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Following the introduction of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, CO2 emissions have become a tradable commodity. As a regulated party, emitters are forced to take into account the additional carbon emissions costs in their... more
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      European UnionRisk ManagementPerformance EvaluationEmissions Trading
ABSTRACT This paper attempts to explore an empirical relationship between asset returns and inflation in Pakistan. Using simple Foreign currency, gold, real estate, saving deposits, silver, stock prices, treasury bills, and government... more
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The master thesis studies the applicability of Black-Scholes-Model extensions to pricing options on stock indices. Polish options on the WIG20 stock index traded on the GPW the provide for the object of the study. The thesis analyses the... more
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsMonte Carlo SimulationRisk Management In Banking
Source: National Department of Agriculture, 2003:10 In 2002, agricultural co-operatives, which form an integral part of agriculture in South Africa, had assets valued at R6, 7 billion and a net income after tax of R193 million. Chapter 5... more
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      DissertationSwapsHedgingFinancial Risks
Hedging is transferring of risk from those who want to reduce risk to those who are willing to take the risk. Hedgers are traders who want to reduce risk and speculators are those willing to take the risk. The hedge ratio is defined as... more
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      HedgingHedging EffectivenessHedge RatioJom Iaeme
The main contribution of the paper is to present hard evidence on risk exposure, hedging strategies, and agency problems resulting in speculation with derivatives, by focusing on the case of Aracruz Celulose. It highlights the failure of... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsCorporate GovernanceBanking
Corporate risk management may employ financial or operative means to reduce the exposure to unexpected currency fluctuations. This article utilizes a real options framework to establish that operative hedging through the creation of... more
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      Risk ManagementGlobal FinanceHedgingOpportunity Cost
While investing in foreign assets may bring additional benefits in terms of risk diversification, it may also expose the portfolio to a further source of risk derived from changes in the value of the foreign currencies. Hedging strategies... more
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      Applied MathematicsRobust optimizationHedgingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      ASEANHedgingASEAN StudiesPower Transition Theory
Every international business is affected by the ever-changing value of the currencies implied in contracts. While many of us consider this unpredictability a nuisance, the volatility of currencies around the world can mean the difference... more
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      International BusinessInternational TradeFinancial Risk ManagementRisk Management
We provide a descriptive examination of the trading activities of one of the most important intermediaries in global financial markets—the OTC derivatives dealer. These dealers play a central role in the provision of derivative products... more
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      EconomicsDerivativesSocial Science Research NetworkFutures markets
This paper examined the impact of foreign currency derivatives on firm value using several findings from firms across the world with significant exchange rate exposure. The results show that foreign currency derivatives usage affect firm... more
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      Corporate GovernanceHedgingCurrency DerivativesFirm Value
The paper examines similarities and dierences in the degree of commitment and detachment in English, Bulgarian and Bulgarian English research articles in linguistics. The analysis shows considerable dierences in the overall distribution... more
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      English for Specific PurposesAcademic WritingCultural IdentityWriting
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      Islamic FinanceFinancial DerivativesHedging
This introductory chapter to "Notions of Neutralities" (Lexington, 2019), describes the state of the art of Neutrality Studies in the early twenty-first century and proposes a conceptual framework for the exploration of neutrality across... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsNineteenth Century StudiesInternational Law
A price process is scale-invariant if and only if the returns distribution is independent of the price measurement scale. We show that most stochastic processes used for pricing options on financial assets have this property and that many... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessPath DependenceStochastic Volatility
Purpose-The study analyzed factors that contributed for coffee value chain underdevelopment in the upstream supply chain members (farmers) in Ethiopia in terms of factors related to coffee value chain governance, coffee value... more
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      HedgingCoffee Value ChainSubsidyCoffee Farmers
Present study estimates the hedging effectiveness by applying variance-reduction framework and risk-return framework using near month contracts of three benchmark indices (NIFTY50, NIFTYIT, and BANKNIFTY) traded at National Stock Exchange... more
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The genesis of this IFC White Book lies in the teaching materials prepared for IFC’s Risk Governance Workshops conducted in 20 developing countries during the 2010–2012 time period by the book’s authors. The book and workshops also... more
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      Corporate GovernanceStrategic ManagementGovernanceCorporate Finance
The innovative practices always catch-up the eyes of concerned people where ideas and innovation become the hallmark of progress. And even capital market is no far away from this, whereas financial derivatives have given drastic change in... more
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Research articles and research theses constitute two key genres used by scientific communities for the dissemination and ratification of knowledge. Both genres are produced at advanced stages of individuals' enculturation in disciplinary... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisRhetoric
Nonfinancial firms that use interest rate swaps are compared with nonusers for the years 1991, 1993, and 1995. Swap use grew from 6% of all firms in 1991 to 8% in 1995. Nonfinancial firms use fixed rate payer swaps more often than... more
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      Corporate FinanceHedgingInterest rate swapAgency Costs
We introduce a class of Markov stochastic processes called mpolynomial, for which the calculation of (mixed) moments up to order m only requires the computation of matrix exponentials. This class contains affine processes, Feller... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsMarkov ProcessesHedging
This paper investigates the politeness strategies and mitigation devices used by native and non-native speakers (advanced learners) of Greek when refusing an invitation from an intimate and their consequences for the expression of... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyPragmaticsSocial Interaction
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    • Hedging
We first derive a one-state-variable partial differential equation, easy to implement, which characterizes the price of a European type Asian option. This result is explained and related to previous literature. We then derive new results... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisHedgingPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION
Summary of financial hedging strategies from Google Inc. & Nodal Logistics and Custo Brasil case study found on HBR.
