Heavy Quark Physics

65 papers
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Heavy quark physics is the study of the properties and interactions of heavy quarks, such as charm and bottom quarks, within the framework of quantum chromodynamics. It focuses on the behavior of these quarks in hadrons, their decay processes, and the implications for understanding fundamental symmetries and the strong force in particle physics.
We sum up the next-to-leading logarithmic corrections to the heavy-quarkonium hyperfine splitting using the nonrelativistic renormalization group. On the basis of this result, we predict the mass of the η b meson to be M (η b) = 9419 ± 11... more
Inclusive D^{*+-} production in two-photon collisions is studied with the L3 detector at LEP, using 683 pb^{-1} of data collected at centre-of-mass energies from 183 to 208 GeV. Differential cross sections are determined as functions of... more
We present a new model based on the SU (3) ⊗ SU (2) ⊗ U (1) symmetry, in which there is a new consistent set of chiral fermion fields that renders the model free from anomalies. The new fermions do not share the usual family structure of... more
We compute the leading-order low-energy constants of the DeltaS=1 effective weak Hamiltonian in the quenched approximation of QCD with up, down, strange, and charm quarks degenerate and light (GIM limit). The low-energy constants are... more
The vacuum polarization of a quark, when considered in terms of the external momentum q 2 , is a function of the Stieltjes type. Consequently, the mathematical theory of Pade Approximants assures that the full function, at any finite... more
The deviations with respect to the Standard Model that are currently observed in b → s transitions, or B anomalies, can be interpreted in terms of different New Physics (NP) scenarios within a model-independent effective approach. We... more
Using the new non-analytic reconstruction method obtained from Mellin-Barnes properties, one can extract the value m c (MS) = 1.12 ± 0.08 GeV from experimental data of the radiationcorrected measured hadronic cross section to the... more
Inclusive non-diffractive photoproduction of (770) 0 , K (892) 0 and (1020) mesons is investigated with the H1 detector in ep collisions at HERA. The corresponding average p centre-of-mass energy is 210 GeV. The mesons are measured in the... more
We present a personal account of the development of research groups in high energy physics and of the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society. We conclude that this area qualifies as a seriously cultivated... more
Factorization scheme analysis of $F_2^{\gamma}(x,Q^2)$ in the next-to-leading order QCD is revisited. It is emphasized that the presence of the inhomogeneous term in the evolution equations for quark distribution functions of the photon... more
The feasibility of measuring parton distribution functions of of virtual photons via the jet production at HERA is investigated.
Cross sections of 7*7* collisions are presented and diffractive contributions axe studied. Interactions of quasi real and highly virtual photons axe considered. The Regge parameterization of Donnachie and Landshoff describes the cross... more
We reconsider the question of wave function renormalization in heavy fermion effective field theories. In particular, we work out a simple and efficient scheme to define the wave function renormalization with respect to the lowest order... more
We present a new model based on the SU (3) ⊗ SU (2) ⊗ U (1) symmetry, in which there is a new consistent set of chiral fermion fields that renders the model free from anomalies. The new fermions do not share the usual family structure of... more
The next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N 3 LO) Hamiltonian of potential nonrelativistic QCD is derived. The complete matching of the Hamiltonian and the contribution from the ultrasoft dynamical gluons relevant for perturbative... more
Inclusive production of D * ± mesons in two-photon collisions was measured by the L3 experiment at LEP. The data were collected at a centre-of-mass energy √ s = 189 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 176.4 pb −1. Differential cross... more
Inclusive charged hadron production, e + e − → e + e − h ± X, is studied using 414 pb −1 of data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 202 GeV. Single particle inclusive differential cross... more
We compute on the lattice the "bag" parameters of the five ∆B = 2 operators of the supersymmetric basis, by combining their values determined in full QCD and in the static limit of HQET. The extrapolation of the QCD results from the... more
A determination of the hadronic fragmentation functions of the Z ° boson is presented from a study of the inclusive hadron production with the DELPHI detector at LEP. These fragmentation functions were compared with the ones at lower... more
The production of multihadronic states in collisions at LEP has been studied with the DELPHI detector. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 32 pb 1 , collected in the LEP runs of 1990-1992. Minimum bias data... more
We study the dynamics of heavy quarks in a thermalized quark-gluon plasma with a time-correlated thermal noise, η. In this case, it is said that η has memory. We use an integro-differential Langevin equation in which the memory enters via... more
