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HE WOMEN'S HEALTH INITIAtive (WHI) focuses on defining the risks and benefits of strategies that could potentially reduce the incidence of heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer, and fractures in postmenopausal women. Between 1993... more
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      Clinical TrialBreast CancerCommunity HealthCardiovascular disease
This paper contributes to the limited literature of monetary valuation of the effects of natural hazards. In particular, we focus on natural hazards caused by climate change and measure willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid relevant... more
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      Climate ChangeBuilt EnvironmentMarine biodiversityClimate Change Mitigation
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      EducationQuality of lifeRisk TakingAdolescent Health
The prevalence and characteristics of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. as well as counts of E. coli in raw oysters, condiments/spices, and raw oyster cocktails sampled from 72 vendors across Western Trinidad were determined. The... more
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      EpidemiologyFood MicrobiologyCommerceEscherichia coli
Few comprehensive studies exist that evaluate the nutrient intake and health indicators of college-aged students. This article describes the University of New Hampshire's Young Adult Health Risk Screening Initiative and examines results... more
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      Health BehaviorAnthropometryDietHealth
Understanding how hostility may affect health risk is predicated on articulating its core physiological, psychological and social features. . Developments in the measurement of hostility. In: Friedman, H.S. (Ed.), Hostility, Coping and... more
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      PsychologyEmotionHealth PsychologyCommunication
Abstract Recent theoretical and empirical research has highlighted the importance of understanding the relationship between social structure and health beliefs. The empirical study described here explores the relationships between... more
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      SociologyWomenRisk TakingSocial Class
High-altitude populations using biofuels for household energy may be at health risk due to a combination of altitudinal stress and indoor exposures to biomass smoke. In this article, the authors measure indoor and outdoor breathing level... more
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      HousingDeveloping CountriesPeruAir pollution
Although socioeconomic status is a major contributing factor to health disparities, the mechanisms through which socioeconomic status influences health remain unclear. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate an a priori... more
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      Health BehaviorObesityHealth DisparitiesPhysical Activity
Paediatricians are in an excellent position to identify children with environmental risk, to advise their parents about the best way of reducing or preventing such risks, and to recommend actions to the responsible politicians involved.... more
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      PediatricsEnvironmental HealthPublic HealthPrecautionary Principle
The removal of heavy metals has been investigated widely in recent years due to their potential health risk to human beings. In this study, the removals of copper from aqueous phase by alginate and SDBS entrapped alginate was... more
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The use of moulds as a seasoning for sausage can have both desirable and undesirable consequences. The desirable consequences are the creation of a successful product that appeals to consumers. The undesirable consequences are due to the... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyFood MicrobiologyItaly
Eight-hundred seventy-three Indiana high school football players were surveyed to investigate the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Subjects were varsity football players that were randomly selected from 27 high schools... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsCommunity HealthAdolescentMotivation
Diarrhea and respiratory infections account for more than two-fifths of all deaths among children under five. Parental education and economic status are well-known risk factors for child morbidity, but little is known about whether... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPrincipal Component AnalysisChild Welfare
The occurrence of microbial colonisation on artificial surfaces in urban areas (building facades, roof tiles) and interiors (damp rooms: silicone sealings, wallpaper) causes not only an aesthetically unacceptable discolouration of the... more
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      Biological SciencesFungal InfectionMicrobial BiomassBiodeterioration and Biodegradation
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Despite the growing number of homeless women of reproductive age, little is known about their reproductive health and contraceptive use. METHODS: A representative sample of 974 currently homeless women surveyed in Los Angeles County in... more
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      DemographyDepressionData AnalysisBehavior
The physical and social characteristics of internal and external environments of the YTU Library Building were examined and the results were compared with the required levels and standards. Negative characteristics which may cause health... more
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      ArchitectureBuildingSocial EnvironmentHealth Problems
Harry T. Whelan, MD1a,2,3, John M Houle, BS1a, Noel T. Whelan1a,3, Deborah L. Donohoe, AS, LATG1a, Joan Cwiklinski, MSN, CPNP1a, Meic H. Schmidt, MD1c, Lisa Gould, MD, PhD.1b, David Larson, MD1b, Glenn A. Meyer, MD1a, Vita Cevenini3,... more
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      Wound HealingPhotodynamic TherapyTechnology developmentSpace flight
Since 1990s, a systematic program to measure air toxics has been active in New York State with monitors located both in urban and rural areas. In this study we examined the spatial and temporal characteristics of benzene, a known human... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAtmospheric sciencesNew York CityOzone
In recent decades, public health policy and practice have been increasingly challenged by globalization, even as global financing for health has increased dramatically. This article discusses globalization and its health challenges from a... more
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      Social ChangeGlobalizationPolitical ScienceGlobal Health
Particle concentrations and size distributions have been measured from different heights inside and above a boreal forest during three BIOFOR campaigns (14 April–22 May 1998, 27 July–21 August 1998 and 20 March–24 April 1999) in Hyytiälä,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringModelingChinaPublic Health
This study explores the utility of a self-completion survey method to quickly and cheaply generate information on patterns and trends among regular 'recreational' drug consumers. Data is reported here from 1151 subjects accessed through a... more
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      MusicResearch DesignConsumptionDancing
An high level of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species), due to an increased production of oxidant species and/or a decreased efficacy of antioxidant system, can lead to oxidative stress, an emerging health risk factor involved in the aging and in... more
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      HealthAntioxidantsDogsReactive Oxygen Species
The oleoresin of the copaiba tree (Copaifera sp., Fabaceae) is traditionally used in Brazilian herbal medicine to treat a variety of illnesses and symptoms. This study, conducted according to the OECD Guideline 414, provides data on the... more
