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Resumen Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), el tabaquismo es una de las principales causas de enfermedad crónica y la principal causa de muerte prevenible a nivel mundial. De no abordarse de manera urgente, para el año 2030... more
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      Tobacco control policyRisk factors for chronic diseaseTobacco ControlHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
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      HIV/AIDSGlobal HealthMichel FoucaultBiopolitics
The harmful use of alcohol is a fact that requires effective measures to be taken in order to prevent negative socio-economic effects that occur in terms of community and individual health, especially in terms of social life. In this... more
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      EconomicsInternational MacroeconomicsUnemploymentHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
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      Cardiovascular diseaseHealth policy in low- and middle-income countriesCommunity-based health interventions
In the past 20 years, many low-and middle-income countries have created national pharmacovigilance (PV) systems and joined the WHO's global PV network. However, very few of them have fully functional systems. Scientific evidence on the... more
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      Patient SafetyPharmacovigilanceHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Background: Mental, neurological, and substance (MNS) use disorders are a leading cause of disability worldwide; specifically in Peru, MNS affect 1 in 5 persons. However, the great majority of people suffering from these disorders do not... more
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      Public Policy AnalysisHealth SystemsMental Health Services ResearchHealthcare reform
Objective Access to healthcare is mostly contingent on out-of-pocket spending (OOPS) by health seekers, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This would require many LMICs to raise enough funds to achieve universal... more
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      Informal SectorCommunity Based Health InsuranceHealth policy in low- and middle-income countriesMicro health insurance
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      Mental HealthHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
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      Eastern European StudiesBiological AnthropologyEconomics and Human BiologyObesity
Background Unsafe abortion imposes heavy burdens on both individuals and society, particularly in low-income countries, many of which have restrictive abortion laws. Providing family planning counseling and services to women following an... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewDeveloping CountriesSystematic ReviewsPost Abortion Care
Introduction There are more people living with dementia in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) than in high-income countries. Evidence-based interventions to improve the lives of people living with dementia and their carers are... more
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      DementiaMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewHealth Care ManagementDementia Care
Objective: To identify the causes and categories of stillbirth using the Application of ICD-10 to Deaths during the Perinatal Period (ICD-PM). Methods: Prospective, observational study in 12 hospitals across Kenya, Malawi, Sierra Leone... more
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      Sierra LeoneStillbirthKenyaPerinatal and Women's Health
Background Appendicitis is the most common abdominal surgical emergency worldwide. Differences between high-and low-income settings in the availability of laparoscopic appendectomy, alternative management choices, and outcomes are poorly... more
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      SurgeryGlobal HealthGlobal Health PolicyLaparoscopic Surgery
This study assessed perceptions and support among the Indian populace about plain packaging for all tobacco products. Twelve focus group discussions (n = 124), stakeholder analysis with 24 officials and an opinion poll with 346... more
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      PackagingTobaccoPublic HealthHealth Policy
The middle income trap is a theoretical economic development situation, in which a country that attains a certain income (due to given advantages) gets stuck at that level. The term “middle-income trap” has entered common... more
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      Phd WritingEconomyEkonomiMakaleler
Background: Health-related organisations disseminate an abundance of clinical and implementation evidence that has potential to improve health outcomes in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), but little is known about what influences... more
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      Implementation ScienceEvidence based Practice (Health Sciences)Knowledge TranslationKnowledge Broker
Background: Delays in getting medical help are important factors in the deaths of many pregnant women and unborn children in the low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). Studies have suggested that the use of cell phones and radio... more
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      Cell PhonesTelemedicineLiterature ReviewMhealth
of trust in government to keep using the MCH services. Understanding the intended and unintended outcomes of CCT will help to build sustainable structures in policy designs to mitigate sudden programme withdrawal and its subsequent... more
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      NigeriaMixed Methods ResearchMaternal and Child HealthConditional Cash Transfers
Aims: This study aims at determining the prevalence, the soil-transmitted helminths (STH) species, and associated risk factors among children aged between four and 12 in the mile 16 community, Buea, through post-deworming intervention.... more
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      Health EducationPublic HealthHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), the word has witnessed multi-dimensional problems and challenges. The global social, economic and public health sectors are more vulnerable and going through an... more
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      Health PromotionPrimary Health CareGlobal HealthPublic Health Policy
Background: Enrolling participants in clinical trials can be challenging, especially with respect to prophylactic vaccine trials. The vaccination of study personnel in Ebola vaccine trials during the 2014-2016 epidemic played a crucial... more
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      EthicsClinical TrialsHealth policy in low- and middle-income countriesResearch involving human participants
Background: Maternal mortality remains a major international health problem in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC), and most could have been prevented by quality improvement interventions already demonstrated to be effective, such as... more
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      Qualitative Research MethodsGynecology and ObstetricsSystematic reviewGuidelines
Background: Human decisions, actions and relationships that invoke trust are at the core of functional and productive health systems. Although widely studied in high-income settings, comparatively few studies have explored the influence... more
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      TrustHealth Services ResearchHealth SystemsHealth Systems Strengthening
