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Physics defines heat as; Thermal energy transferred from a hotter system to a cooler system that is in contact, the heat energy unit is Joules (J), In general, three different modes of heat transfer are recognized: Conduction, convection,... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyClimatic Changes
The calculation of vibrational properties of materials from their electronic structure is an important goal for materials modeling. A wide variety of physical properties of materials depend on their lattice-dynamical behavior: specific... more
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      Raman SpectroscopyVibrational SpectroscopyDensity-functional theoryInelastic Neutron Scattering
Experimental investigation was conducted to measure the convective heat transfer coefficient and thermal performance of plate fins and plate cubic pin-fins heat sinks, under natural convection regime. The investigation was conducted for... more
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      ConvectionHeat TransferHeat ExchangerNatural Convection
The crosslinking of the unsaturated polyester was studied by using experiments and a model of the process. The kinetic parameters were calculated from the heat flux-time curves obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC,... more
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      Materials ScienceKineticsModelingHeat Transfer
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      Laboratory experimentThermal historyHeat ConductionPlanetary Space Science
The present paper focuses on the heat transfer problem that describes the heat conduction effects in an OPGW submitted to short-circuit. An analytical solution is proposed which accounts for the effect of the temperature gradients in the... more
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      Heat TransferParameter estimationElectrical ResistanceHeat Flux
A consistent description of a shear flow, the accompanied viscous heating, and the associated entropy balance is given in the framework of a deterministic dynamical system, where a multibaker dynamics drives two fields: the velocity and... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesEPLShear Flow
A numerical study has been carried out to understand and highlight the effects of axial wall conduction in a conjugate heat transfer situation involving simultaneously developing laminar flow and heat transfer in a square microchannel... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringHeat TransferHeat Transport
Using a block model of 1532 cubical cells, temperature distributions are calculated for the lowest 21 cm of the human leg for electric fields recommended in the ANSI RF safety guideline. The thermal model uses inhomogeneous... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBiomedical EngineeringRadiation safetyElectromagnetic Radiation
A numerical model was developed for the computation of the wind field, air temperature and humidity in the urban canopy layer and in the atmospheric boundary layer above urban areas. The model is of k–ε type. The ensemble-spatial averaged... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringHeat and Mass TransferUrban Climate
Electrothermal impedance spectroscopy (ETIS), is introduced as a new measurement method and thermal parameters derived from a pouch-type lithium-ion cell are presented. ETIS is a valuable tool for (i) the determination of the thermal... more
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      EngineeringImpedance SpectroscopyParameter IdentificationLancet
The ultrasonic pulse-echo backscattered amplitude integral (BAI)-mode imaging technique [IEEE Trans. UFFC, 45:30 (1998)] has demonstrated sensitive detection of subwavelength channel defects (38-m diameter reliably and 6-m diameter... more
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      Materials EngineeringMicrostructureUltrasoundNondestructive Evaluation
In the present paper we extend the fourth order method developed by Chawla et al. [M.M. Chawla, R. Subramanian, H.L. Sathi, A fourth order method for a singular twopoint boundary value problem, BIT 28 (1988) 88-97] to a class of singular... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisConvergenceApplied Mathematics and Computational Science
Numerical solutions have been obtained for the nonlinear heat conduction equations arising in the theory of thermal explosions. Explosion times are calculated for externally heated spheres, cylinders, and slabs of several explosive... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Thermal conductivity of particulate beds is an important property for many industrial handling processes as well as for storage of particulate materials. This paper presents a new theoretical model that is based on heat transfer between... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringHeat Transfer
Kinetics of solidification of phase change materials (PCM) was analyzed for combined heat conduction in the PCM and container wall, and convection in the cold fluid. Stable and convergent numerical methods were derived after... more
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      EngineeringKineticsNumerical MethodsNumerical Method
The paper presents a short survey of three topics: modern sensor networks, distributed parameter systems and estimation techniques, especially using artificial intelligence tools, to be involved in the new domain of identification of... more
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      System IdentificationSignal ProcessingFuzzy LogicNeural Network
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingVisualization
ABSTRACT One of the most efficient ways to reduce the pollution and fuel consumption of an automotive engine is to downsize the engine, whilst maintaining a high level of power and torque. This is achieved by using turbochargers. In... more
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      EngineeringConvectionComputational Fluid DynamicsAir flow
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryDiscrete Element Method
A model is presented of stationary shearing produced during the chip formation in orthogonal cutting. The work material is supposed to be a thermal sensitive viscoplastic rigid material. The effects of material parameters, of heat... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringStrain RateManufacturing Engineering
Thermal-sprayed heat exchangers were tested at high temperatures (750 C), and their performances were compared to the foam heat exchangers made by brazing Inconel sheets to their surface. Nickel foil was brazed to the exterior surface of... more
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      Renewable EnergyThin Films and CoatingsHeat TransferRenewable energy resources
Prapainop, R. and Maneeratana, K. Simulation of ice formation by the finite volume method Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 2004, 26(1) : 55-70
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      SimulationPiecewise LinearPhase ChangeHeat Conduction
The paper considers a problem in which a steady-state sonic wave is propagated in the longitudinal direction in a fluid enclosed between two horizontal parallel plates which are kept at different temperatures;. The distance between the... more
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      EngineeringHeat TransferHeat and Mass TransferMathematical Sciences
This paper deals with inhomogeneous shearing deformation of an in"nite rubber-like slab under a temperature di!erence across its thickness. The deformation is analyzed within the context of "nite thermoelasticity with entropic origin for... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsStress field
The power of the handheld electronics devices continues to increase because packaging advances reduce their size even as more features are added and enhanced. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation is performed on... more
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      Materials ScienceComputational Fluid DynamicsNumerical AnalysisNumerical Simulation
The analytical solution for a vertical heated plate subjected to conjugate heat transfer due to natural convection at the surface and conduction below is presented. The heated surface is split into two regions; the uniform heat flux... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringHeat TransferNatural Convection
Bone ablation using different pulse parameters and four emission lines of 9.3, 9.6, 10.3, and 10.6 μm of the CO2 laser exhibits effects which are caused by the thermal properties and the absorption spectrum of bone material. The ablation... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringElectron MicroscopyOptical physicsHeat Conduction
The results of comparative analysis of liquid and gas phase models for fuel droplets heating and evaporation, suitable for implementation into computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes, are presented. Among liquid phase models, the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringComputation Fluid DynamicsFuel
A finite element weighted residual process has been used to solve transient linear and non-linear two-dimensional heat conduction problems. Rectangular prisms in a space-time domain were used as the finite elements. The weighting function... more
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      EngineeringFinite element methodProblem SolvingHeat Conduction
CP dP E, h H Hss H/M k m M a P, Rs R R, S T t V ht.