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      BrazilGoogleHedgingHedging Models
Japan's primary objective of the ‘free and open Indo-Pacific’ (FOIP) strategy is to shape and consolidate regional order in the Indo-Pacific region based on the existing rules-based international order. The concept initially aimed to... more
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      Japanese StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisInternational SecurityEast Asian Studies
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    • Hedging
This study empirically derives a framework for analyzing certainty about written propositions. CERTAINTY, or EPISTEMIC MODALITY, is a linguistic expression of an estimation of the likelihood that a particular state of affairs is, has... more
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      RhetoricPragmaticsStylisticsContent Analysis
Hedging is a communicative strategy and a form of pragmatic competence which plays a central role in delivering the intended message of the speaker. Commonly observed in two-way conversations, hedges as hedging devices are also present in... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHedging
Dans ce document comprenant plusieurs chapitres, nous allons étudier plusieurs méthodes numériques util-isées en finance permettant notamment de faire du pricing de produits dérivés. Nous présenterons ainsi des méthodes de résolution des... more
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      FinanceMathematicsApplied MathematicsNumerical Methods
Recommend a hedging strategy for the D27,000,000 investment, based on the hedging choices which treasury staff are considering if interest rates increase by 1•1% or decrease by 0•6%. Support your answer with appropriate calculations and... more
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      Financial Risk ManagementHedging
Volatility modelling in option pricing has been shown to be of first-order importance in improving upon the Black-Scholes pricing biases. However, no consensus emerges on its impact on hedging performance, with more realistic volatility... more
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      HedgingOption pricing
This paper does not suppose a priori that the evolution of the price of a financial asset is a semimartingale. Since possible strategies of investors are self-financing, previous prices are forced to be finite quadratic variation... more
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      Pure MathematicsBrownian MotionStochastic CalculusHedging
In the pinnacle of the recent conflict in South China Sea, a constant terror of being plunged into a military crisis between Southeast Asian states and China never stops since the last decades. The quarrelling states indeed have many... more
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      IndonesiaHedgingThe South China Sea dispute
Perkembangan ekonomi sebuah negara tidak terlepas dari stabilitas dari mata uang negara tersebut yang tentu menjadi sebuah faktor yang akan menentukan jalannya sebuah sistem ekonomi yang baik dalam sebuah negara atau perusahaan. Indonesia... more
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      HedgingFiqh Al MuamalahEKONOMI PERBANKAN SYARIAHHedging and Derivative Instruments
This pragmatic descriptive study is aimed at investigating the use of hedging by Arab speakers of English. It is geared towards answering the question of how frequently hedging is used in the abstracts of the Linguistics Master theses... more
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      PragmaticsAcademic writing in a foreign languageHedging
This paper looks at the infringement of conversational maxim in public conversations in Shona. It probes how the tenets of conversations as proposed by are at times not observed without being uninformative or being uncooperative. Certain... more
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The delta hedging performance of deterministic local volatility models is poor, with most studies showing that even the simple constant volatility Black-Scholes model performs better. But when the local volatility model is extended to... more
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      Stochastic VolatilityHedgingImplied Volatility
Accounting is an important part of a business. Thus, utmost care should be given while recording and maintaining transactions. 'Cloud Accounting' is a solution to the recording of transactions of a business and making it easier to access... more
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      Information SystemsAccountingPortfolio ManagementPortfolio Optimization
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      PragmaticsSemanticsHedgingNegative Polarity Items (NPI)
Hedging against market risks has become part of standard procedures in international trade. Derivatives in the form of futures and options are increasingly used to also cover against risks in the freight market in most ship trades. This... more
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      BusinessFinanceEconomicsFreight Derivatives
This article argues that the concept of “hedging” should be understood in the context of the “balancing-bandwagoning” spectrum within the “balance of power” theory, in which hedging is located between balancing and bandwagoning as the... more
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      Japanese StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Security
This paper explores the role of doubt and certainty in published research articles from eight academic disciplines. Drawing on a computer corpus of 56 research papers and interviews with expert informants, I identify the principal means... more
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      Academic WritingHedging
Bitcoin is an encrypted, peer-to-peer network with a decentralized mechanism to promote digital exchange. It can behave like fiat money, commodity, or even an asset. Arguably, its intense market responses do offer shocks to investors... more
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This paper examines the hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness of futures contracts on various commodities majorly traded by ships. In volatile and uncertain market, the usage of derivatives is essential. The increase of usage depends on... more
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      Risk ManagementHedging
The literature on hedging as a secondary state strategy – built largely on evidence from United States-China competition in East and Southeast Asia – focuses on conditions where a major power presents both an economic opportunity and a... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisSouth AsiaSri Lanka
The paper investigates how modal hedges (Coates 1983) understood as expressions of procedural meaning, i.e. expressions which instruct the addressee/reader how to process the propositional content of an utterance/statement (Watts 2004)... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish languageApplied LinguisticsModality
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
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      Financial EconomicsFinancial SystemsCapital MarketsFinancial Markets