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      Fetal developmentHerbal MedicineCaesarean SectionPregnancy
Alignment of serial epidemiological, physiological, including electrocardiographic data with variations in galactic cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity, and atmospheric pressure suggests the possibility of links among these physical... more
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      Atmospheric ScienceHeart rate variabilitySpace WeatherSolar Activity
PWN's water treatment plant Andijk was commissioned almost 40 years ago. It services water from the IJssel Lake by conventional surface water treatment. In view of taste and odor problems the plant was retrofitted with GAC filtration 25... more
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      Chemical EngineeringWater qualitybisphenol ADrinking Water
Groundwater long-term monitoring (LTM) is required to assess the performance of groundwater remediation and human being health risk at post-closure sites where groundwater contaminants are still present. The large number of sampling... more
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      Ant Colony OptimizationGroundwater ContaminationNetwork optimizationOptimization Problem
Over the past years, one of the most discussed topics in policy debates on genetics has been the use of genetic testing in insurance. Many of these debates have been rather speculative and abstract. In a recent contribution to this... more
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      GeneticsSociologyAnthropologyHealth Behavior
In Brazil, in the last 20 years, dietary risk assessments have been conducted on pesticides, mycotoxins, food additives, heavy metals (mainly mercury), environmental contaminants (mainly DDT) and acrylamide, a compound formed during food... more
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      BiologyDietBrazilEnvironmental Monitoring
An attempt has been made to apply air dispersion modeling for exposure assessment of particulate matter in terms of mortality change. Ambient particulate matter concentrations have been estimated by AERMOD (07026) for the year 2004 in... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAir QualityAir pollutionExposure Assessment
Objectives: Understanding the potential for volatile chemicals to elicit chemosensory irritation in the upper respiratory tract is critical to setting occupational exposure limits that are protective of comfort and wellbeing for the... more
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      PerceptionRiskRisk assessmentPrevention
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      ToxicologyReproductionGrowth and developmentSecondary Metabolites
AbstractÐDetailed epidemiological studies in the UK have shown a dose±response relationship between water quality and gastroenteritis experienced by bathers. Other predictors of gastroenteritis found in the studies provide comparative... more
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      WaterWater qualityPublic HealthMultidisciplinary
In 2003, there was a recall of three processed (chicken franks, spice ham and turkey ham ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products by a large processing plant in Trinidad as a result of contamination by Listeria monocytogenes. The study was... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyHeat TreatmentRisk assessment
Background: Adolescent health risk behaviors often occur together, suggesting that youth involvement with one risk behavior may inform understanding of other risk behaviors. We examined the association between involvement in nonsexual... more
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      EducationRisk TakingAdolescent HealthAdolescent
■ BACKGROUND This study assessed which demographic groups were most likely to consume alcohol excessively, and which groups had received inquiries and discussion about alcohol use from their physicians compared with discus- sions about... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareAlcoholismUnited States
Water-related diseases continue to pose major threats to children's survival and well-being in many places in the developing world. This article develops a theoretical perspective on the ways in which children's vulnerability to... more
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      Human GeographyChild healthChild CareHealth Services
Many organizations interested in renewable, domestic energy have switched from petroleum diesel to biodiesel blends for use in transportation and heavy-duty equipment. Although considerable evidence exists on the negative health effects... more
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      EngineeringBiofuelsCitiesEnvironmental Sciences
Arsenic (As) exposure is a potential health risk to local populations around Au mining areas in southeastern Brazil. In April 1998, 126 schoolchildren, aged 9.8 2 1.12 years in the Minas Gerais mining districts of Nova Lima and Santa... more
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      GeochemistryArsenicApplied GeochemistryApplied
PWN's water treatment plant Andijk was commissioned almost 40 years ago. It services water from the IJssel Lake by conventional surface water treatment. In view of taste and odor problems the plant was retrofitted with GAC filtration 25... more
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      Chemical EngineeringWater qualitybisphenol ADrinking Water
Five (5) essential macro, three (3) micro and two (2) trace mineral elements were determined in fresh fruits of twenty-two (22) accessions of okra using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). These were correlated to assess the... more
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      NutritionBioactive Compounds and Phytochemicals in FoosNeem AccessionsProfile
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      Occupational HealthWater qualityRisk assessmentMultidisciplinary
Objective Examine a model that encourages health at every size as opposed to weight loss. The health at every size concept supports homeostatic regulation and eating intuitively (ie, in response to internal cues of hunger, satiety, and... more
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      Health PromotionNutritionObesityStatistical Analysis
Biofilms are considered a significant health risk in the food and dairy industries because they can harbor pathogens, and direct contact with them can lead to food contamination. Biofilm control is often performed using strong oxidizing... more
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      BiofilmsApplied microbiologyMultidisciplinaryChlorine dioxide
To assess knowledge, risk perception and behaviours of a sample of swimming pool users in Palermo. A total of 498 subjects were interviewed by self-administered anonymous questionnaire including socio-demographic questions, knowledge/risk... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHealth BehaviorRisk TakingPublic Health
Long-term wastewater irrigation leads to buildup of heavy metals in soils and food crops.
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      Water PurificationEnvironmental MonitoringChinaRisk assessment
Fish processing, especially squid, creates high strength biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) wastewater that must be pretreated prior to sewer discharge. This study evaluated (1) new squid processing techniques, (2) advanced... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCleaner ProductionManufacturing EngineeringFirst-Order Logic
Prediction of cancer risk is a minor component of current health risk appraisals. Perception of individual cancer risk is poor. A Cancer Risk Index was developed to predict individual cancer risk for cancers accounting for 80% of the... more
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      Health PromotionLife StyleRisk communicationPublic Health