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For researchers interested in understanding men's health, there are two main literatures to harvest. The first is research on men's health arising from the study of men and masculinities. The second is the broader study of inequalities in... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAnthropologyFeminist Theory
Community public health interventions based on citizen and community participation are increasingly discussed as promising avenues for the reduction of health inequalities and the promotion of social justice. However, very few authors... more
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      SociologyProgram EvaluationAnthropologyHealth Promotion
Previous studies have lacked sufficient power to assess associations between early-life socioeconomic position and adult cause-specific mortality. The authors examined associations of parental social class at age 0-16 years with mortality... more
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      Health inequalityCardiovascular diseaseSocial ClassMultivariate Analysis
The likely health effects of climate change make it one of the most pressing global public health issues of our time. Effects range from more intense and frequent cyclones, flooding, and heat waves through to changing infectious disease... more
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      Climate ChangeHealth inequalityCarbon DioxideGlobal Health
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      AnthropologyFocus GroupsHealth inequalitySocial Comparison
Several studies have recently reported that social class differences in ill-health during adolescence are almost non-existent or invisible. The aims of this comparative study of two different welfare states are first, to compare whether... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyWelfare StateHealth inequality
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    • Health inequality
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      GeneticsSociologyAnthropologyHealth inequality
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      GeneticsSociologyAnthropologyHealth inequality
Despite the call for a better understanding of macro-level factors that affect population health, social epidemiological research has tended to focus almost exclusively on national-level factors, such as Gross Domestic Product per capita... more
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Socio-economic status has been consistently identified as an important factor in explaining the health of a population. This correlation has been documented in a large body of literature that reflects a clear incongruity between empirical... more
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      Health inequalityHealth InequalitiesSociology of Aging
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      Health inequalityHealth PolicyUnited KingdomPolicy making
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      NursingEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based PracticeHealth inequality
What are the advantages and limitations of epidemiology for decreasing health inequalities at the local level? To answer this question, the current article discusses the role of epidemiology. The hypothesis is that epidemiology produces... more
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      Health inequalityHealth Care
Past research on prostate and colorectal cancer disparities finds that barriers to screening, such as embarrassment and offensiveness, are often reported. Yet none of this literature investigates why. This study uses masculinity and... more
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      Health inequalityMasculinityProstate CancerMedicine
In 1997 Health Visiting was deemed by New Labour to be an important player in reducing health inequalities. It was acknowledged that if Health Visiting was to fulfill this vision it would have to work out with its traditional child health... more
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      Child healthHealth inequalityGroup communicationPublic Health
In Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) the use of health impact assessment (HIA) as a tool for improved policy development is comparatively new. The public health workforce do not routinely assess the potential health and equity... more
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      Health inequalityPolicy DevelopmentEnvironmental Impact AssessmentHealth Impact Assessment
Early onset of behavioural problems has lasting negative effects on a broad range of lifetime outcomes, placing large costs on individuals, families and society. A number of researchers and policy makers have argued that early... more
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      Early InterventionHealth inequalityParentingApplied Economics
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      Health inequalityPublic Health PolicyHuman DevelopmentPublic Health
Healthseekers [i.e., people seeking climactic cures from diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB)] migrated to the American West starting in the 19th century. Local officials, interested in promoting urban growth, capitalized on this... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHuman GeographyHealth inequalityPolitics
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      Health inequalityQuality of lifeSocial ExclusionTransportation Planning
The work of two paediatric nurses working full-time in special schools was monitored over a full school year. Most of their time was spent on routine tasks with small numbers of pupils who required enteral feeding and suctioning. They... more
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      NursingHealth PromotionSpecial EducationHealth inequality
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      Health PromotionHealth EconomicsHealth inequalityHealth Inequalities
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      StatisticsHealth PromotionEpidemiologyHealth inequality
Aims New Zealand cardiovascular risk management guidelines advocate targeted risk assessment based primarily on age, gender, and ethnicity-and recommend drug management for people with a 5-year absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk... more
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      Primary Health CareHealth inequalityHealth DisparitiesRisk Management