This critical review of the literature assembles and compares available data on breast cancer clinical stage, time intervals to care, and access barriers in different countries. It provides evidence that while more than 70% of breast... more
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      Breast CancerHealth PolicyHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Tobacco use is a leading cause of death and of poor pregnancy outcome in many countries. While tobacco use is decreasing in many high-income countries, it is increasing in many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), where by the year... more
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      Secondhand Smoke ExposurePregnancyTobacco UseHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Background: Hypertension is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and premature mortality worldwide. Emerging evidence shows that young adults are increasingly at risk of hypertension alongside the older population. Most of the... more
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      StatisticsEpidemiologyClinical EpidemiologyStatistical Modeling
Surgery is establishing research Hubs in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). The aim of this study was for the Hubs to prioritize future research into areas of unmet clinical need for patients in LMICs requiring surgery. Methods: A... more
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      SurgeryGlobal HealthCancerGeneral Surgery
Introduction: One way to slow the spread of resistant bacteria is by improved stewardship of antibiotics: using them more carefully and reducing the number of prescriptions. With an estimated 7%–10% of antibiotic prescriptions globally... more
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      DentistryGeneral PracticePharmacyBehavioral Sciences
BACKGROUND: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common infections associated with health care, but its importance as a global health priority is not fully understood. We quantified the burden of SSI after gastrointestinal... more
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      SurgeryCollaborationGeneral SurgeryClinical research
In recent decades, there has been growing attention to the overuse of caesarean section (CS) globally. In light of a high CS rate at a university hospital in Tanzania, we aimed to explore obstetric caregivers' rationales for their... more
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      Maternal HealthGynecology and ObstetricsObstetrics and GynaecologyHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationHIV/AIDSHIV and AIDS: prevention, care, ARV adherenceComunity Development
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      Social SciencesUNICEFHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
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      Mental HealthStigmaMental Health PolicyCultural Psychiatry
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      Non-communicable diseasesDrug PolicyHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Background: Smoke-free environments decrease smoking prevalence and consequently the incidence of heart disease and lung cancer. Due to issues related to poor enforcement, scant data is currently available from low/ middle income... more
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      Tobacco control policyTobacco ControlChronic Disease prevention and managementHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Objective: To determine adherence to postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) clinical guideline recommendations and to explore the context specific barriers and facilitators to evidence-based obstetric care. Methods: A mixed methods study was... more
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      Health Services ResearchMaternal and Child HealthHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Objective: in light of the rising caesarean section rates in many developing countries, we sought to explore women's and caregivers' experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs in relation to caesarean section. Design: qualitative... more
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      Caesarean SectionObstetrics and GynaecologyHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Background: Since the advent of health user fees in low-and middle-income countries in the 1980s, the discourse of global health actors (GHAs) has changed to the disadvantage of this type of healthcare financing mechanism. The aim of the... more
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      AfricaGlobal HealthPublic HealthHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
Climate change adaptation responses are being developed and delivered in many parts of the world in the absence of detailed knowledge of their effects on public health. Here we present the results of a systematic review of peer-reviewed... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewPublic Health
Background: Peoples-uni (People’s Open Access Education Initiative) was established to help build Public Health capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through postgraduate level online courses. Graduates are invited to join... more
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      Educational ResearchAlumniHealth policy in low- and middle-income countriesResearch Capacity Building
Morocco’s experience in addressing the economic fallout from COVID-19 illustrates many of the economic challenges that middle-income countries are facing  and the fiscal limitations they confront, says Yasmina Abouzzohour.
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      EconomicsMoroccoHealth policy in low- and middle-income countries
A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years... more
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      Health SciencesHealth PromotionEpidemiologyHealth Economics
To explore conceptions of obstetric emergency care among traditional birth attendants in rural Guatemala, elucidating social and cultural factors. design Qualitative in-depth interview study. Rural Guatemala. Thirteen traditional birth... more
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      Maternal HealthMaternal MortalityGuatemalaTraditional Midwifery, Birth Attendants, Maternal Health, Childbirth
Mexico is undergoing rapid population ageing as a result of its epidemiological transition. This study explores the interface between this rapid population ageing and the burden of cancer. The number of new cancer cases is expected to... more
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      Health policy in low- and middle-income countriesGeriatric Oncology
Background Safe surgery requires high-quality, reliable lighting of the surgical field. Little is reported on the quality or potential safety impact of surgical lighting in low-resource settings, where power failures are common and... more
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      SurgeryAnesthesiologyPatient SafetyGlobal Health
This Malayalam article analyses the ruling of the Indian Supreme Court permitting passive euthanasia - the withdrawal of artificial life support systems when there is no hope of life in its absence. The implications of this ruling are... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDeath (Anthropology)Health Policy (Social Policy)
Background Questions about the impact of large donor-funded HIV interventions on low- and middle-income countries’ health systems have been the subject of a number of expert commentaries, but comparatively few empirical research studies.... more
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      AccountabilityHIV/AIDSHealth SystemsHealth Systems Strengthening