Health Systems
Recent papers in Health Systems
This review compares Yukon’s health system performance with other northern regions, including: Labrador, Saguenay (QC), Côte-Nord (QC), Nord (QC), Nunavik (QC), Baie-James (QC), Northwestern (ON), Porcupine (ON), Thunder Bay (ON),... more
While governments are responsible for monitoring and evaluating health reforms and overall performance, this chapter explains why some of this function has shifted in recent years to specialized intergovernmental bodies, and increasingly,... more
THE INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION OF HEALTHCARE It is a transformative fact today that most countries and their citizens draw on essential medicines and vaccines designed and manufactured and then traded across hundreds and often, thousands of... more
Overview Digital coherent transmission and receiver enables the use of several spectral effect modulation formats. This allows us to equalize linear transmission errors. Coherent data detection has the ability to preserve the phase... more
Telemedicine has been acknowledged to improve the quality of healthcare. However, many telemedicine services fail beyond the pilot phase. A literature review on business model components for telemedicine services was conducted. Based on... more
To help clarify the confusing debate concerning the public-private divide in Canada, a new approach is proposed. The funding, administration and delivery of split up into distinct analytical categories and then applied to three major... more
The term resilience has dominated the discourse among health systems researchers since 2014 and the onset of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. There is wide consensus that the global community has to help build more resilient health... more
NOTE: Since January 2015 the Director of NHF is appointed by the Minister of Health (no longer by the Prime Minister) + other changes
Advances in technology have made it possible for many standard diagnostic and health monitoring procedures, traditionally carried out by qualified personnel within medical facilities, to be reliably undertaken by patients or carers in... more
The phenomenon of health tourism has begun to play a major role in societies’ social life, economic development, and integration with the world. Health tourism involves a wide range of products and destinations and is becoming an area... more
En los últimos años del siglo XX, los expertos en Economía de la Salud coincidieron en afirmar que la compatibilidad metodológica de las Cuentas de Salud con las normas contables del SCN 93 que describen la economía de un país es una... more
“You have to make a deposit before we can treat the patient” is what many patients and their relatives are greeted with when they enter health-care facilities in Nigeria. Hospitals, public or private, demand upfront payments. There is an... more
Regionalization is arguably the most significant health reform in Canada since medicare. Although a majority of provinces continue to have regionalized systems in Canada, the policy is more contested today than it was a decade ago. Since... more
"Esta investigación se pregunta no sólo por el grado de confianza que tienen los usuarios en el sistema público de salud, sino que intenta identificar los elementos que dotan de contenido dichas representaciones sociales, por medio del... more
La desigualdad en salud configura un problema estructural en América Latina. Estas desigualdades se manifiestan tanto desde el acceso a los servicios e insumos de salud dependiendo la configuración institucional de los sistemas, como... more
Introduction: The primary-secondary care interface provides significant opportunities for medication errors to arise. There has been limited research into mechanisms to facilitate seamless transfer across this interface. The aim of this... more
Health care is one area in which the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1945 has experienced a distinctive arrangement compared with other Western industrialized societies. In 1948, a single service funded from... more
With a population of 35 million people spread over a vast area, Canada is a highly decentralized federation. Provincial governments have most of the responsibility for the governance, organization and delivery of health services although... more
Einige arabische Länder haben finanziell gut ausgestattete Sozialsysteme, die aber hinsichtlich Effizienz und sozialer Gerechtigkeit unter Defiziten leiden. In anderen bestehen nur rudimentäre Programme. Was erklärt die Unterschiede? Wie... more
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is throwing a new factor into hospitals calculations about how to proceed with current and future healthcare strategy implementations. As entire nations encourage their populations to remain... more
The Circumpolar Health Systems Review [CircHSR] is an international collaborative effort to describe and compare the health care systems that exist in the northern regions of Arctic States. The project was proposed by the Arctic Human... more
Occurrence management, or dealing with laboratory errors, is important in assuring good service from the laboratory. It is one of the twelve quality essentials, and must be addressed in laboratory quality management.
Background: Health system include all activities, institutions and funds whose primary purpose is to promote, restore or maintain health. This article aimed to describe the evolution, current structure, progress and proposals for the... more
among key individuals, Kevin Barnett at the public Health institute, serving as content consultant, graciously held together, captured, and collated intelligence from a very bright, but eclectic, group of trans-disciplinary thinkers and... more
This is the final report of the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada - commonly known as the Romanow Commission.Taken together, the 47 recommendations contained in this report serve as a roadmap for a collective journey... more
This is a review of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan's health system including its political and administrative organization, financing and funding, expenditure patterns, principal organizations and stakeholders, modes of service... more
Se hace una revisión breve sobre los conceptos, objetivos y funciones de un sistema de salud, a partir de la cual se analiza el funcionamiento del sistema de salud guatemalteco. Se identifican los principales desafíos que enfrenta el país... more
Presentación de diapositivas / Slide presentation
Notwithstanding a century of prohibition, marijuana is the most widely used illicit substance in Canada. Due to the growing public acceptance of recreational marijuana use and ineffectiveness of the existing control system in Canada, the... more
Mr. Moses Arinaitwe is an International Health Systems Consultant. He has cofounded The Ntagali Centre for Public Accountability, Leadership and Integrity (NCPALI) The Center is an Indigenous Non-Government Organization... more
The continuing education is an integral part to the medical and health care profession as it is a medium to enhance performance, improve technical compentency, upgrade new skills and promote health awareness. It's about time that the... more
Strengths Canadians consider access to health care benefits part of citizens’ rights. Universal health insurance covers everyone including immigrants and refugees. The 1984 Canada Health Act defines the principles of health care delivery:... more
الكتاب الذي بین أیدیكم تناول فترة مهمة في تاریخ الصحة في السودان وقد یتفق أو یختلف الكثیرون، ممن ستتاح لهم فرصة الإطلاع على هذا الكتاب، مع محتویاته والحقائق التي وردت فیه وتحلیلات مكوناته المختلفة. لكن سیظل الثابت أن الفترة التي تناولها... more
BACKGROUND: Fishbone diagrams have been widely promoted as a systems-focused hazard analysis tool for use in root cause analysis, but they suffer from a number of structural weaknesses, including a unidirectional structure that only takes... more