The government’s report, Opportunity for All: Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion (Department of Social Security, 1999), identified poor health as one of the major problems associated with low income. However, much of the available... more
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      Health inequalitySocial ExclusionLife courseSocial Security
Climate change, as an environmental hazard operating at the global scale, poses a unique and ''involuntary exposure'' to many societies, and therefore represents possibly the largest health inequity of our time. According to statistics... more
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      Climate ChangeHealth inequalityEcohealthGlobal Health
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      SociologyAnthropologyPovertyChild health
We explore what health-capital theory has to offer in terms of informing and directing research into health inequality. We argue that economic theory can help in identifying mechanisms through which specific socioeconomic indicators and... more
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      Health inequalityHealth DisparitiesHealthInequality
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a leading cause of mortality in the US. Rates of mortality vary spatially and demographically, influenced not only by individual patient characteristics but also by levels of accessibility to hospital... more
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisAccessibilityHealth inequality
Thailand's public health system is lauded globally for its broad access and coverage. However, significant gaps in health outcomes persist for diverse highland Indigenous and ethnic minority communities that have historically resided... more
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      Health inequalityHealth Care Service Access and UtilizationThailandPublic Health
The aim of this article is to discuss how neoliberal policies implemented in the Chilean health system during the Pinochet regime have a lingering effect on equal access to health care today. The two-tier health system – public and... more
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      Health inequalityNeoliberalismChileHealth Policy
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      Human GeographyPrimary CareEducationEpidemiology
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      SociologyAnthropologyHealth inequalityGlobal Health
Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health have been little studied until recently, partly due to the lack of appropriate and agreed upon measures for this age group. The difficulties of measuring adolescent socioeconomic status... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyHealth BehaviorResearch Methodology
Studies evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to strengthen patient engagement in their healthcare are widely scattered through the literature. Many clinicians and policy-makers are unaware of this evidence which has never before... more
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      Decision MakingHealth inequalityHealth LiteracySelf Care
Social movements organised around health-related issues have been studied for almost as long as they have existed, yet social movement theory has not yet been applied to these movements. Health social movements (HSMs) are centrally... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
Here, we provide an overview of the cultural aspects of epidemiological findings and provision of mental health care to people with intellectual disability (ID). The prevalence of intellectual disability may vary between cultural and... more
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      PsychiatryMental HealthHealth inequalityCulture
Background: People who are street involved such as those experiencing homelessness and drug use face multiple inequities in health and access to health care. Morbidity and mortality are significantly increased among those who are street... more
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      Health inequalityDrug PolicyPsychology and Cognitive SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
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      SociologyGender StudiesEconomicsSocial Sciences
Cet article propose une contribution à la sociologie du travail et à la sociologie des professions. L’auteure s’est livrée à une observation participante directe du quotidien des ambulanciers privés français dont le travail reste un angle... more
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      SociologySociology of WorkHealth inequalitySociology of Professions
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      Refugee StudiesHealth inequalityHIV/AIDSSocial Determinants of Health
Despite a strong commitment to promoting social change and liberation, there are few community psychology models for creating systems change to address oppression. Given how embedded racism is in institutions such as healthcare, a... more
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      Social ChangePsychologyOrganizational CultureHealth inequality
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      Health inequalityPublic HealthInfant Mental HealthDisease Prevention
L’état de santé des individus varie considérablement en fonction de la position qu’ils occupent dans la hiérarchie sociale. Il s’agit d’une évidence, observée de tout temps et en tout lieu. Les quatre décennies qui ont suivi la fin de la... more
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      Occupational HealthHealth inequalityOccupational Health & SafetyHealth Inequalities
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      Health inequalityGlobal HealthHealth DisparitiesHealth Equity
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesInternational DevelopmentCommunity Development
This chapter looks at poverty from a perspective which argues that the conscious and deliberate perpetuation of poverty is a form of fundamentalism with its associated principles and values. There are people who are parasitic and are... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyDevelopmental PsychologyDevelopment Economics
Introduction: Health and health-related behaviours in childhood, adolescence and youth are crucial for health and behavioural patterns in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to examine the levels, distribution and socio-demographic... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesHealth PromotionYouth Studies