Health and Human Rights
Recent papers in Health and Human Rights
Attention Press and Media: As a known legal and bioethics expert in women's health I have witnessed the reality that many women's health issues are lost in getting national coverage. It is clear that language concepts are essential in the... more
This paper reviews domestic and international activism seeking justice for Romani and other women harmed by coercive, forced, and involuntary sterilization in the former Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. Framed by Michel Foucault’s... more
Climate change should be viewed fundamentally as an issue of global justice. Understanding the complex interplay of climatic and socioeconomic trends is imperative to protect human health and lessen the burden of diseases such as dengue... more
About the Editors Robert G. Evans is Professor of Economics and Faculty, Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia. Dr. Evans is the author of Strained Mercy: The Economics of Canadian Health Care, and... more
In April 2002, the United Nations (UN) Commission on Human Rights established a new "special procedure"-the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, to which the author was appointed in September 2002. It is in this capacity that the... more
Universal healthcare may be defined as any healthcare system that ensures at least basic coverage to most, if not all, citizens of a country. Although it may be implemented in many ways, universal healthcare has been widely accepted by... more
This paper, which is part of a primary interdisciplinary doctoral research work with a qualitative research design, seeks to understand the ethical principles that intersect healthcare jurisprudence in litigations where citizens, who have... more
Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist es, die Rolle von Praktiken, die unter dem Begriff Empowerment subsumiert werden, in ihrer Relevanz fu r die Umsetzung des Rechts auf Gesundheit darzustellen. Weiter unten wird eine konzisere Auseinandersetzung... more
In basic human rights, the right to health has an important place due to the organic relationship with the right to life. The right to life, which is the most basic right of the individual, is directly related to the protection of health... more
This article seeks to text Uganda’s efforts, setbacks and strategies confronting legalising health entitlements in Ugandan. Placing health service seekers at the center of health care champions have met scorn form health workers and... more
Even after Ugandan activists worked to successfully annul the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which for five months made homosexuality punishable by life in prison, human rights abuses against LGBTI Ugandans pursued. In this report, based on... more
Willen, Sarah S., Michael Knipper, César E Abadía-Barrero, & Nadav Davidovitch. 2017. "Syndemic vulnerability and the right to health." The Lancet 389(10072):964-977 Investigators working both in syndemics, a field of applied health... more
The epidemiology and political economy of the global health gap has provoked struggle over TRIPS and access to medicines for HIV/AIDS and other health needs in developing countries. This in turn raises broader questions about the WTO... more
Birthing can be an empowering experience for women. Within many Indigenous cultures around the world, birth is a ceremony to celebrate new life, acknowledging the passing from the spiritual world into the physical world. While initiatives... more
"Latinos are now the largest ethnic minority population in the United States and still they encounter a great deal of misunderstanding, prejudice, and discrimination. Utilizing a strengths-based perspective, Social Work Practice with... more
Enclosed is a philosophically oriented impassioned plea for a revolution in the way we think about the future in light of climate change. It was composed as a university and public presentation for the Institute for Culture and... more
This social science case study examines the sex trafficking of women and girls in Metro Manila through a public health lens. Through key informant interviews with 51 health care and anti-trafficking stakeholders in Metro Manila, this... more
This study utilized the community structure approach to analyze newspaper coverage of posttraumatic stress (PTS) in veterans in 26 U.S. cities. The study examined whether media placed responsibility for PTS treatment on government or... more
The European Commission, EFSA, the European Chemical Agency, the British Government are still keeping glyphosate on the market, despite all the papers from around the world that they have ignored! Our Council has been spraying Roundup all... more
A debate between a rabbi and a bioethicist on the morality of circumcision.
Η υγεία του μεμονωμένου ατόμου αποτελεί ιδιωτικό αγαθό, για το οποίο ο φορέας του ευθύνεται πρωτίστως έναντι του ίδιου του εαυτού του και δευτερευόντως έναντι όλων εκείνων στους οποίους ο ίδιος έχει παραχωρήσει πρόσβαση στο ιδιωτικό του... more
This paper demonstrated that laws that criminalise sex work or aspects thereof are associated with negative outcomes for sex workers’ right to health under international law. It also showed that the right to health is an underused... more
The EU Regulatory authorities are not scientists expert in pesticides. So industry will get glyphosate and clothianidin authorised even though they are illegal.
SOMMARIO: 1. Legislazione di emergenza e dati personali.-2. Dati sanitari, ricerca scientifica e Covid-19.-3. Localizzazione e creazione di mappe epidemiologiche.-4. I sistemi di contact tracing e la posizione delle Autorità garanti:... more
Systematic violations of migrant workers' human rights and striking health disparities among these populations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are the norm in member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Migrant laborers... more
S. Kowalska, Mental Health - A Personal Right, Protection of the Integrity of an Individual. On the Axiology of Human Rights”, [in:] “Societas et Iurisprudentia” 2019, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 98-112
Bergallo, Paola, “La causa Mendoza, una experiencia de judicialización cooperativa sobre el derecho a la salud”, in Por una justicia dialógica : el poder judicial como promotor de la deliberación democrática, comp. Roberto Gargarella,... more
Prawo do zdrowia jest podstawowym prawem człowieka, które czerpie swe źródło w przyrodzonej godności ludzkiej. W wymiarach: fizycznym, psychicznym, społecznym i duchowym zdrowie stanowi fundament możliwości zrealizowania innych wartości... more
Health issues of non-heterosexual men are not similar across the world. Health issues come with varying consequences to the lives of individuals when studying violations to the right to health. Health disparities exist in societies... more
The word "circumcision" comes from Latin circum (meaning "around") and caedere (meaning "to cut"). Cultural and religious justifications are employed to convince members of the community as well as outsiders that circumcision is... more
Sommario: 1. Posizione delle questioni. -2. Dogmatica dei diritti sociali. -2.1. Possibilità teorica di un discorso sui diritti sociali. -2.2. Incertezze in ordine al concetto di diritto sociale. -2.3. Differenti inquadramenti in ordine... more
The essay offers a critical examination of the tendency to segregate discussion of surgical alterations to the male and female genitals into separate compartments -- the first known as circumcision, the second as genital mutilation. It... more
In this paper the author focuses on the need for further supports, and training, for Aboriginal midwives in Ontario. The alarming health disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, including devastating stillbirth and infant... more
Several events that took place during recent years, such as the French Act on the rights of patients and the end of life, the Terri Schiavo case and Lord Joffe’s proposal for an Assisted Dying Bill in the United Kingdom, have triggered... more
Do unauthorized im/migrants have a right to health? Do they deserve health care, or health protection, or access to the social determinants of good health? Are they party to prevailing social contracts, or does their exclusion from... more
Sumario: Introducción; 1. Las instituciones de salud privadas: su regulación y los procesos judiciales en su contra; 1.1. El caso de Chile; 1.2. El caso de Brasil; 2. La debida diligencia y el derecho a la salud; Consideraciones finales;... more
With three decades of rapid economic growth behind them, China is now facing many social consequences of uneven development. The introduction of the market economy, changes in political leaders as well as the decentralization of state... more
The following is a response to the unvarnished bigotry and swiftly descending police state that's coming to characterize the policy, actions, and ideology of the Donald Trump administration in the United States. It is written for a... more