Hazard Rate

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Hazard rate is a statistical measure used in survival analysis that quantifies the instantaneous risk of an event occurring at a given time, conditional on survival until that time. It is often represented as the limit of the probability of the event occurring in a small time interval, divided by the length of that interval.
One of the most popular approaches to analyze failure time data in the presence of influential covariates is proportional hazards model. In this paper, the multiplicity-cause economic design of X-control charts are extended by employing... more
The author proposes some simple diagnostics for the assessment of the necessity of selected model terms in smoothing spline ANOVA models; the elimination of practically insignificant terms generally enhances the interpretability of the... more
The glycemic effects of diets high in refined grains and starchy foods might increase stomach cancer risk by affecting circulating glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I levels. No prospective data on the role of high glycemic... more
This paper uses data drawn from the English Football League to model separate hazard rates for club managers for the 2001/2, 2002/3 and 2003/4 seasons. On average over the three seasons, approximately one-third of managers involuntarily... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Hazard rates play an important role in various areas, e.g., reliability theory, survival analysis, biostatistics, queueing theory and actuarial studies. Mixtures of distributions are also of a great preeminence in such areas as most... more
Alliances are recognized as an indispensable tool for managers operating in a global business environment, and as a fundamental stage of the internationalization process of the firm. Drawing on a co-evolutionary framework, this article... more
Many organisations have scheduling, assignment, supply chain and other problems that could be solved with a constraint programming toolkit. Although the solution of these problems is of vital importance, constraint programming toolkits... more
In this paper, we consider the problem of the optimal flow control for a production system with one machine which is subject to failures and produces one part type. In most previous work, it has been assumed that the machine has... more
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Abstract. We describe configuration systems using constraint problem solving formalisms where feasible products are computed by constraint problem solvers. A feasible product is a configuration of constituent components that violates none... more
Objective To investigate whether angiotensin receptor blockers protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia or reduce the progression of both diseases. Design Prospective cohort analysis. Setting Administrative database of the US... more
This paper analyses with a multi-period logistic model corporate bankruptcy in the manufacturing industry over the period 1980 to 2007. The contribution of this paper to the bankruptcy prediction literature is the concentration on one of... more
This paper analyses with a multi-period logistic model corporate bankruptcy in the manufacturing industry over the period 1980 to 2007. The contribution of this paper to the bankruptcy prediction literature is the concentration on one of... more
Discrete survival models have been extended in several ways. More flexible models are obtained by including time-varying coefficients and covariates which determine the hazard rate in an additive but not further specified form. In this... more
Social characteristics that differ by place of residence are consequential for health. To study implications of this among older adults in rural vs. urban China, this study employs data from the Beijing municipality, a region that has... more
We propose a hybrid model of portfolio credit risk where the dynamics of the underlying latent variables is governed by a one factor GARCH process. The distinctive feature of such processes is that the long-term aggregate return... more
We propose a hybrid model of portfolio credit risk where the dynamics of the underlying latent variables is governed by a one factor GARCH process. The distinctive feature of such processes is that the long-term aggregate return... more
In this paper, we develop a simple test procedure for comparing the cause-specific hazard rates of a competing risks model based on a right censored (competing risks) data. Asymptotic distributions of the test statistic under both the... more
For the competing risk setting where the lifetime data are due to one of several distinct and exclusive causes, comparison of cause-specific hazard rates is of interest to researchers. In this paper we survey existing methods for related... more
Unemployment during and after the Great Recession has been persistently high. One concern is that the housing bust reduced geographical mobility and prevented workers from moving for jobs. We characterize flows out of unemployment that... more
This paper considers dynamic games in which multiple principals contract sequentially and noncooperatively with the same agent. We first show that when contracting is private, i.e. when downstream principals do not observe the mechanisms... more
Alliances are recognized as an indispensable tool for managers operating in a global business environment, and as a fundamental stage of the internationalization process of the firm. Drawing on a co-evolutionary framework, this article... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives... more
In view of their importance and usefulness in reliability theory and probability distributions, several generalizations of the inverse Gaussian distribution and the Krtzel function are investigated in recent years. This has motivated the... more
This paper deals with the impact of structure of dependency and the choice of procedures for rareevent simulation on the pricing of multi-name credit derivatives such as n th to default swap and Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO). The... more
We use administrative micro-data to investigate exits from unemployment of benefit recipients in Spain. Because the data allow us to distinguish between transitions to a new job and recall to the same employer, we apply a competing risks... more
Compliance with drug therapy is of major concern to clinicians as well as policy makers since uncontrolled symptoms due to noncompliance present health risks for patients and may lead to social costs. Noncompliance comes in the form of... more
Le NDYP (The New Deal for Young People) est le principal programme d’aide sociale au travail au Royaume-Uni destiné aux chômeurs âgés de 18 à 24 ans recevant une allocation de demandeur d’emploi (JSA) pendant au moins six mois. L’objectif... more
Background: The efficacy of preventive zinc supplementation against diarrhea and respiratory illness may depend on simultaneous supplementation with other micronutrients. We aimed to assess the effect of supplementation with zinc and... more
The exponential, Rayleigh, linear failure rate and Weibull distributions are the most commonly used distributions for analyzing lifetime data. These distributions have several desirable properties and nice physical interpretations. This... more
The general hazard rate model is a relevant model to specify the life time distributions in reliability theory and life testing. In this paper, we use masked data to obtain estimations of the unknown parameters included in life time... more
This paper presents a robust and practical CDO valuation framework based on the application of multi-factor credit models in conjunction with weighted Monte Carlo techniques used in options pricing. The framework produces arbitrage-free... more
The best known methods for estimating hazard rate functions in survival analysis models are either purely parametric or purely nonparametric. The parametric ones are sometimes too biased while the nonparametric ones are sometimes too... more
We study a single-server queue, operating under the first-in-first-out (FIFO) service discipline, in which each customer independently abandons the queue if his service has not begun within a generally distributed amount of time. Under... more
We obtain a heavy traffic limit for the GI/M/n + GI queue, which includes the entire patience time distribution. Our main approach is to scale the hazard rate function of the patience time distribution in such a way that our resulting... more
We study a single-server queue, operating under the first-in-first-out (FIFO) service discipline, in which each customer independently abandons the queue if his service has not begun within a generally distributed amount of time. Under... more
We obtain a heavy-traffic limit for the GI/M/n + GI queue which includes the entire aban-donment distribution. Our main approach is to scale the hazard rate function in an appropriate way such that our resulting diffusion approximation... more