Health Policy
Recent papers in Health Policy
ncreasingly, the explosion in scien- tific knowledge is overwhelming both researchers and practitioners in the health professions. The man- aged care pharmacist today needs a con - stant and current sense of the basic phar- maceutical... more
In this paper, we revisit the revolutionary principles-equity, social justice, and health for all; community participation; health promotion; appropriate use of resources; and intersectoral action-raised by the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration,... more
Over the past decade the approaches adopted towards the mental health care of refugees by a range of national and international healthcare organisations have been the subject of a sustained and growing critique. Much of this critique has... more
Background Policy and research related to transition to adult care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) has focused primarily on patient age, disease skills and knowledge. Objective In an effort to broaden conceptualization of... more
El trabajo analiza la creación en la Argentina, entre los años 1930 y 1954, de una estructura administrativa nacional, orientada a la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades venéreas. Dicho esfuerzo responde a un proyecto... more
Please cite this article in press as: Lancaster, K. Social construction and the evidence-based drug policy endeavour. International Journal of Drug Policy (2014),
This paper explores theoretical and practical distinctions between individual citizens ('citizens') and organized groups ('stakeholder representatives' or 'stakeholders' for short) in public participation processes convened by government... more
Sexual harassment and abuse occur in all sports and at all levels with an increased risk at the elite level. The physical and psychological consequences of sexual harassment and abuse are signifi cant for the athlete, their team and for... more
Getting research into policy and practice (GRIPP) is a process of going from research evidence to decisions and action. To integrate research findings into the policy making process and to communicate research findings to policymakers is... more
This study investigates why the illegal traffic of kidneys exists and remains resilient in the Philippines. It also evaluates the efficacy of the legal and regulatory framework for kidney (and organ) transplantation, and the corresponding... more
Here is the most authentic, comprehensive & popular book PLANNING, ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALS & NURSING HOMES The healthcare industry in the 21st century will continue to be transformed by new innovations and technology.... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign... more
Empirical research on the effects of school sport policies on children's physical activity is limited. This study examined sport policies (intramural vs. varsity), physical settings within schools, and supervision in relation to physical... more
The desire to achieve the best outcomes in the provision of healthcare has driven health system reforms in many countries across the globe, including the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. As a young state (the United Arab... more
In 2002, California adopted a non-name system for HIV case reporting. This study focused on the acceptability of a non-name reporting system among key stakeholders implementing the system. We conducted qualitative research during the... more
Exertional heat illness can affect athletes during high-intensity or longduration exercise and result in withdrawal from activity or collapse during or soon after activity. These maladies include exercise associated muscle cramping, heat... more
Page 1. HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING; 8(2): 136-142 ' Oxford University Press 1993 Cost-effectiveness of ambulatory surgery in Cali, Colombia DONALD S SHEPARD, 1 JULIA WALSH, 2 WOLFANG MUNAR, 3 LAURA ROSE, 2 ...
Background: Since the early 1990s former communist countries have been reforming their health care systems, emphasizing the key role of primary care and recognizing family medicine as a specialty and an academic discipline. This study... more
There is no SDM in clinical practice in Brazil. The first steps have been taken towards research and tool development recently. Likewise, our society is starting to get involved with decision making in health care. This paper aims to... more
This paper examines the public policy value of looking at gambling from a public health perspective. The manner in which social issues are framed will either expand or curtail public policy debates. The existing and traditional frames for... more
The implementation of a pharmacovigilance service compliant with the legal and regulatory responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors presents particular challenges for sponsors in a non-commercial setting.In this paper we examine these... more
This is a preprint (submitted manuscript pre peer review) of an article, subsequently published in Public Health Ethics, 7 (1): 1--4. The final version contains typographical as well as substantial changes compared to this first... more
All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 13 12 11 10 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not... more
O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes de assistência, programas específicos voltados às prevenções primária e secundária... more
Objectives: Nowadays, euthanasia has the meaning of the direct administration of a lethal agent to the patient by another party with a merciful intent after patients' request. Physician assisted suicide refers to the patient intentionally... more
Mental health in China is a great concern given the large number of patients and huge social and economic costs. The one-month prevalence rate of adult mental disorder in China is about 17.5%. Over 170 million adults have one or more... more
This paper describes the development of and lessons learned in implementing the Primary Health Care Access Program (PHCAP) in the Northern Territory. The implementation of the PHCAP is a major Aboriginal health policy reform. PHCAP... more
Sedation is a commonly used procedure in many medical disciplines including palliative care. It is indicated for a variety of reasons and the type of sedation varies considerably. For example, intentional temporary sedation is sometimes... more
Consanguinity or inter-cousin marriage is a phenomenon quite prevalent in certain regions around the globe. Consanguineous parents have a higher risk of having offspring with congenital disorders. It is difficult to model large scale... more
A large proportion of non-communicable disease can be attributed to modifiable risk factors such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity. We present data on planning and transport practitioners' perceptions and responses to... more
Objective: This paper investigates the relationship between the working conditions and illness-and injury-related absenteeism of full-time Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). Method: We used 2005 National Survey... more
An effective health workforce is essential for achieving health-related new Sustainable Development Goals. Odisha, one of the states in India with low health indicators, faces challenges in recruiting and retaining health staff in the... more
European policymakers have recently become increasingly committed to using Impact Assessment (IA) to inform policy decisions. Welcoming this development, the public health community has not yet paid sufficient attention to conceptual... more
Previously, our group—the International Working Group for HTA Advancement—proposed a set of fifteen Key Principles that could be applied to health technology assessment (HTA) programs in different jurisdictions and across a range of... more
Background: Despite indications that infection-related mortality in sub-Saharan Africa may be decreasing and the burden of non-communicable diseases increasing, the overwhelming reality is that health information systems across most of... more
Background: Since the early 1990s, a concerted effort has been made to develop community-and state-based immunization registries. A 1995 survey showed that nine states had laws specifically authorizing immunization registries. This survey... more