This paper presents measurements of D * ± production in deep inelastic scattering from collisions between 27.5 GeV positrons and 820 GeV protons. The data have been taken with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The decay channel D * + → (D 0 → K... more
Double vector meson photoproduction, p(γ, G → V V)p, mediated by a scalar glueball G is investigated. Using vector meson dominance (VMD) and Regge/pomeron phenomenology, a measureable glueball enhancement is predicted in the invariant V V... more
Dark photons are hypothetical massive vector particles that could mix with ordinary photons. The simplest theoretical model is fully characterised by only two parameters: the mass of the dark photon m$$_{\gamma ^{\mathrm {D}}}$$ γ D and... more
final states are studied with the L3 detector at LEP using data collected at centre-of-mass energies from 183 GeV up to 202 GeV. The mass spectrum of the K 0 S K ± π ∓ final state shows an enhancement around 1470 MeV, which is identified... more
Cross sections of 7*7* collisions are presented and diffractive contributions axe studied. Interactions of quasi real and highly virtual photons axe considered. The Regge parameterization of Donnachie and Landshoff describes the cross... more
by Pooja Pooja and 
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We study the dynamics of heavy quarks in a thermalized quark-gluon plasma with a time-correlated thermal noise, η. In this case, it is said that η has memory. We use an integro-differential Langevin equation in which the memory enters via... more
E. Baracchini (a) , M. Bona (b) , M. Ciuchini (c) , F. Ferroni (a) M. Pierini (d) , G. Piredda (a) , F. Renga (a) , L. Silvestrini (a) , A. Stocchi (e)
The impact of momentum anisotropy on the heavy quark transport coefficients due to collisional and radiative processes in the QCD medium has been studied within the ambit of kinetic theory. Anisotropic aspects (momentum) are incorporated... more
by Jai Prakash and 
1 more
We study the dynamics of heavy quarks in a thermalized quark-gluon plasma with a time-correlated thermal noise, η. In this case, it is said that η has memory. We use an integro-differential Langevin equation in which the memory enters via... more
We measure the particle-level forward-backward production asymmetry in bb pairs with masses (m bb) larger than 150 GeV/c 2 , using events with hadronic jets and employing jet charge to distinguish b fromb. The measurement uses 9.5 fb −1... more
Spherical fuzzy set (SFS) is also one of the fundamental concepts for address more uncertainties in decision problems than the existing structures of fuzzy sets, and thus its implementation was more substantial. The well-known sine... more
We present preliminary results of the non-perturbative renormalization group (RG) running of the flavor non-singlet tensor operator. We employ the SF scheme for = 3 QCD using ensembles generated by the ALPHA collaboration for the... more
We present the current status of a revised strategy to compute the running of renormalized quark masses in QCD with three flavours of massless O(a) improved Wilson quarks. The strategy employed uses the standard finite-size scaling method... more
Inclusive charged hadron production, e + e − → e + e − h ± X, is studied using 414 pb −1 of data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 202 GeV. Single particle inclusive differential cross... more
We establish in this manuscript a new model complex picture fuzzy N-soft sets (CPFN-SSs) which is the fusion of complex picture fuzzy sets (CPFSs) along with N-soft sets (N-SSs) and a novel definition of CPFSs which is a mixture of... more
The K 0 S K ± π ∓ final state in two-photon collisions is studied with the L3 detector at LEP at e + e − centre-of-mass energies from 183 to 209 GeV with an integrated luminosity of 664.6 pb −1. The η (1475) and f 1 (1420) mesons are... more
Exclusive ρ + ρ − production in two-photon collisions between a quasi-real photon, γ, and a mid-virtuality photon, γ * , is studied with data collected at LEP at centreof-mass energies 183 GeV ≤ √ s ≤ 209 GeV with a total integrated... more
The reaction γγ → J/ΨJ/Ψ is discussed assuming dominance of the QCD BFKL pomeron exchange. We give prediction for the cross-section of this process for LEP2 and TESLA energies. We solve the BFKL equation in the non-forward configuration... more
The heavy quark system is an excellent probe to learn about the QCD dynamics at finite density. First, we discuss the properties of the J/ψ and D meson at finite nucleon density. We discuss why their properties should change at finite... more
In this work, we find the expressions of continuum HQET four-fermion operators in terms of lattice operators in perturbation theory. To do so, we calculate the one-loop continuum-lattice HQET matching for the complete basis of ∆B = 2 and... more
Cross sections of 7*7* collisions are presented and diffractive contributions axe studied. Interactions of quasi real and highly virtual photons axe considered. The Regge parameterization of Donnachie and Landshoff describes the cross... more
We present measurements of the hadronic photon structure function F 2 (x), i n t w o Q 2 ranges with mean values of 5:9 GeV 2 and 14:7 GeV 2. The data were taken by the OPAL experiment at LEP, with p s close to the Z 0 mass and correspond... more