Review of Mr Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents by Robert Schmuhl
Churchill's relations with FD Roosevelt & Dwight D Eisenhower, Stalin Sir Anthony Eden & Harold Macmillan
Churchill's relations with FD Roosevelt & Dwight D Eisenhower, Stalin Sir Anthony Eden & Harold Macmillan
Between 1947 and 1949, Harry Truman had all the markings of an isolated president. He was unelected, faced a Congress controlled by opposition Republicans, and was opposed by major segments of his own party. Yet unlike other presidents in... more
The first “hot” war of the Cold War helped shape political developments worldwide for decades. The Korean War is a central factor in the ongoing issue of North Korean nuclear weapons. Through eleven questions, the author introduces the... more
Marshall and the Korean War On July 24, 1950, George Catlett Marshall dashed off a note to his goddaughter and confidante, Rose Page Wilson. "I have been trembling on the edge of being called again into public service in this crisis,"... more
Postponing the Taiwan Campaign, June 1950 By Xiao }ingguang 1 On June 30, 1950, the fifth day after the Korean War broke out. Premier Zbou Enlai met me in his office. He told me about the position of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)... more
akon napada Nemačke na SSSR, 22. juna 1941, pred sovjetsku diplomatiju postavili su se brojni, hitni i vrlo složeni zadaci. Ona je, pored ostalog, morala da: 1) u međunarodnim okvirima širi pozitivne vesti i procene o perspektivama borbe... more
Forgetting Speech Frederick Douglass's account of his first ''invited'' speech in ''My Bondage and My Freedom'' includes a snippet of rhetorical criticism, auto-criticism if you will. After writing about his being sought out by the... more
Archival evidence sheds new light on the Truman administration's 1951 investigation into the "China Lobby" and its links to McCarthyism. Truman's advisors suspected connections among illicit funding streams generated by Chiang Kai-shek's... more
Getting to the Affordable Care Act Congress finished with the Affordable Care Act late at night on March 21, 2010. Weary White House staffers watched the proceedings. When things concluded, President Obama invited some fifteen or twenty... more
La tesis doctoral aborda la politica exterior del administracion Truman entre 1945 y 1948 analizando los inicios de la guerra fria. La tesis analiza la presunciones y percepciones de la administracion estadounidense respecto a la energia... more
It has never been more important to understand China than now; in the sixth volume of the China Studies Review, our unified analysis of China as a global force gives us the capacity to do so. Understanding China as a major power means... more
uposlen je u Ministarstvu obrane Republike Hrvatske. Polaznik je poslijediplomskog međusveučilišnog znanstvenog doktorskog studijasmjer Vojno pomorski sustavi na Pomorskom fakultetu u Rijeci. Stajališta iznesena u radu osobni su stavovi... more
Review of Working with Winston: The Unsung Women behind Britain's Greatest Statesman by Cita Stelzer Foreword by Randolph Churchill
's choice for the American delegation, took part in the first assembly of the United Nations in London. In appointing the former First Lady, Truman recognised that Eleanor Roosevelt, more than others, embodied the ideals that were to... more
This research examines Latin American countries’ roles during and after the Korean War from 1950 to 1957. This conflict was the first global struggle between communism and capitalism, and therefore, became the main stage that reshaped the... more
The New \'ork Times eulogized him as a "decisive pl'esident." 1 The compliment was well-deserved. Harry Truman made more than his share of major decisions while presiding over the nation as its 33rd president. The atomic bomb, the Soviet... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
Joan Miró returned to Franco's Spain in 1940, fleeing from Nazi troops in France. How did the anti-fascist artist survive in a dictatorship and in the years of the cultural cold war? The investigation into unpublished archives reveals how... more
This lecture walks undergraduate students through the reasons for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's twin invasions of Korea in the 1590s, and their aftermath.
The police sought to restrict automobiles and their drivers. Engineers sought to facilitate them. It was only after great propaganda efforts that the new force, ''motordom,'' succeeded in reframing the perceptions of the public street.... more
This inquiry focuses on the role of expert knowledge in the Korean War armistice negotiations. Beginning in July , and over a period of two years, the warring sides exchanged verbal barrages while fierce battles raged on. As far as... more
In contrast to early analyses of the negotiations mostly accounts of alleg-edly duplicitous Communist bargaining tactics recent scholarship has privi-leged global events and Washington epicenters rather than the enemy camp or the... more
Without the Cold War influence of General George C. Marshall, there would be no modern state of Taiwan.
El 26 de julio de 1945 Harry Truman, Winston Churchill y Chiang Kai-shek emiten una declaración para definir los términos de la rendición del Japón. El gobierno japonés rechazó esta iniciativa. En agosto el presidente Harry Truman decide... more
This thesis examines the bilateral relationship of the United States to Iran in the years 1940 to 1953. It looks at the US foreign policy toward Iran that led to the coup d'état against the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad... more
Pre toga prvi svetski rat, Japan dobija Šandong, netrpeljivost postaje još veća. 1927. godine japanski general Tanaka postaje premijer i govori o obezbeđivanju vlasti nad Mandžurijom i Mongolijom kako bi Japan mogao da prodre i u ostale... more
Od proljeća 1945. intenzivirale su se japanske diplomatske aktivnosti za prekid rata, vojne pripreme za odlučujuću bitku; američke za brzo i pobjedonosno okončanje sukoba bezuvjetnom kapitulacijom neprijatelja te sovjetske za što brži i... more
A brief history of Korea
Examination of Western coverage of the Japanese seizure of Korea in 1905. Analysis of the reporting of such correspondents as George Kennan, Stephen Palmer, Jack London, W. E. Griffis, William Jennings Bryan, Frederick McKenzie and... more
Fifteen short articles in James I. Matray, ed., East Asia and the United States: An Encyclopedia of Relations Since 1784, 2 vols. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002). [“Bruce, David K. E. (1898-1977),” 1:55-56; “Constructive... more
Overview of findings of recent scholarship on the Korean War, especially the new revelations from former Soviet, East European, and Chinese archives and sources.
At the end of World War II, many Americans were looking to resume the social progress achieved during the era of the New Deal. Abruptly elevated President Harry S Truman believed it was time to take the next step toward social security... more
This article advances a rhetorical theory of deixis, a theoretical and methodological orientation that infuses the linguistic concept of deixis with rhetorical understandings of ethos, place, and time. Deixis reveals the rhetorical... more
Complex social systems require knowledge specialists who provide information that political actors rely onto solve policy challenges. Successful advice is unproblematic; more significant is assigning institutional blame in the aftermath... more
In 1894 Japan went to war with Russia over the latter’s expansion into East Asia. However, in February 1904 Japan attacked Russian forces at Port Arthur and Inchon. Japan at that time was an ally of Britain, and the US was willing... more
Državni zavod za zaštitu od zra enja Dopunska izobrazba iz podru ja zaštite od ioniziraju eg zra enja
In questo mio breve elaborato scritto ho cercato di analizzare il concetto di "sviluppo" nella sua evoluzione dalla fine dell'Ottocento fino al secondo dopoguerra, focalizzandomi in particolare sul famoso "punto IV", enunciato il 20... more
Scholars in rhetoric are increasingly attentive to the power of places and spaces to shape rhetorical performance. This article takes up the connection between ethos and location identified by several recent scholars, arguing that... more
Jack London came to the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 looking for excitement. Having just been hired by the vast Hearst newspaper chain to cover the Russo-Japanese War as its chief correspondent, London eagerly accepted the assignment. He... more