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      EngineeringHeat TransportHeat and Mass TransferNumerical Simulation
A numerical approximation of the Green's function equation based on a heat-flux formulation is given. It is derived by assuming as a functional form of the surface heat flux a stepwise variation with space and time. The obtained... more
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      EngineeringInverse ProblemsHeat and Mass TransferMathematical Sciences
Whether or not a chemical reaction in a fluid leads to an explosion is shown to depend on four timescales, viz. those for: the chemical reaction to heat up the fluid containing the reactants and products, heat conduction out of the... more
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      Numerical SimulationNatural ConvectionThermal ConductivityHeat Conduction
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsComputational MathematicsPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION
A finite-element approach to thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis is developed by extending a previous mass-and energy-conserving algorithm to include wall-convection boundary conditions, groove-mixing theory, and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemistryConvectionModeling
A novel algorithm for handling material non-linearities in bodies consisting of subregions having different, temperature dependent heat conductivities is developed. The technique is based on Kirchhoff's transformation. The material... more
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      Heat ConductionBem
The phase-field method has become an important and extremely versatile technique for simulating microstructure evolution at the mesoscale. Thanks to the diffuse-interface approach, it allows us to study the evolution of arbitrary complex... more
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      Materials EngineeringThermodynamicsKineticsPhase Field
The objective of this paper is to analyze the temperature distributions and heat affected zone in skin tissue medium when irradiated with either a collimated or a focused laser beam from a short pulse laser source. Experiments are... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCancerHeat Transfer
The ground heat exchangers (GHE) consist of pipes buried in the soil and is used for transferring heat between the soil and the heat exchanger pipes of the ground source heat pump (GSHP). Because of the complexity of the boundary... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHeat TransferHeat ExchangerNumerical Simulation
It was possible to describe large number of processes such as melting, solidification, microwave thawing, spray-drying, and freeze-drying by a single theoretical model. All these applications and some others have one thing in common, that... more
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      Chemical EngineeringHeat and Mass TransferHeat ConductionPhase Transformation
Vacuum glazing consists of two glass sheets with a narrow internal evacuated space. The separation of the sheets under the influence of atmospheric pressure is maintained by an array of small support pillars. The thermal resistances... more
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      EngineeringFinite element modellingSolar EnergyAtmospheric Pressure
In this paper we study the laminar condensation process of a saturated vapor in contact with one side of a vertical thin plate, caused by a natural laminar boundary layer flow on the other surface of the plate. The effects of both... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceHeat and Mass TransferMathematical Sciences
Conservation principles are used to represent all physical transformations occurring in the universe, accordingly are also adopted to design runner conduit for thermoplastic melt injection. Conservation principles for thermoplastic melt... more
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      EngineeringPrinciples and Theories of ConservationEnergy BalanceHeat Conduction
Future generation reusable re-entry vehicles must be capable of sustaining consistent repeated aero-thermal loads without damage or deterioration. This means that such structures should be able to withstand high temperatures engendered by... more
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      Thermal EngineeringHeat ConductionThermal Shield
A nonlinear transient heat transfer finite element model is developed to simulate the curing process of polymer matrix composites. Temperature distributions inside laminates can be evaluated by solving the nonlinear anisotropic heat... more
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      EngineeringFinite ElementTemperature DistributionHeat Conduction
A set of correlations is developed for transient heat conduction in finite solids (plates, cylinders and spheres) exposed to high Biot number convection boundary conditions. For Bi C 3, the error of the approximate solutions is well below... more
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      Heat and Mass TransferHeat ConductionInterdisciplinary EngineeringBoundary Condition
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In warmer climates, buildings made of cement-based materials often exhibit unfavorable thermal characteristics including higher interior temperature, especially in the absence of an active cooling mechanical system. The purpose of this... more
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      ArchitectureBuildingPassive CoolingPolyethylene
Singapore's building regulations require the submission of Envelope Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) calculations for new buildings. The current ETTV method accounts for the thermal contributions of conventional external shading devices,... more
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      Case StudyBuilding RegulationHeat ConductionSolar radiation