaemia is significantly increased (1.9 1 f 0.90 U/g Hb) compared to that seen in transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (0.80 f 0.1 6 U/g Hb) or normal... more
This review describes the authors' experience with 2,000 cases of benzene poisoning reported between 1983 and 1995 in Cubatão, an industrial section of São Paulo, Brazil, investigated through the integration of epidemiology and... more
Bone marrow cellularity estimated by biopsy was compared to the cellularity of the aspirate particle smear and the volumetric method in two groups of children. In the first group, 101 consecutive bone marrow biopsies and aspirates were... more
The purpose of this phase II trial was to investigate the use of paclitaxel and cisplatin in patients with recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), to evaluate tumor response, time to progression,... more
Oral antineoplastic agents (OAA) have reached 30-50% of all antineoplastic treatments. Although they seem safer than parenteral therapy, many severe problems can occur if the dose is not adequately adjusted in special situations. Our... more
Background: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is administered with leucovorin (LV) to enhance clinical activity. However, simultaneous administration is not feasible due to their chemical incompatibility, so conditions for the maximum possible... more
Marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs) are rare and indolent subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and their clinical behaviours are heterogeneous. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and prognostic characteristics of MZL. In this... more
There are concerns of a reduced effect of liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) given sequentially after mold-active azoles due to a possible antagonism in their antifungal mechanism. To investigate this possible effect in the clinic, we... more
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated to significant infection incidence and severity, the cause of death of, approximately, 20% of end-stage renal disease patients. Close to 80% of all infections in these patients can be related to... more
To investigate the efficacy and the safety of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin combination in metastatic breast cancer (MBC), in patients heavily treated with anthracycline and taxane. A retrospective study including all MBC patients, treated... more
Objectives: The use of laparoscopy to treat malignant hematological diseases is not completely accepted. Our aim was to analyze operative and postoperative results of laparoscopic splenectomy performed for benign versus malignant... more
The use of laparoscopy to treat malignant hematological diseases is not completely accepted. Our aim was to analyze operative and postoperative results of laparoscopic splenectomy performed for benign versus malignant hematological... more
There are currently no clinic-level quality of care metrics for outpatient pediatric oncology. We sought to develop a list of quality of care metrics for a leukemia-lymphoma (LL) clinic using a consensus process that can be adapted to... more
For many children with life-threatening hematological diseases, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative option. In children lacking a matched related or unrelated donor and with the certainty that, left... more
Crude spectrin was extracted from the isolated red cell ghosts with low ionic strength buffer at 37°C for 30 min. No significant alterations in crude spectrin extractability in wide range of patients with various hematologic diseases were... more
A total of 52 children, age 9 or over and at least 3 years (median ¼ 8) beyond SCT for leukaemia (n ¼ 32) or nonmalignant diseases, participated in a single-centre study of health and quality of life (QoL). QoL and self-esteem were... more
proportion of patients achieving complete response or VGPR, as determined by an independent review committee by modified Owens criteria (Br J Haematol. 2013;160:171 and National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines). Key secondary end... more
Low-dose cytarabine and aclarubicin in combination with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (CAG regimen) for previously treated patients with relapsed or primary resistant acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and previously untreated... more
Blóðflokkar byggja á mismunandi samsetningu mótefnisvaka á rauðum blóðkornum. Nú eru þekktir um 300 mismunandi blóðflokkamótefnisvakar sem tilheyra 30 blóðflokkakerfum en af þeim eru ABO-og Rhesuskerfin best þekkt og mikilvaegust varðandi... more
Introduction: Fungal pneumonia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients with hematological diseases. This study is aimed to evaluate the feasibility and outcome of computed tomography (CT) guided lung... more
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a disease with unknown etiology. It presents as single-system (affecting a single organ or tissue) or as multisystem (with or without risk organ involvement). The oral cavity may be involved or be... more
The transplantation of bone marrow cells or isolated hematopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow or peripheral blood is a widely utilized form of therapy for patients with incurable diseases of the hematopoietic and immune systems.... more
Objective -To present the latest information on inherited platelet disorders in domestic animals. Data Sources -Research articles and reviews spanning 40 years available on PubMed. Human Data Synthesis -Information regarding inherited... more
El término escorbuto procede de una palabra del antiguo escandinavo, scorbruck, que significa "hinchazones ulceradas". Es una entidad infrecuente en pediatría, causada por deficiencia nutricional exógena de ácido ascórbico. Los seres... more
El término escorbuto procede de una palabra del antiguo escandinavo, scorbruck, que significa "hinchazones ulceradas". Es una entidad infrecuente en pediatría, causada por deficiencia nutricional exógena de ácido ascórbico. Los seres... more
Destructive membranous periodontal disease is a rare, destructive and poorly defined entity, which is the part of a systemic disease due to plasminogen deficiency and fibrin deposition. The disease is characterised by gingival enlargement... more
Background: This phase-II study was conducted to investigate the potential benefit from the addition of mitomycin to a conventional anthracycline-cisplatin-and 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy for recurrent and metastatic... more
Purpose: We performed a Phase I and pharmacokinetic study to determine the maximum tolerated dose of irofulven (6-hydroxymethylacylfulvene; MGI-114, MGI PHARMA, Inc.), administered in intermittent weekly schedules in patients with... more
in Riyadh between January 01 and March 31, 2014. The study included 140 patients with SCD attending the hematology out-patient clinics. Sixty of these patients fulfilled the criteria of the study as they were having regular follow up and... more
We compared flow cytometric immunophenotyping results obtained by using the lysed whole blood method of sample preparation with those obtained by using Ficoll-Hypaque-separated cells on 44 consecutive specimens from patients with various... more
BACKGROUND: The impact of ABO incompatibility on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) outcome is controversial. As ABH substances are expressed on tissues and secreted in body fluids, they could drive an immune response in minor... more
Oral chronic GVHD (cGVHD) is a common, late complication of alloSCT that is associated with significant patient morbidity. The NIH Oral Mucosal Score (NIH OMS) was developed to assess oral cGVHD therapeutic response, but has not been... more
A 12 year old, 38 kg, mix-breed, intact male dog presented with a 20 day history of clinical signs consistent with hyperviscosity syndrome secondary to multiple myeloma. The dog received three double filtration plasmapheresis treatments... more
ALS betegség tünetei, kezelési lehetőségei Az amiotrófiás laterálszklerózis (ALS) a központi idegrendszert érintő gyógyíthatatlan megbetegedés, mely során izomgyengeség/izomsorvadás lép fel az izmok mozgatásáért felelős idegsejtek... more
Few data are available on compliance and safety of adjuvant chemotherapy when indicated in elderly breast cancer patients; CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil) can be reasonably considered the most widely accepted standard... more
We describe here the isolation and the full-length sequence of the coding region of the HLA new variant at the HLA-A locus officially named A*68020102. This variant shows an 11 base pairs deletion within the 5= UTR region. The exon... more