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Apsparagus in the Roman world
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      Hellenistic and Roman cuisineRoman Archaeology
Asparagus in the Roman world.
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      Roman Small FindsRoman Ancient CuisineHellenistic and Roman cuisineRoman Archaeology
catalogue de l'exposition organisée dans le cadre de la SFECAG, Congrès d'Amiens 2013
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      Roman HistoryHistory of CuisineRoman PotteryRoman Economy
Resumen: Los manuales de cocina griegos y romanos forman parte de la literatura culinaria, de la que nos queda una escasa producción, ya que en particular del mundo griego, tenemos la obra de Ateneo, Deipnosofistas, aunque sí disponemos... more
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      Food HistoryHistory of FoodAncient RomeAncient Roman Food - Roman Anthropology
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the text of the 12th book of Geoponica for the identification of vegetable plants, which were described by Cassianus Bassus. The analysis will serve as the first step for further inquiries that... more
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      ApiciusHellenistic and Roman cuisineGeoponica
The peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is a tree native to the region known today as Northwest China, where its fruits were known around 2000 BC. Inhabitants of the Mediterranean Area came into contact with the peach probably between the... more
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      Ancient ScienceGalenFood and NutritionAncient Medicine
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      Classical ArchaeologyTaxationMediterraneanRoman Pottery
Nea Paphos was the capital of the island of Cyprus under firstly the Ptolemies and then under the Romans. In this paper, we intend examing -briefly-an assemblage of Roman pottery coming from the Italian excavations in Paphos, Garrison's... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman EconomyRoman CyprusCooking Pottery
""À Nîmes, les débuts de l’Empire sont marqués, comme dans d’autres villes des Gaules romaines, par des transformations radicales d’un point de vue culturel, institutionnel et urbanistique. À partir d’un échantillon de mobilier céramique... more
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      Material Culture StudiesFood HistoryCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Roman Pottery
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      Food and NutritionRoman Small FindsHellenistic and Roman cuisineRoman Archaeology
The find of a vessel intepreted as a mould/strainer for cheese inspired us to attempt a compartive reconstruction of the cheese - making process in the Roman period and the home- made cheese production of today.
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      Experimental ArchaeologyCheese MakingFood HistoryRoman Pottery
This dissertation aims to fill the gaps in previous academic analyses of Roman marine resource exploitation by examining the social status inherit within several connected elements of the Roman fishing industry. The guiding research... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingAncient FishingDiet in Roman worldHellenistic and Roman cuisine
Ερασιτέχνης Αλιέας 8, Αύγουστος 2006
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      ArchaeologyHistory of CuisineGreek ArchaeologyGarum and salsamenta
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the text of the 12th book of Geoponica for the purpose of identification of vegetable plants, which were described by Cassianus Bassus. The analysis will serve as the first step for further... more
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      ApiciusHellenistic and Roman cuisineGeoponica
The main aim of this speach is to present the opinion and views of Anthimus on eating the chicken that occurs in his letter named De observatione ciborum. This important booklet represents one of the few sources about the food in Late... more
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      ApiciusRoman Ancient CuisineHellenistic and Roman cuisine