Hegemonic Masculinity
Recent papers in Hegemonic Masculinity
Abstract This book is theoretical, in which the relevant parts of sociological and anthropological specialist literature on football and social processes were synthetically summarized. I focused only on the theories that were relevant to... more
Male Psychology Conference 2015 University College London 26th &27th June http://www.malepsychology.org.uk/index.html The theory of hegemonic masculinity has gained a lot of traction as an explanation for a number of male behaviours,... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
Much recent writing on and by men suggests that male prerogatives are being sustained and lent authority by the new discipline of 'men's studies'. Dislocating Masculinity is an original and ambitious anthropological collection which... more
Öz Bu çalışmada amacımız günün farklı saatlerinde yayınlanan televizyon programları aracılığı ile yaratılan iki farklı hegemonik erkekliğin kadınları ve erkekleri nasıl etkilediğini göstermektir. Gündüz kuşağı programlarında kadınlara... more
This paper deals with the representation of David as a "feminized Messiah" appearing in the image of the Shekhinah in Kabbalistic literature, and with the connections between femininity and heresy in Jewish messianic movements. In the... more
Insofar as gender is still so often equated with women alone, the move from Women in Development to Gender in Development has changed very little. Men as a human category have always been present, involved, consulted, obeyed and disobeyed... more
Normal, or what?: how to guide: leader material on how to put boys in motion
Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site for examining the idea of complicit masculinities: a position that benefits from the current social order, and thus complying with dominant... more
On 13 January 2019, Gillette launched a short film on YouTube entitled We Believe as part of a campaign addressing negative behaviour among men that perpetuates toxic masculinity. However, the video was subject to a large backlash with... more
2nd International Conference on Men and Masculinities Transnational Masculinities and Relationalities 8-10 September 2016, İzmir Turkey http://www.icsmizmir2016.org Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinities cordially invites... more
This article examines the construction and deconstruction of masculinity in the early Christian text the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. At first glance this text’s focus on physical prowess, sexual desire and self-control seems to... more
Authors examine how interrogating hegemonic gender roles can enhance recruitment, training, and engagement practices for residence life staff in leadership positions. Under specific focus are issues of gendered expectations of the men as... more
Several researches by psychologists and sociologists have documented the lived experiences of many men who suffered neglect and insecurities related to contact with women and with fellow men, and how this, and other cagey masculinities,... more
This exploratory study examines the act of mass murder as an attempt by the perpetrators to lay claim to a hegemonic masculine identity that has been damaged or denied them, yet that they feel entitled to as males in American culture.... more
A substantial body of empirical work suggests that young, economically marginalised males are the most likely perpetrators and victims of serious physical violence. Interpreting these findings in a historicised way that has been neglected... more
Dominant narratives in international relations and security treat sexual violence in conflict as an exceptional form of gender-based violence, perpetrated primarily against women and girls. Due to underreporting and a programmatic bias of... more
The transition from Qajar rule in Iran (c.1796–1925) to that of rule by the Pahlavi dynasty (1925–1979) set in motion a number of shifts in the political, social, and cultural realms. Focusing on masculinity in Iran, this book interweaves... more
Fathers play a significant role in shaping family life. Yet Australian men’s transitions to fatherhood have been neglected in research and in antenatal support/education programs. Drawing on contemporary theories of masculinity, this... more
This monograph analyzes how Nike and the athlete himself jointly commodified the public persona of LeBron James, with James cast in two normative narratives: (a) the Messiah and (b) hegemonic masculinity, stripping James of his Blackness... more
The military is one of the most significant institutions for the construction of masculine identities, since it is socially, culturally, and historically perceived as a male organization that relies on dichotomous definitions of... more
In a time when ‘if one was born a male, one became a soldier’, what does it mean to be a man who refuses to fight? This article uses Connell’s framework of ‘hegemonic masculinity’ to locate conscientious objectors’ male identities as a... more
Only one association football (soccer) player in history has declared his homosexuality during his professional active playing career. Before or since that player’s death in 1998, no other professional footballer player has come out. The... more
Sociophonetic inquiry into sexuality and the voice has often focused on the perception of men's sexuality on the basis of disembodied voices. However, inconsistencies across these studies limit our ability to unit their findings into a... more
From the late nineteenth century until the mid twentieth century, men of an emerging western-educated Iranian elite used knowledge, practices and objects originating from the West to reach and hold a hegemonic position in their society.... more
This study investigates the ideological implications of Real Men, a Korean reality show that portrays the experiences of celebrities who join the military as new conscripts. We situate the popularity of Real Men in the context of the... more
As one of the first studies on Afghan Masculinities and Gender inequality, the overall purpose of this research is to achieve an in-depth understanding of different notions of being a man in Afghanistan and how they contribute to gender... more
Data for three levels of education (primary, secondary, tertiary) for 202 countries across the globe 1 indicate that moving from primary through secondary to the tertiary level, Gender Parity Indices (GPI) increased from 0.96 to 0.97 to... more
This article draws on 3,500 responses from fans and professionals involved in association football (soccer) to an anonymous online survey posted from June 2010 to October 2010 regarding their views towards gay footballers. The overall... more
This book presents an innovative approach to gender, nationalism, and the relations between them, and analyses the broader social base of Hindu nationalist organisation to understand the growth of 'Hindutva', or Hindu nationalism, in... more